Once again Biden Regime sides against America. Sues Texas on behalf of illegals.

Here ya go, Dumbass.

And I didn't like it when Trump and Oblama did it either. Since the wealthy want them and because the wealthy pay the majority of taxes and they feels they can get the govt. to gravy train their labor needs. What happened during Bush jr was totally disparaging because the construction industry was over run by contractors hiring illegals to work at a 50% drop in wage cost, do you think it bothered Republican or Democrat to undercut our income? No..

But Biden can sue texass because Texass is breaking the law, Abbott needs to be arrested and jailed until he complies.
I don't see any problem if TX and the police from other states just herd the migrants back across the border.
TX will finish sealing the wall off so the migrants can't sneak back in.
Thank God for Texas, protecting America from the Xiden admin's failure to enforce immigration laws.
What does the immigration laws say about people coming over the border?
The biggest question is, "why would ANY government want a constant flow of illegal aliens, especially during a pandemic"?

If the GOP Establishment weren't so on-board with this, the GOP could use this issue alone to win the W.H and Mid-Terms. When was the last time that Cheney woman or the crying Senator Kinzinger spoke up against illegal immigration or China? They love to talk about Trump though, it even brings tears to their eyes.

It would be comedy gold for any stand-up if it wasn't so serious.
I don't see any problem if TX and the police from other states just herd the migrants back across the border.
TX will finish sealing the wall off so the migrants can't sneak back in.
Thank God for Texas, protecting America from the Xiden admin's failure to enforce immigration laws.
The Biden Regime is violating their oath of office. They have unilaterally eliminated our Southern border.

Texas has no obligation to be a part of that lawlessness.

Fuck Biden.


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If they come illegally they wait in Mexico, we have that agreement with Mexico under Trump.
Trump had the migrant problem solved. Xiden has it totally fucked up.
Mexico nixed the agreement...What else did you want out of life? He is deporting them with fast expulsion...The same thing Trump did, is Trump totally fucked up also?
Biden is supposed to be on the American peoples side not illegal aliens

I mean I suppose that would be a perspective 175 years ago, but the democrook party has been the enemy of the US Republic since at least 1850 and has been actively trying to destroy the country since 1861.

It was defeated in the civil war, but has sided with all of the enemies and anti-American ideologies ever since their slaves were emancipated.

NO DEMOCROOK is "supposed to be on the side" of the American People. They are the neo-bolshevik syndicate of treason and crime. EVERYTHING democrooks do is designed to undermine and weaken the US.


Mexico nixed the agreement...What else did you want out of life? He is deporting them with fast expulsion...The same thing Trump did, is Trump totally fucked up also?
You are a lying sack of shit. Mexico did no such thing.

No Borders Joe did.

Then I suggest they change the laws.
last i heard crossing our border illegally is against the law ... funny that commies like you bitch and gripe about people not vaccinated [mostly minority American citizens ] but yous [yeah that stupid word you like to use like an idiot ] yous got nothing to say about unvaccinated people illegally entering the country and then getting bused all across the nation !
These clowns put America last. Now the Biden Regime is suing Texas for trying to slow the flow of China Flu infested illegals into this country.

Biden is the Super Spreader King.

It is Abbott dissing the USA, by pretending that his idiotic red state can override Federal law and policy. Abbott is going to crash and burn.

Texas is a mess! The state is barely functional. I have to drive through TX on occasion, and it stinks, though I do know a very good Mexican restaurant in Amarillo.

All that stale cowboy bullshit is nonsense. Texas white-rights are all fake. So... what you need to do right now is go to church every day, sing loudly, spew virus all over your white-right cohorts, and then y'all can die like rats, as you deserve! Good riddance.
last i heard crossing our border illegally is against the law ... funny that commies like you bitch and gripe about people not vaccinated [mostly minority American citizens ] but yous [yeah that stupid word you like to use like an idiot ] yous got nothing to say about unvaccinated people illegally entering the country and then getting bused all across the nation !
Are you vaccinated, white-right punk? If not, then you are the spreader in question, so don't deflect to imaginary immigrants. YOU are the problem, schmuck.
Biden is supposed to be on the American peoples side not illegal aliens
Pinoccho Joe just listens to whoever is pulling his strings.
Oh, and he doesn't give a shit about this country.
How much covid comes over the border that Joe won't defend?

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