The Definition of Insanity

Hmmm…IDK, it is the internet…plenty of posers around. If there were only a way you could prove it…😒
I have nothing to prove to you. If you are stupid enough to believe that blacks are happy in America and that I must be white trying to stir up trouble then you are retarded.
The probem with your opinion is thatthe things I have said are accurate. My cause? You got that wrong. It is our cause. You have a responsbility to end th eracism you believe and practice. Whites who think lie you must be out of your mind to say what you are saying here. Whites can imagine things to get angry about and eveybody is supposed to get angry with you. Look at January 6th, whites who think like you were mad about something one man made up that was not even real. But I am supposed tro speak nicely in ways that please whitey in order for " my cause" to be recognized. Stop smoking meth because the time of taking nicelly to whites who think like you is over. We've tried that for over 300 years.

It didn't work.
They are "accurate" to your limited perceptions and poorly formed mental skills.
You keep making errors about me personally and try to broad brush your hatred of whites into focus upon me, giving me thoughts I don't have and saying words I didn't.

I've mentioned more than once that my late wife, mother of my two sons was half black, making them quarter black. In other parts of my family we have Sikh, Korean, and Chinese ancestries. Some others as well but I don't have time to redo the here.

If you don't have a cause or agenda, if you aren't trying to change minds, positions, or seeking some special favor or endorsement than why all this railing and ranting about how the evil white man's world has harmed you so much ????

You've never met me and you obviously has some reading comprehension shortfalls since you repeatedly claim I have positions I don't hold and have said things I haven't.

It isn't "nicelly" but articulate and persuasive that I'm hinting about.

You are no where near the league of;

Thomas Sowell
Ben Carson
Larry Elder
Tim Scott
Allen West
Herman Cain
Clarence Thomas
Condoleezza Rice
Or Republican Candidate for Governor of Washington State; Semi Bird

They are "accurate" to your limited perceptions and poorly formed mental skills.
You keep making errors about me personally and try to broad brush your hatred of whites into focus upon me, giving me thoughts I don't have and saying words I didn't.

I've mentioned more than once that my late wife, mother of my two sons was half black, making them quarter black. In other parts of my family we have Sikh, Korean, and Chinese ancestries. Some others as well but I don't have time to redo the here.

If you don't have a cause or agenda, if you aren't trying to change minds, positions, or seeking some special favor or endorsement than why all this railing and ranting about how the evil white man's world has harmed you so much ????

You've never met me and you obviously has some reading comprehension shortfalls since you repeatedly claim I have positions I don't hold and have said things I haven't.

It isn't "nicelly" but articulate and persuasive that I'm hinting about.

You are no where near the league of;

Thomas Sowell
Ben Carson
Larry Elder
Tim Scott
Allen West
Herman Cain
Clarence Thomas
Condoleezza Rice
Or Republican Candidate for Governor of Washington State; Semi Bird

What I have said is factualy accurate. And the fact that you only point out right wing blacks shows me what you are. All of these people you have named are sellouts that are not respected by the large majority of blacks in America. It is an honor to be told I am not as low as those people. If your family is what you claim then you are lost as it pertains to issues of race. I don't hate whites, but I don't like racist whites. There is a difference. And I have argued policy and the effects they have had on black people.

I notice that you don't get into threads by whites and harrass them when they are expressing true legitimate racism, and for you to say what you have said, shows it is you with the reading comprehension problem. So what I suggest that you do, is take the responsibility that you have to erase white racism and get to work doing so. Because I know the things I have said are correct and accurate. It is not my problem that you can't take it. You seem to want to hear a black person blame blacks for the problems that have been created by white racism. To you a black person absolving whites from responsbility is considered blacks taking responsibility. I can't be misinterpreting you because the list of names you posted in your last post are all blacks who do that. And that is the entire problem with whites who think like you. All the names you have posted are blacks with what you call the victims mentality. Each one of the blacks you named has refused to do what is necessary to create the change needed. Each of them have had the opportunity to be in a position to make changes but did nothing. In fact, each of them accepted that whites are the ones who are superior and that they must not rock the boat. That is the victim mentality, not that shit people like you use to try gaslighting blacks into silence.

My postings are a response to the white racism in this forum and as long as that happens and people like you choose to jump on those of us who take it on, then this will continue.
What I have said is factualy accurate. And the fact that you only point out right wing blacks shows me what you are. All of these people you have named are sellouts that are not respected by the large majority of blacks in America. It is an honor to be told I am not as low as those people. If your family is what you claim then you are lost as it pertains to issues of race. I don't hate whites, but I don't like racist whites. There is a difference. And I have argued policy and the effects they have had on black people.

I notice that you don't get into threads by whites and harrass them when they are expressing true legitimate racism, and for you to say what you have said, shows it is you with the reading comprehension problem. So what I suggest that you do, is take the responsibility that you have to erase white racism and get to work doing so. Because I know the things I have said are correct and accurate. It is not my problem that you can't take it. You seem to want to hear a black person blame blacks for the problems that have been created by white racism. To you a black person absolving whites from responsbility is considered blacks taking responsibility. I can't be misinterpreting you because the list of names you posted in your last post are all blacks who do that. And that is the entire problem with whites who think like you. All the names you have posted are blacks with what you call the victims mentality. Each one of the blacks you named has refused to do what is necessary to create the change needed. Each of them have had the opportunity to be in a position to make changes but did nothing. In fact, each of them accepted that whites are the ones who are superior and that they must not rock the boat. That is the victim mentality, not that shit people like you use to try gaslighting blacks into silence.

My postings are a response to the white racism in this forum and as long as that happens and people like you choose to jump on those of us who take it on, then this will continue.
Way to make a difference…..Anonymously of course….🤭
Apparently you are participating in malpractice.

But do you want me to completely ignore the afflicted or be a Good Samaritan ?

Come on IM 666 you are stll young enough to also seek your own help .
Surely you can see the wretchedness of being an addict all of your life?
If there is anybody here who believes that, then they need to go see a psychiatrist. It's pure white racist arrogance to believe that blacks actually love the racism we face and woud rather not address it.
LMAO! The funny thing is that you were outed when you pretended to be a black psychiatrist. Elsewhere, you claimed to be a black psychologist. You didn't even know the difference!
What I have said is factualy accurate. And the fact that you only point out right wing blacks shows me what you are. All of these people you have named are sellouts that are not respected by the large majority of blacks in America. It is an honor to be told I am not as low as those people. If your family is what you claim then you are lost as it pertains to issues of race. I don't hate whites, but I don't like racist whites. There is a difference. And I have argued policy and the effects they have had on black people.

I notice that you don't get into threads by whites and harrass them when they are expressing true legitimate racism, and for you to say what you have said, shows it is you with the reading comprehension problem. So what I suggest that you do, is take the responsibility that you have to erase white racism and get to work doing so. Because I know the things I have said are correct and accurate. It is not my problem that you can't take it. You seem to want to hear a black person blame blacks for the problems that have been created by white racism. To you a black person absolving whites from responsbility is considered blacks taking responsibility. I can't be misinterpreting you because the list of names you posted in your last post are all blacks who do that. And that is the entire problem with whites who think like you. All the names you have posted are blacks with what you call the victims mentality. Each one of the blacks you named has refused to do what is necessary to create the change needed. Each of them have had the opportunity to be in a position to make changes but did nothing. In fact, each of them accepted that whites are the ones who are superior and that they must not rock the boat. That is the victim mentality, not that shit people like you use to try gaslighting blacks into silence.

My postings are a response to the white racism in this forum and as long as that happens and people like you choose to jump on those of us who take it on, then this will continue.
Dude, you're not black. You've been outed many times. Your game is over here.

Dude, you're not black. You've been outed many times. Your game is over here.


I cannot believe how nasty you are being with IM666 .
Surely you do not believe he is a Porky Pie hustler ?

You might as well tell me he is a white homosexual in his 70's .
Please tell us IM666 that you may be white and homosexual but not in your seventies .
I will sleep so much better . And not huge like a Fat Lard Slab .
MLK laughed as a women was being raped. He was pure filth. Its sad that some elevate this monster to deity.

"The most disturbing revelation is a claim, found in a memo from the personal file of former assistant director William Sullivan, that King looked on in laughter as his friend "forcibly raped" a woman. The alleged incident took place in January 1964 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., where King was staying to attend oral arguments in the landmark Supreme Court case, New York Times v. Sullivan."
Programs of social uplift have been a complete failure. They have created generations of poverty.
There has been no investing in blacks and blacks pay taxes you stupid... You say we haven't improved. Here is one reason why:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

So whites continue to deny us jobs then come to places like this talking the ignorant ---- you just posted.
Are you quoting Isaac Madison?
Is it possible that blacks don’t get hired because they struggle to articulate the English language, because they lack people / communication skills, because they have a hard time with professionalism and because they often have ‘funny’ hair?
Taxpayers expect and appreciate a ROi…Investing in blacks hasn’t offered a ROi, they haven’t improved, whereas investment in military provides a clearly quantifiable return.

I don't know about the ROI from Defense Spending outside of keeping us safe, which is a huge benefit. But, the $ spent is vastly wasted on many levels and often comes up missing altogether.

There is no great ROI for the MIC, but there is a lot of people getting extremely wealthy off it.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
I don't know about the ROI from Defense Spending outside of keeping us safe, which is a huge benefit. But, the $ spent is vastly wasted on many levels and often comes up missing altogether.

There is no great ROI for the MIC, but there is a lot of people getting extremely wealthy off it.
We don’t have the numbers….We aren’t privy to the numbers…We have leftist talking points, propaganda and theories.
What is the total economic impact?
How do all the jobs created and the tax collected impact the overall expense data?

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