Once again Biden says that the Republicans are a threat to democracy


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

Well the scuttlebutt on social media is that Hillary is considering throwing her hat back into the ring. And she wants to send all of us to reeducation camps. So she's just following the apparent party line and agenda yes?

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

This moron was just crying about the fact that we're divided too

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

Well, I'd agree, though I think US democracy is so weak in the first place

What Trump is doing is outrageous and will lead to something bad in the future.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

Democracy, as in rule of law vs mob actions.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

And which political party has been continuously attacking our Bill of Rights? The Marxist Democrats, obviously.
When Democrats use the word "democracy", what they really mean is no voter ID, bloated voter rolls filled with dead people and ineligible voters, registering illegals to vote, unguarded ballot drop boxes, automatic voter registration, early voting, voting by mail, ballot harvesting, voter intimidation, gerrymandering, making election day a national holiday, using labor unions to register voters, redundant polling places, restoring voting rights to felons, and boxes of ballots that mysteriously show up at 3 AM.

It also means that they either don’t understand our form of government. The US is not a "democracy". It is a Constitutional republic which protects the rights of the minority, of individuals, and minority groups from the mob rule of a democracy. According to Democrats, "democracy" only exists when they are in power.

But in reality, a 'democracy" is when a mob of idiots vote to kill the smart guy.
yea, the Dem mob action is a problem
Democrats ignore the laws

How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
wants to send all of us to reeducation camps.
was just crying about the fact that we're divided too
Democrats are trying to create justification for some sort of civil crack down.
continuously attacking our Bill of Rights? The Marxist Democrats, obviously.
When Democrats use the word "democracy", what they really mean is no voter ID, bloated voter rolls filled with dead people and ineligible voter

Seems that a cold front has brought in a blizzard of snowflakery.

President Biden says ...'today's Republican party isn't the Republican party of your father. (channeling and old Oldsmobile marketing line?)
And the snowflakes melt.
Sensitive souls who whimper away from any skepticisms, any alternative views.

I love this bar.
Yes, the UNIPARTY!!!!!
No, just republicans.

On October 23, 2001, U.S. Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced House bill H.R. 3162, which incorporated provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill, and a Senate bill introduced earlier in the month.
The next day, October 24, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66, with Democrats comprising the overwhelming majority of "no"-votes.
The three Republicans voting "no" were Robert Ney of Ohio, Butch Otter of Idaho, and Ron Paul of Texas. On October 25, the Act passed the Senate with a vote of 98–1. Russ Feingold (D-WI) voted "no".

On October 26, then US President George Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

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