Pastor's Anti-Gay Rights speech


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008
Gunshine State
[ame=]Missouri Pastor Phil Snider Fiery Controversial Anti Gay Rights Speech Has Surprise Ending PWND - YouTube[/ame]

Awesome pwnage.
I thought he was yet another anti gay homophobe, but his argument was actually really good.

I am a southern red neck straight white male that believes gay marriage is weird and strange.
However, I support rights of everyone including gay rights.
If we do not fight for the rights of everyone some day, one day they will come and take my fat ass and condemn me for being a straight white red neck male.
Great post.

I believe a human born with no arms and big ears is weird and strange too but I have no desire what-so-ever to persecute and revile them. Nobody...not one can help who, where, what and how they are born.
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I am a southern red neck straight white male that believes gay marriage is weird and strange.
However, I support rights of everyone including gay rights.
If we do not fight for the rights of everyone some day, one day they will come and take my fat ass and condemn me for being a straight white red neck male.
Great post.

I believe a human born with no arms and big ears is weird and strange too but I have no desire what-so-ever to persecute and revile them. Nobody...not one can help who, where, what and how they are born.

You must believe the argument that a person is born gay.
I am a southern red neck straight white male that believes gay marriage is weird and strange.
However, I support rights of everyone including gay rights.
If we do not fight for the rights of everyone some day, one day they will come and take my fat ass and condemn me for being a straight white red neck male.
Great post.

I believe a human born with no arms and big ears is weird and strange too but I have no desire what-so-ever to persecute and revile them. Nobody...not one can help who, where, what and how they are born.

You must believe the argument that a person is born gay.

Tell us about how you chose to be straight.
Choice means you contemplated all of your options.
Tell us how long you weighed in on the pros and cons of being gay.
Never happened that way to me. I was born straight.
I fell in love with a woman. Gays fall in love with folk of the same sex.
But if you were different and it worked different for you please tell us about it.
Amazing the people that believe gays choose to be persecuted.
If they had a choice they would choose to be straight every time.
To avoid the bigots and uninformed.
I believe a human born with no arms and big ears is weird and strange too but I have no desire what-so-ever to persecute and revile them. Nobody...not one can help who, where, what and how they are born.

You must believe the argument that a person is born gay.

Tell us about how you chose to be straight.
Choice means you contemplated all of your options.
Tell us how long you weighed in on the pros and cons of being gay.
Never happened that way to me. I was born straight.
I fell in love with a woman. Gays fall in love with folk of the same sex.
But if you were different and it worked different for you please tell us about it.

The thought of becoming gay has never crossed my mind.

You can no more prove gays are born that way than I can prove otherwise. It's my opinion that gays fall back on the "I was born that way " line in an effort to somehow justify their abnormal lifestyle.
Amazing the people that believe gays choose to be persecuted.
If they had a choice they would choose to be straight every time.
To avoid the bigots and uninformed.

Are pedophiles born that way?

If so then how can they be blamed for their actions?
You must believe the argument that a person is born gay.

Tell us about how you chose to be straight.
Choice means you contemplated all of your options.
Tell us how long you weighed in on the pros and cons of being gay.
Never happened that way to me. I was born straight.
I fell in love with a woman. Gays fall in love with folk of the same sex.
But if you were different and it worked different for you please tell us about it.

The thought of becoming gay has never crossed my mind.

You can no more prove gays are born that way than I can prove otherwise. It's my opinion that gays fall back on the "I was born that way " line in an effort to somehow justify their abnormal lifestyle.

You are the one claiming it is a choice.
Not me.
So prove it is a choice.
I claim they fall in love with folks of the same sex and the facts support that.
What facts do you have?
Amazing the people that believe gays choose to be persecuted.
If they had a choice they would choose to be straight every time.
To avoid the bigots and uninformed.

Are pedophiles born that way?

If so then how can they be blamed for their actions?

You may want to make homosexuality a crime but I don't.
Acting on one's pedophillia is a crime.
People are born with it and when they act on it, molesting CHILDREN, that is criminal.
I do not want to make homosexuality a crime.
How many years do you propose gays get for being gay?
Felony or misdemeanor?
Tell us about how you chose to be straight.
Choice means you contemplated all of your options.
Tell us how long you weighed in on the pros and cons of being gay.
Never happened that way to me. I was born straight.
I fell in love with a woman. Gays fall in love with folk of the same sex.
But if you were different and it worked different for you please tell us about it.

The thought of becoming gay has never crossed my mind.

You can no more prove gays are born that way than I can prove otherwise. It's my opinion that gays fall back on the "I was born that way " line in an effort to somehow justify their abnormal lifestyle.

You are the one claiming it is a choice.
Not me.
So prove it is a choice.
I claim they fall in love with folks of the same sex and the facts support that.
What facts do you have?

Yes, I believe it is a choice. You can fall in love with a dog, does that mean you should be able to marry it?

You want a fact? How about has found no biological basis for homosexuality, bisexuality, or transsexuality.

Homosexual researcher Simon LeVay, on his search for the "gay gene": "It's important to stress what I didn't find ... I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn't show that gay men are 'born that way,' the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain."
Source: Interview with Simon LeVay, "Sex and the Brain," Discover Magazine, March 1994

American Psychological Association revises statement on, May 12, 2009 -- “A publication from the American Psychological Association includes an admission that there is no "gay" gene, according to a doctor who has written about the issue…”

“No statistically significant [‘gay’] gene has been found”
Dr. Neil Whitehead, November 2006 interview

Only 1.7 percent of the 18-and-over population identify as “gay”
Associated Press, April 7, 2011
The thought of becoming gay has never crossed my mind.

You can no more prove gays are born that way than I can prove otherwise. It's my opinion that gays fall back on the "I was born that way " line in an effort to somehow justify their abnormal lifestyle.

You are the one claiming it is a choice.
Not me.
So prove it is a choice.
I claim they fall in love with folks of the same sex and the facts support that.
What facts do you have?

Yes, I believe it is a choice. You can fall in love with a dog, does that mean you should be able to marry it?

You want a fact? How about has found no biological basis for homosexuality, bisexuality, or transsexuality.

“No statistically significant [‘gay’] gene has been found”
Dr. Neil Whitehead, November 2006 interview

Only 1.7 percent of the 18-and-over population identify as “gay”
Associated Press, April 7, 2011

We do not have sex with dogs in these parts.
Not stating you do but that is the analogy YOU make.
Fits right in with the rest of your argument on this issue.
Hopefully, that preacher was kicked out of his church the next day and replaced with one that believes in the Bible over social issues. :cool:

You wouldn't want anyone meddling in your church and the decisions you and they make there so why do you care what other churches do?
What you do in your church I respect and stay out of.
Same with all churches.
Causes less problems when we all mind our own business when it comes to other's religious beliefs.
Hopefully, that preacher was kicked out of his church the next day and replaced with one that believes in the Bible over social issues. :cool:

You wouldn't want anyone meddling in your church and the decisions you and they make there so why do you care what other churches do?
What you do in your church I respect and stay out of.
Same with all churches.
Causes less problems when we all mind our own business when it comes to other's religious beliefs.
A pastor of a church is supposed to believe in the Bible and lead his congregation according to biblical principals.

If he strays away from that and puts social issues ahead of christian theology and doctrine.

Then he needs to step down and find another vocation that matches his beliefs. :cool:
Amazing the people that believe gays choose to be persecuted.
If they had a choice they would choose to be straight every time.
To avoid the bigots and uninformed.

Are pedophiles born that way?

If so then how can they be blamed for their actions?

You may want to make homosexuality a crime but I don't.
Acting on one's pedophillia is a crime.
People are born with it and when they act on it, molesting CHILDREN, that is criminal.
I do not want to make homosexuality a crime.
How many years do you propose gays get for being gay?
Felony or misdemeanor?

It doesn't matter, if a person is born a certain way then his actions should be overlooked. That's the argument you are trying to make. And yes in some states certain homosexual acts are illegal.
You are the one claiming it is a choice.
Not me.
So prove it is a choice.
I claim they fall in love with folks of the same sex and the facts support that.
What facts do you have?

Yes, I believe it is a choice. You can fall in love with a dog, does that mean you should be able to marry it?

You want a fact? How about has found no biological basis for homosexuality, bisexuality, or transsexuality.

Only 1.7 percent of the 18-and-over population identify as “gay”
Associated Press, April 7, 2011

We do not have sex with dogs in these parts.
Not stating you do but that is the analogy YOU make.
Fits right in with the rest of your argument on this issue.

You're the one mentioning having sex with a dog. Not I.

I have given you some facts and instead of commenting on them you make a feeble attempt to insult me.

Where are your facts that backs up your claim?
Hopefully, that preacher was kicked out of his church the next day and replaced with one that believes in the Bible over social issues. :cool:

You wouldn't want anyone meddling in your church and the decisions you and they make there so why do you care what other churches do?
What you do in your church I respect and stay out of.
Same with all churches.
Causes less problems when we all mind our own business when it comes to other's religious beliefs.

Normally a preacher/pastor supports and reinforces the word of God. Which is the Bible. In it, it clearly states that homosexuallity is an abomination/sin.

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