The Definition of Insanity

The Military is mentioned in the Constitution. Guess what the Air Force and Space Force is a branch of ?

Social Security's unfunded liability means that those working are funding the people who are collecting the very definition of a Ponzi scheme.You leftist and some Republicans have no issue with the Government running a scam that sends most people to prison.

I just want the Country to adhere to the Constitution. If your State wants to tax it's citizens into poverty and bankrupt itself by providing all of these programs great, but the Federal Government has no business being involved in shit that is not mandated by the Constitution.
Again, the necessary and proper clause is in the constitution also. Learn what it means.
No you really can't. We spend more money on our military than the top 10 military nations combined. It's crazy what we spend on death and punishment. We'd rather incarcerate than invest in our people. It's retarded.
Someone has to be the world power. I guarantee that you like the Pax Americana a lot better than you would like the Pax Sino (or whatever the Latin for China is). If China becomes the world’s policeman and only superpower, you and other American blacks will be treated the way Chinese treat the African blacks now. No one but ethnic Han will have any rights at all. For all your complaints, blacks have it better in the USA than anywhere else in the world INCLUDING all the African countries.
The country was not founded by white people either. Shouldn't have bought us over here. Should have done your own labor. But your ancestors were too lazy and shiftless to do hard work.
You still haven’t answered me about those ten acres of virgin rain forest. Until you clear and break virgin wilderness with hand tools shut up about lazy whites.
Yeah right. Stop being white thinking you can tell blacks who to vote for. Insanity is voting for the white supremacists in the Republican party thinking they will do better than what Democrats have done.

So all you have is your usual race baiting and absolutely nothing on the majority of your OP being proven to be totally full of ignorant shit. GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! Still laughing at the ignorant race baiter.

There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.

He's right. The MIC is a monster. This Ukraine insanity where we don't know where billions went is a drop in the bucket compared to the huge spend our nation endures in the name of war annually. There has to be a better, smarter, more efficient way... and there is. There Navy Ships alone can't be maintained without huge cost overruns and delays. It's not just a skilled labor issue, but a work management issue. I do not come just throwing rocks.

They could solve at least 50% of their problems by modernizing Work Management systems (scheduling, budgeting, resource allocation, asset management, etc.) to the tools of the 2,000 era. They use old bullshit methodology probably sold to them by some retired Admiral where they cannot integrate software systems at all. It's time for them to use Oracle (P6), Maximo or SAP, Business Objects, etc... Why do we have the most modern weapons, but not the most modern software to manage everything?
Taxpayers expect and appreciate a ROi…Investing in blacks hasn’t offered a ROi, they haven’t improved, whereas investment in military provides a clearly quantifiable return.
So all you have is your usual race baiting and absolutely nothing on the majority of your OP being proven to be totally full of ignorant shit. GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! Still laughing at the ignorant race baiter.

And once again the white person makes a race baited comment then blames the black person for race baiting when they respond to your bullshit.

And insanity is Blacks voting for commiecrats over and over and over again, and expecting the commiecrats to do something different for you. ROFLMFAO
Everything I said had a link. You lose.
Taxpayers expect and appreciate a ROi…Investing in blacks hasn’t offered a ROi, they haven’t improved, whereas investment in military provides a clearly quantifiable return.
There has been no investing in blacks and blacks pay taxes you stupid... You say we haven't improved. Here is one reason why:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

So whites continue to deny us jobs then come to places like this talking the ignorant ---- you just posted.
Again, the necessary and proper clause is in the constitution also. Learn what it means.

Perhaps you should practice what you preach. That clause authorizes congress to pass laws to implement the limited powers granted to the federal government by the States.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

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Perhaps you should practice what you preach. That clause authorizes congress to pass laws to implement the limited powers granted to the federal government by the States.

Maybe you should understand that the constitution is the supreme law of the and and that federal government power supercedes that of the states. States are far more limited than the federal government. The states don't grant anything to the federal government, the federal government grants powers to the states.
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Maybe you should understand that the constitution is the supreme law of the and and that federal government power supercedes that of the states. States are far more limited than te federal government.

Since you've demonstrated your ignorance before I was able to edit my post, I'll post my proof again.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

And just so you know, if 3/4ths of the States agree they can alter or abolish the federal government and the feds would have no say in the matter. In our form of government, the States are the supreme sovereigns. (see Article 5) The supremacy clause only applies to the powers granted to the federal government by the States. (see the 9th and 10th Amendments)

You must have had a really crappy public school education.

There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.

Ok…so what should our military budget be? isn’t the reason we spend so much on military because we keep them trained and technology updated in order for them to be the best?

Should we let our military be downgraded to 5th? Or 6th in the world?
Not really. We lose over a trillion dollars annually because of racism alone. Not to mention what we lose because of sexism, which is at least another trillion lost..

We lose over a trillion dollars annually because of racism alone

I’ve always wondered if that is accurate. I say that because, people are going to buy items somewhere. Adding to the number of business owners doesn’t mean people are going to buy more stuff, it just means that the places they will purchase items they were already going to purchase will be spread around more.

So, how does that increase revenue overall?
I’ve always wondered if that is accurate. I say that because, people are going to buy items somewhere. Adding to the number of business owners doesn’t mean people are going to buy more stuff, it just means that the places they will purchase items they were already going to purchase will be spread around more.

So, how does that increase revenue overall?
Adding income to working people is what I'm talking about.
Ok…so what should our military budget be? isn’t the reason we spend so much on military because we keep them trained and technology updated in order for them to be the best?

Should we let our military be downgraded to 5th? Or 6th in the world?
We should not be paying more for soldiers than for education.
There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.
You might consider reading and understanding the articles you link.
From your one on the military;
Although the US significantly outpaces all other countries in total military spending, military expenditures relative to population size present a different yet crucial perspective. Analyzing defense spending per person highlights how nations with smaller populations commit a larger share of their resources to military efforts.

Looking at per-capita military spending from 2009 to 2019, Middle Eastern countries occupy six of the top 10 positions (the US is fifth). The United Arab Emirates spends an average of $3,198 per person on the military each year, compared to $2,798 in the US.

Another way to gauge how much countries spend on their military is by measuring the proportion of military spending to GDP. This helps illustrate how much the state values national defense compared to other key economic sectors.

Measuring this way — again, from 2009 to 2019 — North Korea ranks at the top, with 23.5% of the country’s GDP coming from military expenses on average. This far outranks every other nation; the second-highest, Oman, comes in at 11.8%.
The US comes in 21st on this list, at an average of 4% of its GDP.
Also, consider the data at here;
They show about 3.5+ times as much spent on Medicare/Medicaid & Social Security as spent on Defense.

When it comes to defense, one needs to consider;
1) Relative purchase power of currencies being compared. Wages and costs of living in CCP China are a lot less than USA when you do the currency exchange rate comparisons.
2) USA has better pay and benefits for it's military persons than most other nations.
3) A lot of the world's R&D for military starts in the USA before going on to other nations.

You are comparing apples to potatoes so to speak.
Police acted like spoiled brats because they were finally being held accountable instead of being treated as if they are above the laws they are supposed to enforce. And since George Floyd they have continued killing unarmed citizens. We spend more money than the top ten military nations on earth combined. We won't be weak if we cut the military budget by 2/3's. That's still almost 300 billion per year and that would still be more than China's 230 billion per year.

This is lunacy. You want less crime and more safe country, incease the investments in the citzens of this country. You want our nation to be safe from attacks, then tell our corporations to get the fuck out of foreign countries and do business equitably with them.
Except you ignore that thanks to slavery wages in China are very, very low, thus the cost of everything is likewise very low.

On a inflation graduated scale China is actually spending just slightly less than we are.

Of course they are still trying to steal more technology from us, so that is slowing them down a bit.
Maybe you should understand that the constitution is the supreme law of the and and that federal government power supercedes that of the states. States are far more limited than the federal government. The states don't grant anything to the federal government, the federal government grants powers to the states.
You’ve got it backwards, the states can do things forbidden to the federal government.
Ok…so what should our military budget be? isn’t the reason we spend so much on military because we keep them trained and technology updated in order for them to be the best?

Should we let our military be downgraded to 5th? Or 6th in the world?
We had that experience in WWI, WWII and Korea. In 1939 Poland had a larger and more modern army than the USA.
You might consider reading and understanding the articles you link.
From your one on the military;
Although the US significantly outpaces all other countries in total military spending, military expenditures relative to population size present a different yet crucial perspective. Analyzing defense spending per person highlights how nations with smaller populations commit a larger share of their resources to military efforts.

Looking at per-capita military spending from 2009 to 2019, Middle Eastern countries occupy six of the top 10 positions (the US is fifth). The United Arab Emirates spends an average of $3,198 per person on the military each year, compared to $2,798 in the US.

Another way to gauge how much countries spend on their military is by measuring the proportion of military spending to GDP. This helps illustrate how much the state values national defense compared to other key economic sectors.

Measuring this way — again, from 2009 to 2019 — North Korea ranks at the top, with 23.5% of the country’s GDP coming from military expenses on average. This far outranks every other nation; the second-highest, Oman, comes in at 11.8%.
The US comes in 21st on this list, at an average of 4% of its GDP.
Also, consider the data at here;
They show about 3.5+ times as much spent on Medicare/Medicaid & Social Security as spent on Defense.

When it comes to defense, one needs to consider;
1) Relative purchase power of currencies being compared. Wages and costs of living in CCP China are a lot less than USA when you do the currency exchange rate comparisons.
2) USA has better pay and benefits for it's military persons than most other nations.
3) A lot of the world's R&D for military starts in the USA before going on to other nations.

You are comparing apples to potatoes so to speak.
I did. Again, social security is taken out of our checks. It isour money being returned to us. Medicare is a premium taken out of a persons social ecurity check to pay for medical services needed. So as I have stated, we can cut 2/3rds of our miitary spending and stil spend more money on the military than anyone else.

Try not believing the shit you were taught about blacks. We are capable of reading and comprehending information.
And once again the white person makes a race baited comment then blames the black person for race baiting when they respond to your bullshit.

Everything I said had a link. You lose.

And none of you links proved your claims as to the percentage of over all spending. Also the majority of police spending comes from State level governments, not the feds.


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