Only 4,200 people for Trump rally in Pheonix

Nothing said by trump or his supporters can be believed. Nothing. How many times do you have to catch trump or his supporters telling blatant a flagrant lies before the logical conclusion that only fools and suckers believe the nonsense he and his cult?
Anyone who believes the Liar in Chief or his cult of deplorable's is a brainwashed cult following moron.
Don't forget these steps.

When shown their lies and trump's lies, trumpanzees:
1. deflect to Hillary
2. deflect to Obama
3. cry "Soros!"
4. cry "fake news!"
5. cry "Who cares?"
6. cry
The right sure loved Politifact when it nailed Obama with the lie of the year in 2013 for his "you can keep your doctor" claim.
Politifact verified every single Trump lie, all seven pages of them.
Try to prove them wrong!
Politifact!! Yes one of the most liberal sorces out there. That tells me that you take your indoctrination up the ass buddy!
The right sure loved Politifact when it nailed Obama with the lie of the year in 2013 for his "you can keep your doctor" claim.
Politifact verified every single Trump lie, all seven pages of them.
Try to prove them wrong!
Politifact!! Yes one of the most liberal sorces out there. That tells me that you take your indoctrination up the ass buddy!

It appears that your name Jim Jones, correlates with "drinking the Kool-aid", is quite ironic. :up:
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is an idiom commonly used in the United States that refers to any person or group who knowingly goes along with a doomed or dangerous idea because of peer pressure. The phrase often carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. It can also be used ironically or humorously to refer to accepting an idea or changing a preference due to popularity, peer pressure, or persuasion. In recent years it has evolved further to mean extreme dedication to a cause or purpose, so extreme that one would "Drink the Kool-Aid" and die for the cause.
The phrase derives from the November 1978 Jonestown deaths,[1][2][3] in which over 900 members of the Peoples Temple, who were followers of Jim Jones, died, many of whom committed suicide by drinking a mixture of a powdered soft-drink flavoring agent laced with cyanide and prescription drugs Valium, Phenergan, and chloral hydrate, while the rest of the members, including 89 infants and elderly, were killed by forced ingestion of the poison. The actual brand of soft-drink flavoring was a mixture of both Kool-Aid and a competing brand, Flavor Aid.[4][5]
Drinking the Kool-Aid - Wikipedia
You, my friend, based on your posts, are certainly a Kool-aid drinker. Please, watch out for the ingredients as you blissfully drink away.
What the hell kind of liberal garbage is thay?! Jim jones is obviously a fake name if you can't tell. So I take it you cannot answer the questions I asked you and you are disengaging from the debate?

Hey, you're the one who chose "Jim Jones", don't blame me for an ignorant move by you. Never heard of Jim Jones? :laugh:
You're a certified dumb ass for not knowing who Jim Jones was and for picking that name without checking it. You picked the name of a famous scam artist and propagandist that murdered hundreds of people, including children. It is hard to take a dumb ass like you serious or to believe you know what you are talking about.
There were 19,000 inside
Liar. Capacity is 4,200.

so what you are saying is that the place was filled to the brim and no more could get inside

instead no one showed up

you make yourself look foolish
No, I'm saying that once 4200 people have been admitted they shut the doors.

Because that's the law. Sorry loser.

fuck you liar

here are your words

Only 4,200 people

obviously many more then 4200 showed up
I'm sure there were people outside. Most of them anti-Trump protesters.

From the OP - again:


That was from 2015, in the same venue, which only allows 4200.

THIS week's speech, he said that he thinks this crowd is even bigger than the last time he was there (in 2015).

He's a liar. And conservatives no longer care about truth, facts, or even conservatism.
He's trying to over-compensate for his tiny hands syndrome.
On the crowd size. Couldn't have been a liberal source right?
The source was given in the OP.

I have news for you: the fire department doesn't give a damn about whether the people in a room are liberal or conservative. You seem to care about that. The fire department cares about whether a room has not more people than can be safely fit into the room. That's why they count the quantity of people entering the place.
Really? So the fireman stood there and counted 4500 people or whatever the number was down to the last person?
I don't know whether it was a fireman, but someone or several individuals or some gizmo had the job of doing so or was used to do so. Also, per the OP, the counted quantity of attendees was 4,169, not 4,500.
Let me look into this and get back to ya. I heard from a valuable source that it was almost 15000
The people were lined up for five goll dang miles!

According to Laura Ingraham.

Well, trumpanzees? Is this the crowd outside you were referring to?
so what you are saying is that the place was filled to the brim and no more could get inside

instead no one showed up

you make yourself look foolish
No, I'm saying that once 4200 people have been admitted they shut the doors.

Because that's the law. Sorry loser.

fuck you liar

here are your words

Only 4,200 people

obviously many more then 4200 showed up
I'm sure there were people outside. Most of them anti-Trump protesters.

From the OP - again:


That was from 2015, in the same venue, which only allows 4200.

THIS week's speech, he said that he thinks this crowd is even bigger than the last time he was there (in 2015).

He's a liar. And conservatives no longer care about truth, facts, or even conservatism.


This two minute video should put to rest the idea the place was packed -- and that there were at best about 4,000 people there.

You can hear Trump speaking and there are yuge gaps of spaces where people are walking about not far from the stage.

Watch and have a good laugh:

You must not understand how many people were outside the building.

You mean that huge crowd that Laura Ingraham was referring to on her site?
How many Hillary got is irrelevant. What is here relevant is that Trump claims he got one quantity of attendees and he did not have anything even close to that number of people in attendance. Quite frankly, there is no good, no honest, and no defensible reason for him to have done so, and yet he made a point of misrepresenting the crowd size.

Maybe it's not a crowd size thing, but rather just a size thing and Marco Rubio's "small hands" remark really got to him. LOL After all, it's all but certain that Trump's got a "dicky do." You know what that is, right? It's when your gut sticks out farther than your "dicky" do. LOL
If it's not a crowd size thing with Hilary it can't be for trump correct?
Then what's the argument? It doesn't matter what he says the man has freedom of speech. Were you there to count the crowd?

Yep......"maximum attendance".....LOL

Your retarded lol. I said OUTSIDE of the building. 5 miles they were lined up!!
Like this?
If it's not a crowd size thing with Hilary it can't be for trump correct?
Then what's the argument? It doesn't matter what he says the man has freedom of speech. Were you there to count the crowd?

Yep......"maximum attendance".....LOL

Your retarded lol. I said OUTSIDE of the building. 5 miles they were lined up!!

Freakin retarded. That picture posted by Ingraham of "5 miles long" was of the 2016 Cleveland championship parade.

DAMN YOU!!!!!!!
Nothing said by trump or his supporters can be believed. Nothing. How many times do you have to catch trump or his supporters telling blatant a flagrant lies before the logical conclusion that only fools and suckers believe the nonsense he and his cult?
Anyone who believes the Liar in Chief or his cult of deplorable's is a brainwashed cult following moron.
Don't forget these steps.

When shown their lies and trump's lies, trumpanzees:
1. deflect to Hillary
2. deflect to Obama
3. cry "Soros!"
4. cry "fake news!"
5. cry "Who cares?"
6. cry

You forgot;

7. cry "racism".
As stated before, the fact checkers don't always tell the truth.

How about the local fire marshal?
Who does he work for? The mayor is a democrat so the fire Marshal must be an ass kisser.
You are making an assertion that the Phoenix Fire Marshall changed the occupancy #s for this event?
No, I'm saying he or she is another lying democrat ass kisser.
I've been to that venue for many years for my daughter's volleyball know that room capacities are posted for each room on permanent signs?

And yet, pathetic little you wants to blame the Fire Marshall of a major city because you are butt hurt by the truth that trump's rally was a tiny joke.
Nothing said by trump or his supporters can be believed. Nothing. How many times do you have to catch trump or his supporters telling blatant a flagrant lies before the logical conclusion that only fools and suckers believe the nonsense he and his cult?
Anyone who believes the Liar in Chief or his cult of deplorable's is a brainwashed cult following moron.
Don't forget these steps.

When shown their lies and trump's lies, trumpanzees:
1. deflect to Hillary
2. deflect to Obama
3. cry "Soros!"
4. cry "fake news!"
5. cry "Who cares?"
6. cry

You forgot;

7. cry "racism".
actually, I left out:
7. "Oh yeah! He won! So nah nah nah!"
He's a compulsive liar and his supporters are compulsive idiots.
Liar? Any proof?

To answer the first part of your question, there's seven pages of verified lies of Psycho Trump; :up:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
To answer the second part, well there's you, for starters! :happy-1:
You know President Trump is not a politician. He is a man that has been tasked to fix the obama mess. And as far as your link does that author or media have any political motive? Any bias?

The right sure loved Politifact when it nailed Obama with the lie of the year in 2013 for his "you can keep your doctor" claim.
Politifact verified every single Trump lie, all seven pages of them.
Try to prove them wrong!
I was able to keep my doctor.
Nothing said by trump or his supporters can be believed. Nothing. How many times do you have to catch trump or his supporters telling blatant a flagrant lies before the logical conclusion that only fools and suckers believe the nonsense he and his cult?
Anyone who believes the Liar in Chief or his cult of deplorable's is a brainwashed cult following moron.
Don't forget these steps.

When shown their lies and trump's lies, trumpanzees:
1. deflect to Hillary
2. deflect to Obama
3. cry "Soros!"
4. cry "fake news!"
5. cry "Who cares?"
6. cry

You forgot;

7. cry "racism".
actually, I left out:
7. "Oh yeah! He won! So nah nah nah!"

That is soooo...oldish.
He's a compulsive liar and his supporters are compulsive idiots.
Liar? Any proof?

To answer the first part of your question, there's seven pages of verified lies of Psycho Trump; :up:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
To answer the second part, well there's you, for starters! :happy-1:
You know President Trump is not a politician. He is a man that has been tasked to fix the obama mess. And as far as your link does that author or media have any political motive? Any bias?

Trump is a man who has been tasked to fix the Obama mess? Really? Can you name any accomplishments that Trump has done that can't be rescinded by the nest POTUS besides having the GOP steal the SC nomination and give it to Trump so he could appoint Gorsuch?

All Trump has done so far is sign EO's (trying to convince his base they are actual legislation), hold rallies, and play golf while telling us how hard he's working.

Got news for you all......................Obama did more in his first 6 months than Trump will ever accomplish in his presidency.
Really? Interesting. I guess the stock market being a record high, low illegal immigration, no transfreaks in the military, pulled out of Paris accord, new weapons deals with other countries, and most of all all the jobs that have been created. Obama ruined America. If you call everything a record low besides national debt ( record high ) great the your screwed in the head. Trump goes to his resort to play golf ( the same place ) other than obama who traveled the world to play. When the president goes somewhere they have to shut the place down for weeks for security purposes etc if he goes to the same place he's saving the hassle of paying security to travel the world to make sure it is safe to let the president to golf. Obama signed the worst deals this country has ever seen. That's statistically proven. Tells us he works hard? I guarantee you that the president works a lot harder than you lazy liberal ass. Do you know how much of an effort it must be to fix obamas mess? When obama left office was the country in good shape to you? If it was than you are definitely retarded!
Stock market's been going up up up for several years now. What has trump done to affect illegal immigration? And you might want to trans soldiers or sailors (btw....when did YOU serve) have been discharged at all. Weapons deals....just what the world needs. How about that fatty in NK? I thought your orange cheeto said he'd do something if they made another threat....well, guess what happened yesterday? What's trump gonna do about it?
I didn't vote for any but as an observation, Trump supporters are food stamp recipients and Hillary's were busy working. She got millions of votes more than him, didn't she?

Trump claimed:

"This was the scene of my first rally speech. Right? The crowds were so big, almost as big as tonight."

Trump is known to exaggerate his crowds, and he exaggerated the size of that crowd that first came to see him back in July 2015 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Then-candidate Trump described an audience of 10,000 to 15,000 to 20,000 people coming to see him for his July 11, 2015, speech.

But the city fire department said capacity for the ballroom where Trump spoke in 2015 was 4,200 people. The doors were closed at 4,169 attendees, said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman Shelly Jamison.

For the record, the 2015 Phoenix rally was his second campaign event. Trump held a campaign rally June 17, 2015, in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked

Which is 4100 more than hilary ever attracted.
View attachment 145842
Lol food stamps? Look at the successful people of our society are they libtards? No. Hilary failed in her campaign and everything else that she has done. Trump won fair and square you will have a chance in 8 more years to get a democratic president in office!!
8 more years? There's an election in 2025? What country are you really from? Russia?
Trump claimed:

"This was the scene of my first rally speech. Right? The crowds were so big, almost as big as tonight."

Trump is known to exaggerate his crowds, and he exaggerated the size of that crowd that first came to see him back in July 2015 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Then-candidate Trump described an audience of 10,000 to 15,000 to 20,000 people coming to see him for his July 11, 2015, speech.

But the city fire department said capacity for the ballroom where Trump spoke in 2015 was 4,200 people. The doors were closed at 4,169 attendees, said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman Shelly Jamison.

For the record, the 2015 Phoenix rally was his second campaign event. Trump held a campaign rally June 17, 2015, in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
Trump claimed:

"This was the scene of my first rally speech. Right? The crowds were so big, almost as big as tonight."

Trump is known to exaggerate his crowds, and he exaggerated the size of that crowd that first came to see him back in July 2015 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Then-candidate Trump described an audience of 10,000 to 15,000 to 20,000 people coming to see him for his July 11, 2015, speech.

But the city fire department said capacity for the ballroom where Trump spoke in 2015 was 4,200 people. The doors were closed at 4,169 attendees, said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman Shelly Jamison.

For the record, the 2015 Phoenix rally was his second campaign event. Trump held a campaign rally June 17, 2015, in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
They don't believe it:

Trump fires aid over small and unresponsive crowd in Phoenix

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