Ouch. AOC hits Ted Cruz where it hurts: You fled to Cancun

Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:

I dont see how a planned trip to Mexico has any bearing on this topic, so i will ignore the firsat half of her dumb tweet. The second part suggests that Cruz is against kids in cages. That isnt his or any republicans complaint. The complaint is that Democrat policies always lead to shit tons of illegals crossing our borders. Its unacceptable.

This tweet is simply another example of AOC's utter stupidity.
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:

She's such a horse's ass.
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is finding it hard to talk about immigrants, since he emigrated to Mexico fleeing a storm that killed ordinary Texans:

Poor AOC is in damage control mode, she isn’t allowed to criticize her Dear Leader even though he has created a situation a hundred times worse than anything under President Trump. All she can do is deflect and distract by attacking someone who has nothing to do with the situation.
Check out this word vomit from that moron:

Well, I think a lot of it has to do with changing our strategy around governance. You know there’s a lot of inside baseball and inside the beltway as you, you always hear that term thrown around. But there are very few organizers in Congress. And I do think that organizers operate differently. It’s a different kind of strategy. And what it is, is really about organizing and, and really thinking about that word: organizing. Segmenting people. Being strategic in their actions in really bringing together a cohesive strategy of putting pressure on the chamber instead of only focusing on the pressures inside the chamber.
AOC is a moron. A Marxist moron.

When you can't attack her posts, you attack AOC. Everything she said about Ted Cruz is true. Plus he's a liar.

But mostly, he didn't stand up for his wife or his father when Trump attacked them, but rather he kisses Trump's ass and every participated in his illegal attempt to overthrow the government.

I don't know what's worse, that Trump and Cruz pretend that the children weren't being harmed by leaving them in Mexico in the hands of the people trafficking them, or allowing people to pile up in lines at the border making things worse. Best of all is claiming that Trump's policies are responsible for the drop in illegal immigration in the middle of the worst covid pandemic in the world, with every border in the world closed to travel.

Of course you had low illegal immigration because no one in the entire world was travelling.

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