NO, this is not from the Babalon Bee! Gender inclusive LAND MINE DISPOSAL!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
NO, this is NOT from the Babalon Bee! Just when you thought our friends to the North could not get any more LOONY?

Canada is sending money to Ukraine to assure GENDER-INCLUSIVE DEMINING! Yes, they sent money to make sure women are included in BOMB DISPOSAL. They are the folks who go out into a minefield with detectors, find land mines, and render them harmless.

Gender-inclusive demining for sustainable futures in Ukraine
$4 million
This project from the HALO Trust aims to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of Ukrainians, including women and internally displaced persons, by addressing the threat of explosive ordnance present across vast areas of the country. Project activities include conducting non-technical surveys and subsequent manual clearance in targeted communities; providing capacity building to key national stakeholders; and establishing a gender and diversity working group to promote gender-transformative mine action in Ukraine.

LOL....They better be protecting the womenz...They have a lot of birthing to do to make up for the shortfall of losing a generation of Uke men.....Of course the Russians historically good at making it up themselves after defeating a enemy. ;)
NO, this is NOT from the Babalon Bee! Just when you thought our friends to the North could not get any more LOONY?

Canada is sending money to Ukraine to assure GENDER-INCLUSIVE DEMINING! Yes, they sent money to make sure women are included in BOMB DISPOSAL. They are the folks who go out into a minefield with detectors, find land mines, and render them harmless.

Gender-inclusive demining for sustainable futures in Ukraine
$4 million
This project from the HALO Trust aims to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of Ukrainians, including women and internally displaced persons, by addressing the threat of explosive ordnance present across vast areas of the country. Project activities include conducting non-technical surveys and subsequent manual clearance in targeted communities; providing capacity building to key national stakeholders; and establishing a gender and diversity working group to promote gender-transformative mine action in Ukraine.

What's looney about wanting to insure that economic opportunities created by your foreign aid are inclusive to everyone who might desire those economic opportunities?
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"-----conducting non-technical surveys and subsequent manual clearance in targeted communities; providing capacity building to key national stakeholders; and establishing a gender and diversity working group to promote gender-transformative mine action in Ukraine."

Any assumed resemblance to any known language is coincidental .
Why are so many Republicans now cheering for Russia to win.

Your treason makes Ronald Reagan cry!
They should really show their commitment and send Canadian women to do the demining.
Seems like it's treason to me to cheer for a long-standing enemy who means us harm.

Why do you guys like Putin so much?

View attachment 909730
The 1980s called wanting their foreign policy back.
Remember that zinger? :lol:
Who is actually cheering for russia to win?
See, you can be against funneling money to ukraines military and private sector and loony moon bats say that means you support russia.
"its treason if you dont support the govts position DDDDDEEEERRRRPPPPPP"
Seems like it's treason to me to cheer for a long-standing enemy who means us harm.

Why do you guys like Putin so much?

View attachment 909730
Tyson is building an insect protein plant in the United States. It will start for food for animals. We know where it is going. So, you love Klaus, Kerry, Gore, And all the euro world government globalists. Others not so much. Cattle levels are at the lowest since around 1970.
The 1980s called wanting their foreign policy back.
Remember that zinger? :lol:
Who is actually cheering for russia to win?
See, you can be against funneling money to ukraines military and private sector and loony moon bats say that means you support russia.
"its treason if you dont support the govts position DDDDDEEEERRRRPPPPPP"

Yeah, you see, when I do it, it's actually a Zinger.

Putin has pretty much said he wants to restore the USSR. So it seems like he's the one who wants to bring the 1980's back.

Kind of horrifying that so many Republicans agree with him.

yson is building an insect protein plant in the United States. It will start for food for animals. We know where it is going. So, you love Klaus, Kerry, Gore, And all the euro world government globalists. Others not so much. Cattle levels are at the lowest since around 1970.

Just on a scale of 1 to 10, how crazy are you? I mean, seriously, every time I read one of your posts, I wonder if it's coming from a homeless shelter or something. Do you scream at the lamp post when you aren't here?
Why are so many Republicans now cheering for Russia to win.

I do not know any who are.

My position, and that of many others is that it's not our war, not our problem; and we shouldn't be letting ourselves be dragged into it. It takes a JoeB131 level of madness and dishonesty to construe that as cheering for either side. Fuck Russia, and fuck Ukraine, as well. I hope they wipe each other out.

Your treason makes Ronald Reagan cry!

By definition, treason is a crime against our own country, not a refusal to support another country in a stupid war that has (or should have) nothing to do with us.
"its treason if you dont [sic] support the govts position DDDDDEEEERRRRPPPPPP"

The same government that is openly aiding, abetting, and supporting a hostile foreign invasion of our own country. But wants to drag us into a nasty war on the other side of the world from us, that is none of our fucking business, instead of defending our own country from an ongoing invasion.
Another money laundering scam.

Why do you need money to simply say "women can do bomb disposal". It doesn't require any funding to train a woman when you're already training men.

That's as dumb as saying "we train men to be truck drivers. But we need 1 million dollars to train women to be truck drivers also". No you don't, just train them.
The same government that is openly aiding, abetting, and supporting a hostile foreign invasion of our own country. But wants to drag us into a nasty war on the other side of the world from us, that is none of our fucking business, instead of defending our own country from an ongoing invasion.
No one is trying to drag America into the war. Supplying them weapons to impede Russian imperialism is the best of both worlds. We get to hinder a rival without risking American lives.
No one is trying to drag America into the war. Supplying them weapons to impede Russian imperialism is the best of both worlds. We get to hinder a rival without risking American lives.

If you truly believe that the piece of shit that we have as President doesn't intend to send American men over there to die, then you're exactly the sort of idiot voter that Democraps love.

In any event, we should certainly not be expending resources over there that we really need to be using to defend our own border.

Our own country is under attack, under invasion, and we need to be concerned about defending it rathe than defending some country on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us.
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If you truly believe that the piece of shit that we have as President doesn't intend to send American men over there to die, then you're exactly the sort of idiot voter that Democraps love.
Sorry. If he did do that I'd be here expressing my criticism unlike you MAGAt taint lickers who have an endless list of excuses for how the entire justice system is just being so unfair to Trump.

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