Constitutionalist / Universalist
OMG now my mind is really blown
where I thought I had nothing left!
A friend of mine wants to run for State Rep in TEXAS of all places.
And wants to promote the argument that even in the Wild West there was gun control
where the local sheriff would make all the men in the bar "check in their guns" at the saloon before
getting drunk.
I told my friend flat out, sorry, but there are people I would trust to have my back
DRUNK WITH A GUN before I trust people with or without a gun who don't respect the law.
I said the criteria is whether people use arms to DEFEND the law not violate.
So YES I would trust people I know who are as serious about defending law and order
as police are, and respect the Constitution, and don't bypass due process or take justice into their own hands.
I was thinking: This is TEXAS, are you looking to get SMASHED with this argument?
the point I was able to make is the LOCAL Sheriff having a policy that the town follows
is LOCAL between the people. that's NOT the same as the FEDERAL GOVT trying to regulate
guns from the top down, from centralized govt dictating to the states and local people.
so I did convince him if all districts were like college campuses, where the police KNOW the
community members, and who is trouble or doesn't belong there, then we wouldn't have as many issues
with profiling or shooting kids or other law abiding residents accidentally.
If the people and police worked together to make sure EVERYONE was educated on the
process of apprehending a disruptive person, then we could tell who is and who isn't complying,
whether it's a citizen or an officer who is becoming abusive and threatening excessive force.
We'd check all such abuses if we all agreed and were trained to follow the same standard policies.
He got that, that if it were localized then it could be managed safely.
What I could have brought up, and maybe I'll save this for later, is the civics lesson on due process
and not depriving people of liberty who haven't committed crimes, just because OTHER PEOPLE
commit crimes.
That's how I explained this gun rights issue previously to a liberal Democrat friend who asked why are conservatives so against banning AK47 and assault weapons that aren't even necessary? I explained that if people have the freedom to buy weapons, and govt takes that liberty away, that is treating them as criminals before they've done anything wrong. So people who are lawabiding and don't plan to abuse that freedom don't want to be penalized
by losing freedoms just because of the crimes of other people they aren't responsible for. This is collective punishment, where lawabiding citizens are punished along with the guilty, and they are arguing there are better ways to pinpoint and hold the criminals responsible without infringing on the freedom of the lawabiding.
I'll save that for next time.
It just blows my mind that I have to explain this to people who don't get where Conservatives
are coming from with the Constitution.
I didn't even get into the examples of cases of riots and robberies where I would want the law abiding people around me to have access to guns. The deterrent effect in Texas may not be possible to measure,
but the fact that people know a lot of citizens have guns is likely a factor, where armed robbers will try to go for the easy targets who can be overpowered. It may also explain why we don't have riots here as in other cities, because people know that either police or citizens aren't afraid to shoot first and ask questions later (as in the case of the attackers at the Muslim cartoon contest event in Garland Texas where both were shot almost instantly).
I should be glad my friend asked me first before running for office, trying to argue that history has always had gun control. the history lesson most conservatives point out is how the dictators will disarm the citizens from a centralized position in order to oppress the masses. don't leave out that part of history!
where I thought I had nothing left!
A friend of mine wants to run for State Rep in TEXAS of all places.
And wants to promote the argument that even in the Wild West there was gun control
where the local sheriff would make all the men in the bar "check in their guns" at the saloon before
getting drunk.
I told my friend flat out, sorry, but there are people I would trust to have my back
DRUNK WITH A GUN before I trust people with or without a gun who don't respect the law.
I said the criteria is whether people use arms to DEFEND the law not violate.
So YES I would trust people I know who are as serious about defending law and order
as police are, and respect the Constitution, and don't bypass due process or take justice into their own hands.
I was thinking: This is TEXAS, are you looking to get SMASHED with this argument?
the point I was able to make is the LOCAL Sheriff having a policy that the town follows
is LOCAL between the people. that's NOT the same as the FEDERAL GOVT trying to regulate
guns from the top down, from centralized govt dictating to the states and local people.
so I did convince him if all districts were like college campuses, where the police KNOW the
community members, and who is trouble or doesn't belong there, then we wouldn't have as many issues
with profiling or shooting kids or other law abiding residents accidentally.
If the people and police worked together to make sure EVERYONE was educated on the
process of apprehending a disruptive person, then we could tell who is and who isn't complying,
whether it's a citizen or an officer who is becoming abusive and threatening excessive force.
We'd check all such abuses if we all agreed and were trained to follow the same standard policies.
He got that, that if it were localized then it could be managed safely.
What I could have brought up, and maybe I'll save this for later, is the civics lesson on due process
and not depriving people of liberty who haven't committed crimes, just because OTHER PEOPLE
commit crimes.
That's how I explained this gun rights issue previously to a liberal Democrat friend who asked why are conservatives so against banning AK47 and assault weapons that aren't even necessary? I explained that if people have the freedom to buy weapons, and govt takes that liberty away, that is treating them as criminals before they've done anything wrong. So people who are lawabiding and don't plan to abuse that freedom don't want to be penalized
by losing freedoms just because of the crimes of other people they aren't responsible for. This is collective punishment, where lawabiding citizens are punished along with the guilty, and they are arguing there are better ways to pinpoint and hold the criminals responsible without infringing on the freedom of the lawabiding.
I'll save that for next time.
It just blows my mind that I have to explain this to people who don't get where Conservatives
are coming from with the Constitution.
I didn't even get into the examples of cases of riots and robberies where I would want the law abiding people around me to have access to guns. The deterrent effect in Texas may not be possible to measure,
but the fact that people know a lot of citizens have guns is likely a factor, where armed robbers will try to go for the easy targets who can be overpowered. It may also explain why we don't have riots here as in other cities, because people know that either police or citizens aren't afraid to shoot first and ask questions later (as in the case of the attackers at the Muslim cartoon contest event in Garland Texas where both were shot almost instantly).
I should be glad my friend asked me first before running for office, trying to argue that history has always had gun control. the history lesson most conservatives point out is how the dictators will disarm the citizens from a centralized position in order to oppress the masses. don't leave out that part of history!