Tylenol may decrease empathy, study shows


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Tylenol may decrease empathy, study shows

Ashley May
8 Hours Ago

Popping a Tylenol might get rid of your headache, but it also could numb your feelings.

A new study published by The Ohio State University in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience shows when people took acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol, they were less likely to empathize with individuals experiencing pain or misfortune.

"Pain might actually decrease empathy as well. So, there are other factors that need to be taken into account," said Dominik Mischkowski, co-author of the study and current post doctorate fellow at the National Institutes of Health. He added the sample size is small and researchers are continuing to study the effect.


Let's spend government money on a bunch of studies that have no application to anything in the real world.
My doctor told me to never take Tylenol or any other OTC analgesic. She says Tylenol damages your liver.

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