Plastic garbage patches in the oceans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I've long been aware of the massive wads of plastic that are floating in the oceans as well as everyone who actually cares about the planet and environment.

Lots of people pretend to because it's a long time trendy virtue, but they believe the biggest threat is the 3% of CO2 humans contribute to atmospheric CO2, which is only 3% of the overall "greenhouse effect". There is no point in even concerning ourselves with it, nor any means to quantify any results in efforts to reduce it. Thus, so called (political) "scientists" and those fighting "climate change" can never be held accountable for success or failure. It's a "problem" with no real solution, therefore a never ending means to fleece tax dollars and supply oxygen thieves with do nothing jobs.

The plastic patches in the oceans however are an actual disaster, and can cause tangible long term problems. There are also efforts to reduce the addition of new trash, clean up the existing trash, and develop products using biodegradable materials. Yet not a peep was made about it in Davos, nor will so called "environmentalists" push this issue because once success is made, and the problem is solved, the flow of government easy money stops. I'm willing to bet that if all the attention, money and productive time wasted on CO2 was focused on cleaning up the oceans, the problem could be solved in 5 years. Whereas MMGW can not be solved, because it isn't a real problem.

This is how you tell all these "Greenpeace", "green", and "eco lunatics" are all just lying sacks of shit.

Why are THEY out there cleaning all this up and disposting of it PROPERLY if they are SOOOOOOO fucking worried about it???
And WHERE is Greta Naziturd?? Flying around globe in her private jet, screaming obsceneties about everybody ELSE polluting the planet!!!
Until aquatic animals can learn to throw their trash away like the rest of us, we will continue to have this problem.

Dirt balls.
This is how you tell all these "Greenpeace", "green", and "eco lunatics" are all just lying sacks of shit.

Why are THEY out there cleaning all this up and disposting of it PROPERLY if they are SOOOOOOO fucking worried about it???
And WHERE is Greta Naziturd?? Flying around globe in her private jet, screaming obsceneties about everybody ELSE polluting the planet!!!
The bigger a crisis they can generate and/or foster, the more power and money they can generate as they virtue signal to fix it.

It's just that simple.
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I've long been aware of the massive wads of plastic that are floating in the oceans as well as everyone who actually cares about the planet and environment.

Lots of people pretend to because it's a long time trendy virtue, but they believe the biggest threat is the 3% of CO2 humans contribute to atmospheric CO2, which is only 3% of the overall "greenhouse effect". There is no point in even concerning ourselves with it, nor any means to quantify any results in efforts to reduce it. Thus, so called (political) "scientists" and those fighting "climate change" can never be held accountable for success or failure. It's a "problem" with no real solution, therefore a never ending means to fleece tax dollars and supply oxygen thieves with do nothing jobs.

The plastic patches in the oceans however are an actual disaster, and can cause tangible long term problems. There are also efforts to reduce the addition of new trash, clean up the existing trash, and develop products using biodegradable materials. Yet not a peep was made about it in Davos, nor will so called "environmentalists" push this issue because once success is made, and the problem is solved, the flow of government easy money stops. I'm willing to bet that if all the attention, money and productive time wasted on CO2 was focused on cleaning up the oceans, the problem could be solved in 5 years. Whereas MMGW can not be solved, because it isn't a real problem.


Sadly, I don't see a single person of the left persuasion going to the trouble to stop using those disposable plastic water bottles.

I do, however, think of all the God-loving right wing nutjobs of my acquaintance and family relation, and they all filter their water at home and carry it around in reusable bottles -- many in recycled glass bottles.


Who actually cares more about the planet?


Sadly, I don't see a single person of the left persuasion going to the trouble to stop using those disposable plastic water bottles.

I do, however, think of all the God-loving right wing nutjobs of my acquaintance and family relation, and they all filter their water at home and carry it around in reusable bottles -- many in recycled glass bottles.


Who actually cares more about the planet?


But the eco lunatics don't WANT you using glass or metal, as it's "depleating earths resources"!!!!!

If they can't come up with a VIABLE, WORKABLE SOLUTION........then they need to be exterminated, as they are nothing more than doom sayers and panic spreaders.
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Sadly, I don't see a single person of the left persuasion going to the trouble to stop using those disposable plastic water bottles.

I do, however, think of all the God-loving right wing nutjobs of my acquaintance and family relation, and they all filter their water at home and carry it around in reusable bottles -- many in recycled glass bottles.


Who actually cares more about the planet?

Plastic bottles aren't a problem if they end up in a landfill, rather than a recycling bin where they're likely to end up in a turd world country and ultimately in the ocean.

Penn and Teller do a pretty good job exposing what a bullshit scam recycling is. I'll try and post the video later.
Why are we worried about the oceans ... just walk around your own neighborhood and see all the little bits of plastic ... the stuff is everywhere ... see how small these bits get? ... they keep getting smaller too, microscopic and small enough to fit inside a one-celled critter ... or one of our own cells ...

On the bright side ... plastic is made up of reduced carbon ... a particularly important resource for biology ... some bacteria will evolve to consume all these plastics ... and we'll have a different problem ... not to worry ...

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