Operations Commander on J6 Lt. Tarik Johnson Says J6 "was absolutely a set-up." Capitol Police Chief: They "wanted something to happen"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The two most credible people about J6 and never interviewed by the J6 committee. Who DID get interviewed? Cassidy Hutchinson, who wasn't even there but was willing to spout Liz Cheney's lies.

Lt. Tarik Johnson: "January 6 was absolutely a set-up."

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund: "If I was allowed to do my job as a chief, we wouldn't be here...This didn't have to happen. Everything appears to be a cover-up." "Like they wanted something to happen."

Political Prisoner Podcast Exclusive: Routine Operations Commander of Capitol Police Claims January 6 was a Complete Set Up |
The two most credible people about J6 and never interviewed by the J6 committee. Who DID get interviewed? Cassidy Hutchinson, who wasn't even there but was willing to spout Liz Cheney's lies.

Lt. Tarik Johnson: "January 6 was absolutely a set-up."

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund: "If I was allowed to do my job as a chief, we wouldn't be here...This didn't have to happen. Everything appears to be a cover-up." "Like they wanted something to happen."

Political Prisoner Podcast Exclusive: Routine Operations Commander of Capitol Police Claims January 6 was a Complete Set Up |

Everyone knows that is nonsense. You jerks have been called out by federal judges.
This was known ten minutes after the FBI ANTIFA BLM Plants were stationed hanging on 2nd floor windows to break in and open the doors. Not complicated. The deep state suckered some into minor violations. Ray epps much?

even the FBI pipe bomb story was a setup the day before.//
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Trump’s DoD took hours to actually respond to the request.
That's right. It was the acting SecDef's office that was responsible for the delay.

The USCP and the DCNG and the DCMP had a plan all worked out, the equipment and personnel were in place and the triggers were defined. The Pentagon made them stand down. Then they covered it up with a DOJIG whitewash "investigation".

Sund is correct. They wanted something to happen.
That's right. It was the acting SecDef's office that was responsible for the delay.

The USCP and the DCNG and the DCMP had a plan all worked out, the equipment and personnel were in place and the triggers were defined. The Pentagon made them stand down. Then they covered it up with a DOJIG whitewash "investigation".

Sund is correct. They wanted something to happen.
Yep. Trump’s cronies in the DoD held it up. Trump was AWOL. Pence was the one actually calling the shots.
your vile party members will be out
"your party"???
So, you think my avatar has a party?
That's a boo-boo.
Neither the Dems nor the Repubs want me.
Too progressive for the R's.
Too regressive for the D's.

Cassidy Hutchinson, who wasn't even there but was willing to spout Liz Cheney's lies.
Ah, poor poster Munkle, behind the 8-ball, behind the times, behind the news.
Be better. You can be.
Here's how: Read the J6's Committee's Final Report, stick with the Executive Summary, it's shorter for you.

Find it here: Select January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection

They left the Capitol unprotected and made him the scapegoat.
Actually, why would the Capitol have been in any danger?
After all the Ellipse was nearly 2miles away.
And Trump's circle had intentionally ----and secretly ---- refused to seek a 'March' permit as is legally required.

So the Metro Police, the Capitol Police, the Park Police.....were intentionally kept in the dark about a march of the intentionally provoked and angered mob of Trump supporters.

Why did Trump intentionally refuse to seek a permit which would have alerted all of law enforcement and allowed them to staff up, erect crowd control measures, and harden defenses.

Why keep it secret? What's up with that?

  • Was it for mendacious intent?
  • Or merely dereliction of duty by our Commander in Chief?

The deep state suckered some into minor violations

Ummm, like Seditious Conspiracy and an 18 year sentence in prison.
Or was it for Seditious Conspiracy and a 22yr sentence in prison.

18 years....22yrs!
For "minor violations"?

Who knew?
No one with a lick of sense buys the MAGATS' "don't believe your lying eyes" shtick.
"Pence was most likely in on the planning of the SETUP."

Which, we hafta admit, is a relief.
An American citizen from Indiana did it.
And NOT.......the Chupacabra, which is what we all feared.

And that would have made it far far worse, doncha think there poster 'leftwinger'?
After all, we both fanboy over Alex Jones and Rudy G. Don't we?
The two most credible people about J6 and never interviewed by the J6 committee. Who DID get interviewed? Cassidy Hutchinson, who wasn't even there but was willing to spout Liz Cheney's lies.

Lt. Tarik Johnson: "January 6 was absolutely a set-up."

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund: "If I was allowed to do my job as a chief, we wouldn't be here...This didn't have to happen. Everything appears to be a cover-up." "Like they wanted something to happen."

Political Prisoner Podcast Exclusive: Routine Operations Commander of Capitol Police Claims January 6 was a Complete Set Up |

The J6 committee needs to spend hundreds of year in Leavenworth

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