NOAA CLUELESS... Gives a poke and hope ENSO forecast.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
LOL... A general "we haven't a clue" forecast. Got to love it. And not one of them has looked to the regions which store heat to see if it is building in our oceans. These regions are empty of heat. This means a very weak or no El Niño for the ENSO and then back to the La Niña.

I think that NOAA is in for a big surprise when it does not form or is very weak. The energy loss above the poles is massive and they are ignoring it.

La Niña shows signs of ending. Is El Niño next? (
Here is todays Sea Surface Temperature anomalies. You will note the primary regions of heat buildup are vacant of heat by almost 6 deg C. What's coming is going to be a whimper if it comes at all.


Image Source:
LOL... A general "we haven't a clue" forecast. Got to love it. And not one of them has looked to the regions which store heat to see if it is building in our oceans. These regions are empty of heat. This means a very weak or no El Niño for the ENSO and then back to the La Niña.

I think that NOAA is in for a big surprise when it does not form or is very weak. The energy loss above the poles is massive and they are ignoring it.

La Niña shows signs of ending. Is El Niño next? (
Their uncertainty was obvious in their wording and foot dragging.
LOL... A general "we haven't a clue" forecast. Got to love it. And not one of them has looked to the regions which store heat to see if it is building in our oceans. These regions are empty of heat. This means a very weak or no El Niño for the ENSO and then back to the La Niña.

I think that NOAA is in for a big surprise when it does not form or is very weak. The energy loss above the poles is massive and they are ignoring it.

La Niña shows signs of ending. Is El Niño next? (
I think that whatever happens, it will be orders of magnitude less a surprise and orders of magnitude better understood by them than by you. Where do you get the balls to claim you know better than NOAA? On top of all your lies, what a fucking EGO you've got.
Where do you get the balls to claim you know better than NOAA?
The oxygen isotope curve, CO2 reconstructions, plate tectonics, orbital forcing and thermally isolated polar regions with different thresholds for extensive continental glaciation and the moderating effects of the ocean and amplifying effects of land.
With this uncertainty ... what would you have NOAA say? ... do you want them to LIE and say they're sure, because all the commercial outlets will? ...

I've never said NOAA's forecasts can be trusted past 72 hours ... but they can be useful ... not to any of us city-slickin' flatlanders, or to the aviation industry ... would a farmer care, and would a certain ENSO forecast make him change what crops he plants? ...

Your link is only for the image ... not the source ... and I don't have Fetch installed on this computer ... is there a link to a loop? ... sea surface temperatures should move with the currents, I think it would be instructive to see this in motion ... a little dv/dt action as it were ...
The cold pool at depth is growing. The exact opposite it6 should be diong if we were headed towards an El Niño.


Even NOAA's own forecast is showing there isn't going to be much more than a neutral phase before going much colder.

This is why they had a very weak forecast to please the AGW nuts...

The link is from 2014 ... so it's not a "forecast" as much as a "hindcast" ... yes ... hindcasts better be perfect or you're doing something wrong ...
Breakout in Cane Activity due to fudged "warming" in the ocean data = ZERO
Is a Breakout when they leave their usual stomping grounds and go tear up Saskatchewan or take the Canal west and visit sunny San Diego?
Is a Breakout when they leave their usual stomping grounds and go tear up Saskatchewan or take the Canal west and visit sunny San Diego?

You claim ocean warming.

There is no breakout in cane activity.


Because there is NO OCEAN WARMING....
You claim ocean warming.

There is no breakout in cane activity.


Because there is NO OCEAN WARMING....
You've made that claim repeatedly. You've never shown us any hurricane data. You've never shown us any temperature data. You've never shown us a single other person of ANY description that agrees with this claim, much less a real scientist.

You are ignorant and you are not right in the head. Get some help.

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