Pictures from the march for our lives---Holy skiskee this is YUUUUGGGE

If I were a Republican right now, I would be sending out my resume now or whistling past the graveyard. There is no longer a safe Republican seat in this entire country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant!

I wonder if there was an armed presence there, you know for the protection of the marchers.
Probably, because they've been threatened by blood cultists.
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...
The people live in the blue shaded areas. Ya know! Where the cities and factories and concert halls and museums and universities are! You got a map of soy bean fields, deserts and rural poverty shaded red there.
View attachment 184506

There are more murders where people actually LIVE?

This is shocking :rolleyes:

Where more black people live, you mean.
What gun lovers see:

A massive conspiracy using the outrage of children over gun violence to perpetuate thei gun grabbing agenda.

Kids as dupes in a scheme. Kids who, due only to their youth, are patently unqualified to address issues. And because they are unqualified, they can be mocked.

People who do not have a pleasant relationship with guns calling for measures that appear senseless.

A slippery slope that begins with universal background checks and ultimately ends with armed cadres of police showing up at the front door to confiscate every gun in the house.

An absolute need to bear arms so when the government becomes tyrannical, they will be prepared to engage in a pitched battle to overthrow that tyranny.

A potential horde of maurading criminals coming directly for them and therefore needing an assault weapon to hold them at bay.

The ability to stop a shooter by firing back as the hero gunslinger of their cinematic fantasy.

The 'well regulated militia' claus of the second amendment as a place holder before the real meaning coming after that pesky comma.

What gun lovers don't see:

Not every American is steeped in the gun culture and those Americans recognize the hazards of gun proliferation.

The victims of gun violence not as victims of a 'gun free zone' but of actual guns.

The outrage voiced by children and adults who are fed up with rampant gunplay in the streets, schools, churches, concerts and theaters of this country.

The millions of Americans who do not romanticize guns as benevolent instruments of fun and peace.

The churlishness of criticizing children and adults with a valid complaint about the hazards of guns.
How was your march - DC looks AWESOME and just catching up!
The march was a spectacular success! They banned all guns afterwards. Oh wait, no they didnt. Nothing changed at all and we still have our guns. Sorry you wasted your time.
How was your march - DC looks AWESOME and just catching up!
The march was a spectacular success! They banned all guns afterwards. Oh wait, no they didnt. Nothing changed at all and we still have our guns. Sorry you wasted your time.

Grabbin' yer guns is not the point Zippy

You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...
The people live in the blue shaded areas. Ya know! Where the cities and factories and concert halls and museums and universities are! You got a map of soy bean fields, deserts and rural poverty shaded red there.
View attachment 184506

There are more murders where people actually LIVE?

This is shocking :rolleyes:

Where more black people live, you mean.

No -
They were hoping to get the amount of participation that the woman's march has done over the last two consecutive years, and by golly they've done it. In fact, it looks like they've outdone it.

January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated. For more pictures of the women's march go to this link on this board and scroll through the many pages. You'll probably find you home state in here. Woman's march pictures

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

March for our lives protest--March 24, 2018


Washington D.C. and some other 800 cities across this country participated.
For more pictures go to this link.
In pictures: The March for Our Lives protests

If I were a Republican right now, I would be sending out my resume or whistling past the graveyard. There is no longer a safe Republican seat in this entire country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant!

Incredible, I didn't know it was that large. A sad note, the adults in the country couldn't even agree to act to protect their own children so now the children are pushing past them and doing it on their own. Republicans also know that this generation now has a mindset against them. It may even be that many Republicans welcome the NRA being relegated to an afterthought and not relevant in politics anymore. It would free up Republicans to maneuver in the big picture.

But you have to stand in awe at kids that are motivated. They get to it.

Those kids aren't motivated. Anyone can observe their lackluster enthusiasm and lack of motivation. The video is there. I'd like to know who made their signs. I bet there was a Craigslist ad for $15 an hour to draw up signs by hand instead of using a professional printer like the same people behind all the other protests used to do until somebody called it out. :rolleyes:
My generation stopped the War in Vietnam with the protests and marches.

Seriously?! actually believe that?
Now we have multiple LARGE movements interacting with the end results is to get rid of Military Style Assault weapons out of civilians hands
According the the New York times, since 2012, when 20 kids
and 6 adults were killed at Sandy Hook, 138 people have been killed
in a school, at a school function, on school property...

That number includes the 26 victims at Sandy Hook
Since 2012- 2018 thus far, 138 have been killed
in a "school" shooting, roughly 23 people a YEAR...2 a MONTH.

As of March 24th, 90 people
have been shot and killed here, in Chicago, this year, so far.
3 months into 2018 and we are only 14 body bags away from
reaching 75% of the # of "school" shooting victims,
that occurred over the course of 5 years!

A person is shot every 4 hrs and 12 minutes
and killed every 17 hrs and 54 mins here in Chi-raq...

In 2017 625 people were shot and killed
Over 77% were black, killed by, uh huh, a brother...
Black Lives Matter my ass

What, you think the gang banging, thug life hoodlums
are buying AK-47s and assault rifles from gun shops, legitimately?

Well, yeah, ya probably do, since you think marches and protests
of your generation, ended a war...the Vietnam war

When alcohol was illegal, during prohibition,
you could find a place to get a drink

Drugs are illegal but, there are millions of addicts
and jails are full of drug dealers

We have immigration laws but,
our country is overrun with illegal immigrants

Abortion was illegal, but babies were still being killed

Of course, less then 200 lives over the course of 5 years
is a travesty but, mass murdering unborn children is a right....
Millions since abortion was legalized
Thousands..... EVERY FUCKING DAY

Dude, you can build a gun with a 3d printer...
and get rid of the orange scourge that is infesting our country
I've never seen this country so invigorated and committed
Your head is shoved so far up your ass,
you have to open your mouth to see where you're going!
What gun lovers see:

A massive conspiracy using the outrage of children over gun violence to perpetuate thei gun grabbing agenda.

Kids as dupes in a scheme. Kids who, due only to their youth, are patently unqualified to address issues. And because they are unqualified, they can be mocked.

People who do not have a pleasant relationship with guns calling for measures that appear senseless.

A slippery slope that begins with universal background checks and ultimately ends with armed cadres of police showing up at the front door to confiscate every gun in the house.

An absolute need to bear arms so when the government becomes tyrannical, they will be prepared to engage in a pitched battle to overthrow that tyranny.

A potential horde of maurading criminals coming directly for them and therefore needing an assault weapon to hold them at bay.

The ability to stop a shooter by firing back as the hero gunslinger of their cinematic fantasy.

The 'well regulated militia' claus of the second amendment as a place holder before the real meaning coming after that pesky comma.

What gun lovers don't see:

Not every American is steeped in the gun culture and those Americans recognize the hazards of gun proliferation.

The victims of gun violence not as victims of a 'gun free zone' but of actual guns.

The outrage voiced by children and adults who are fed up with rampant gunplay in the streets, schools, churches, concerts and theaters of this country.

The millions of Americans who do not romanticize guns as benevolent instruments of fun and peace.

The churlishness of criticizing children and adults with a valid complaint about the hazards of guns.

And what normal people see is that they are scared to death of these children. :)
One of the idiots' sign says that if their vagina could shoot bullets it would be less regulated. First she needs to exercise her vagina more so it is capable of shooting various items. :p Second, if a vagina was a firearm she would have to get a conceal carry permit for her vagina and only go to states that recognize her conceal carry permit. :cry:

That post is just plain nasty! No redeeming value.

You hadn't met our Snouter? He just opened a charm school in case you're interested. :wink:
i don't think that your 9mm pistol is being looked at as a problem [for now at least if it has a 10 round mag , wait till they get the AR rifles though ] . Course you probably still think that you are being courageous with your silly announcement eh V.S. ??
Actually, they were losing the war big time, until the USA gave them shoulder launched stinger missiles to shoot down Soviet helicopters. Speaking of which, why can't I buy one? IT IS MY SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT!

The NRA has made me very aware that I can only protect myself from government black helicopters loaded with missiles, by using my god given right to shoot back with my AR-15.

Not to sure what you're going to do about Predator drones--:auiqs.jpg:

A bunch of afghan goat herders armed with soviet era rifles have defended their lands from the most advanced military on earth since 2001.

Just sayin'...

Actually, they were losing the war big time, until the USA gave them shoulder launched stinger missiles to shoot down Soviet helicopters. Speaking of which, why can't I buy one? IT IS MY SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT!
------------------------------------------------------ generally speaking the Second Amemdment is about the small arms that are normally carried by the individual American infantry soldier . ------------------------------- Next i suppose you will want to know where you can buy some nukes eh V.S.. ??

Small arms carried by infantry soldiers? OK, then why is the government infringing on my liberty by denying me access to hand grenades?
One of the idiots' sign says that if their vagina could shoot bullets it would be less regulated. First she needs to exercise her vagina more so it is capable of shooting various items. :p Second, if a vagina was a firearm she would have to get a conceal carry permit for her vagina and only go to states that recognize her conceal carry permit. :cry:

That post is just plain nasty! No redeeming value.

You hadn't met our Snouter? He just opened a charm school in case you're interested. :wink:

If that is the case consider me :5_1_12024::1peleas:
My generation stopped the War in Vietnam with the protests and marches.

Seriously?! actually believe that?
Now we have multiple LARGE movements interacting with the end results is to get rid of Military Style Assault weapons out of civilians hands
According the the New York times, since 2012, when 20 kids
and 6 adults were killed at Sandy Hook, 138 people have been killed
in a school, at a school function, on school property...

That number includes the 26 victims at Sandy Hook
Since 2012- 2018 thus far, 138 have been killed
in a "school" shooting, roughly 23 people a YEAR...2 a MONTH.

As of March 24th, 90 people
have been shot and killed here, in Chicago, this year, so far.
3 months into 2018 and we are only 14 body bags away from
reaching 75% of the # of "school" shooting victims,
that occurred over the course of 5 years!

A person is shot every 4 hrs and 12 minutes
and killed every 17 hrs and 54 mins here in Chi-raq...

In 2017 625 people were shot and killed
Over 77% were black, killed by, uh huh, a brother...
Black Lives Matter my ass

What, you think the gang banging, thug life hoodlums
are buying AK-47s and assault rifles from gun shops, legitimately?

Well, yeah, ya probably do, since you think marches and protests
of your generation, ended a war...the Vietnam war

When alcohol was illegal, during prohibition,
you could find a place to get a drink

Drugs are illegal but, there are millions of addicts
and jails are full of drug dealers

We have immigration laws but,
our country is overrun with illegal immigrants

Abortion was illegal, but babies were still being killed

Of course, less then 200 lives over the course of 5 years
is a travesty but, mass murdering unborn children is a right....
Millions since abortion was legalized
Thousands..... EVERY FUCKING DAY

Dude, you can build a gun with a 3d printer...
and get rid of the orange scourge that is infesting our country
I've never seen this country so invigorated and committed
Your head is shoved so far up your ass,
you have to open your mouth to see where you're going!

You do know these marches included the young in Chicago?

And,yes,the protests helped stop the killing in Vietnam. LBJ chose not to run because he knew he would not get re-elected.

I wonder how many more Congress people will choose not to run after these marches?

What is the count on retirements right now? 35? 36?

They marched in Ryan’s District, too.
The NRA has made me very aware that I can only protect myself from government black helicopters loaded with missiles, by using my god given right to shoot back with my AR-15.

Not to sure what you're going to do about Predator drones--:auiqs.jpg:

A bunch of afghan goat herders armed with soviet era rifles have defended their lands from the most advanced military on earth since 2001.

Just sayin'...

Actually, they were losing the war big time, until the USA gave them shoulder launched stinger missiles to shoot down Soviet helicopters. Speaking of which, why can't I buy one? IT IS MY SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT!
------------------------------------------------------ generally speaking the Second Amemdment is about the small arms that are normally carried by the individual American infantry soldier . ------------------------------- Next i suppose you will want to know where you can buy some nukes eh V.S.. ??

Small arms carried by infantry soldiers? OK, then why is the government infringing on my liberty by denying me access to hand grenades?
--------------------- ask 'google' for yourself but i think you can buy those but as i say , ask google V.S..
They were hoping to get the amount of participation that the woman's march has done over the last two consecutive years, and by golly they've done it. In fact, it looks like they've outdone it.

January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated. For more pictures of the women's march go to this link on this board and scroll through the many pages. You'll probably find you home state in here. Woman's march pictures

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

March for our lives protest--March 24, 2018


Washington D.C. and some other 800 cities across this country participated.
For more pictures go to this link.
In pictures: The March for Our Lives protests

If I were a Republican right now, I would be sending out my resume or whistling past the graveyard. There is no longer a safe Republican seat in this entire country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant!

Incredible, I didn't know it was that large. A sad note, the adults in the country couldn't even agree to act to protect their own children so now the children are pushing past them and doing it on their own. Republicans also know that this generation now has a mindset against them. It may even be that many Republicans welcome the NRA being relegated to an afterthought and not relevant in politics anymore. It would free up Republicans to maneuver in the big picture.

But you have to stand in awe at kids that are motivated. They get to it.

USA today is putting out more pictures, here is another one


I have never seen more assholes in one pictures than in those.

You really have to be a piece of shit to march around protesting doing away with the Bill of Rights.

Of course that is just the kind of turds these pink pussy hat Moon Bats are
They were hoping to get the amount of participation that the woman's march has done over the last two consecutive years, and by golly they've done it. In fact, it looks like they've outdone it.

January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated. For more pictures of the women's march go to this link on this board and scroll through the many pages. You'll probably find you home state in here. Woman's march pictures

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

March for our lives protest--March 24, 2018


Washington D.C. and some other 800 cities across this country participated.
For more pictures go to this link.
In pictures: The March for Our Lives protests

If I were a Republican right now, I would be sending out my resume or whistling past the graveyard. There is no longer a safe Republican seat in this entire country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant!
View attachment 184514

Jenner had his junk cut off.
Good for them.

They're still wrong.
They're 100 % right and most Americans are on their side, not yours.

Regulate Weapons Like We Do in the Military, Says an Army Officer
You do realize, if it wasn't for an Obama policy. The gunman wouldn't of been able to buy the gun?
Trump Undid Obama Rule That Added Mentally Ill People to Gun Check Register. Trump’s signature on 15 February 2017 was almost a year to the day before the Parkland shooting.
Putting mentally ill people on the gun check register would mean most liberals wouldn't be allowed to own guns, and that, would make America much safer.

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