Parenting Transgender Youth

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I'm all for transgender teens taking hormone therapy as long as they know what they are getting into, but wonder if there should be an age limit. A 15-17 year old probably knows what they want by that point, but is a 12/13 year old prepared to make such a drastic, life-long decision?
It is IMPERETIVE they start hrt before puberty. Screw responsibilty. Thats just another word for gutless.
My son turns 18 in a year. It will be his decision completely whether to have surgery or not.
I'm all for transgender teens taking hormone therapy as long as they know what they are getting into, but wonder if there should be an age limit. A 15-17 year old probably knows what they want by that point, but is a 12/13 year old prepared to make such a drastic, life-long decision?
It is IMPERETIVE they start hrt before puberty. Screw responsibilty. Thats just another word for gutless.
It does take courage to administer puberty blocking hormones. My son came to me AFTER puberty. It is much easy to transition if a child has taken those puberty blocking hormones, but because the children are so young, how can anyone be sure it's the right thing?
I talked to my son about the heat I'm taking here for allowing him to take hormones. I told him that some people think parents who let kids take hormones are child abusers. My son said the opposite is true. Parents who refuse to support their kids are abusive.

If you're looking to discuss this here, I would question that more than anything.
I wouldn't. It's in the news, it's in my life, I can either be silent or speak up.

Speak up, but don't ask twits here for their opinion. Just saying that would be my own approach, you'll find your own. Both you and your child should be true to yourselves and everyone else can go fuck off.
I've told a few people here to fuck off today.

I'm sure you have, I'm talking about living it.
I talked to my son about the heat I'm taking here for allowing him to take hormones. I told him that some people think parents who let kids take hormones are child abusers. My son said the opposite is true. Parents who refuse to support their kids are abusive.

If you're looking to discuss this here, I would question that more than anything.
I wouldn't. It's in the news, it's in my life, I can either be silent or speak up.

Speak up, but don't ask twits here for their opinion. Just saying that would be my own approach, you'll find your own. Both you and your child should be true to yourselves and everyone else can go fuck off.
I've told a few people here to fuck off today.

I'm sure you have, I'm talking about living it.
What do you mean? I am living it. This is my life. This is what my life is about. Parenting.
If you're looking to discuss this here, I would question that more than anything.
I wouldn't. It's in the news, it's in my life, I can either be silent or speak up.

Speak up, but don't ask twits here for their opinion. Just saying that would be my own approach, you'll find your own. Both you and your child should be true to yourselves and everyone else can go fuck off.
I've told a few people here to fuck off today.

I'm sure you have, I'm talking about living it.
What do you mean? I am living it. This is my life. This is what my life is about. Parenting.

Wish you all the best, take care.
Some say that to allow anyone under 18 to get hormone treatment is child abuse. I disagree. The younger a person starts to transition the more successful the transition physically and psychologically.


I am the parent of a transgender youth, due to turn 17 in July.
It is a particularly egregious form of child abuse that warrants a life in prison sentence. If you fuck up your child with hormone "treatments" it may cause irreversible damage.
Forcing a child to be the gender you insist they must be, beating the crap out of them or killing them for it, forcing them out on the street, THAT is child abuse. Being a supportive parent to a trans child is not.
You confuse gender with sexuality, sassy. They are two separate issues.

Children that age are clueless about either, they are innocent children and fruit loop parents somehow get the idea little Johnny is really little Jillian. It's child abuse
I know you raised 6 children and I respect that. I don't respect you writing off all supportive parents as "fruit loops".

This is a measured, slow process that has been going on for nearly three years. It is not a petty or light decision.

I will be courageous for my son, no matter what the cost. I have big shoulders and I can take it.

People may judge me harshly, hate my guts, think I'm a child abuse, but when all is said and done. I am raising children into adults who love themselves and are empowered to be good citizens.

What is the advantage of starting hormone therapy at 17, versus 18 or 21? I would be supportive of my child regardless, but what is the rush?
I would have preferred my son wait until he was 18 to start hormone treatment. My wife has taken the lead on this one, after consulting three pediatric endocrinlogists, two psychiatrists, his mental health therapist and many, many hours of discussion. Me, the more conservative parent, finally came around.
A 5-year-old doesn’t know enough about gender to be transgender.

Every so often, a media outlet will publish a profile of a child who believes he or she is transgender, and the story will prompt disbelief. “Kids that age can only wear what you put on them, sport the haircut you assign them, play with the toys you give them, and mostly believe what you tell them they should believe,” conservative blogger Matt Walsh wrote about a case in San Diego. “Ryland, the 5 year old girl who ‘transitioned’ into a boy, isn’t transgender, she’s confused,” Joshua Riddle, founder of the Young Conservatives site, declared about the same story.

On the contrary, children as young as 2 can present with gender incongruence. According to the American Psychiatric Association, cross-gender behaviors often start between 2 and 4 years old. One study by the TransYouth Project found that kids as young as 5 respond to psychological gender-association tests, which evaluate how people understand their gender roles. Researchers have also found no relationship between gender incongruence and parenting styles. Transgender children appear in the homes of parents who are Republicans or Democrats, in the military or in civilian life, and regardless of racial, ethnic or religious backgrounds.
Five myths on being transgender
This pretty much covers it for me:

My son is a social activist. He goes to youth conferences, he speaks to senators. He starts an LGBT+ group at our local, rural high school. He is an amazing person. I feel so blessed to know him and love him
No normal kid is a lgbt activist. He had this crap fed to him. His youth has been stolen from him.
No normal kid is a lgbt activist. He had this crap fed to him. His youth has been stolen from him.
That's untrue. I had friends who were openly gay in high school, and did not have gay or lesbian parents. I work with 2 kids now who are openly gay. I can't think of anyone in those kids' lives who brainwashed them into being gay or advocating for gays/lesbians. In fact, both came from neighborhoods where you basically get the shit beaten out of you for being gay, so it takes a considerable amount of courage to come out of the closet.

Dhara is a lot of things, but I don't believe that she did this to her kid.
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

( -- Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recentcommentary in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.

He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70%-80% “spontaneously lost those feelings.”

While the Obama administration, Hollywood, and major media such as Timemagazine promote transgenderism as normal, said Dr. McHugh, these “policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention.”

“This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken – it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.”

The transgendered person’s disorder, said Dr. McHugh, is in the person’s “assumption” that they are different than the physical reality of their body, their maleness or femaleness, as assigned by nature. It is a disorder similar to a “dangerously thin” person suffering anorexia who looks in the mirror and thinks they are “overweight,” said McHugh.
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