Oil Price Plunging. Thanks Biden!

Democrats had 60 under Obama and didn't do squat.
Except the biggest healthcare reform in decades.

And they only had 60 for a remarkably short period of time. The time between when Franken was sworn in and when Kennedy died.
Shutting down pipelines and and banning fracking doesnt effect gas prices? Youre a fucking moron.

LOL.. Are you talking about Keystone XL? Keystone has miles and miles of unused pipeline capacity in the Midwest. XL is a tax scam at the expense of the US taxpayer. Line 3 or 5 in Michigan were built in 1953 and are a disaster waiting to happen.

Fracking isn't banned.. although the US has greatly improved their skills at it during the Obama years. They didn't use it much because most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day.
If you are rooting against 4.2% unemployment, record corporate profits, stock market records, gdp expansion, and stability with our allies then ask yourself if you really are American or just a Republican.
There is a saying of wall street and main street. It is best when they run in tandem. i am older. My house income is not moving as fast as the cost of living. Tens of millions of people with others in their dwellings are in the same predicament. Housing and Apartment increases are in a mania stage. Extra printed money is going into these things and the stock market. Lower unemployment numbers are that way because the government is not counting more and more people who do nothing. And GNP is moving upward because of the Fiat Printing Frenzy. When times are bad, a government knowing a Depression is coming or here can attempt to have a Controlled Depression. With two options...Inflationary or Deflationary. Not saying this is one. More and more people are being paid off by government to offset non existent wage gains to match the real cost of living or to social programs.
Shutting down pipelines and and banning fracking doesnt effect gas prices? Youre a fucking moron.
That's a lot of assertive bullshit.

I dare you to establish actual policy-price causation under recent presidencies.

Obama had cheap gas in his last 2 years and it only went up under Trump untill economy crashed.
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Except the biggest healthcare reform in decades.

And they only had 60 for a remarkably short period of time. The time between when Franken was sworn in and when Kennedy died.

That's because they blew the health care reform. It benefitted big corporations more than the people.
Except the biggest healthcare reform in decades.

And they only had 60 for a remarkably short period of time. The time between when Franken was sworn in and when Kennedy died.
Races were stolen as that one. People are paying for Obamacare in every way that do not benefit from it. As this keeps up we will be less competitive. And we see it in our technology taking much more time and massive cost increases to bring to reality.

The Biden administration is moving forward with the new leasing, and White House press secretary Jen Psaki said their hands are tied.

"We're required to comply with the injunction; it's a legal case and legal process," Psaki told reporters Monday. "But it's important for advocates and other people out there to understand that it's not aligned with our view, the President's policies or the executive order that he signed."
Psaki said the US Department of Justice is appealing the Louisiana decision. But in the meantime, the sale is going forward, and some environmental advocates are strongly criticizing the administration for not taking stronger action to block it.

Any more questions on why your prices went up. Bradon is Obama 2.0

The Obama Administration acted in contempt by continuing its deepwater drilling moratorium after the policy was struck down, a New Orleans judge ruled.

Interior Department regulators acted with “determined disregard” by lifting and reinstituting a series of policy changes that restricted offshore drilling, following the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, U.S. District Judge, Martin Feldman of New Orleans ruled yesterday.

“Each step the government took following the court’s imposition of a preliminary injunction showcases its defiance,” Feldman said in the ruling.

“Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re- imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt,” Feldman said.
It had more than doubled in October since he was elected. Now it's only up 67%.
Losing lawsuits does that so they can drill again. Hell Biden's executive orders attacked oil right off the bat.

Now they claim they did the lower prices after being forced to do it. LOL

WTI crude futures erased early gains to fall towards $66 a barrel on Friday, after rising as much as 2% to above $68 tracking a sentiment of risk-off that took hold in markets. Early, a more bullish oil market was sustained by OPEC+ remarks, saying that are ready to quickly adjust output plans if demand suffered from measures to contain the Omicron variant. In the previous session, OPEC+ surprised markets when it stuck to plans to add 400,000 bpd supply in January, seen by analysts as a move meant to appease Washington. US deputy energy secretary David Turk previously said President Biden’s administration could adjust the timing of its planned release of strategic crude oil stockpiles if global energy prices drop substantially. Meanwhile, the producers have since calmed markets, saying they would meet again before their next scheduled meeting on Jan. 4, if needed, to review supply additions in light of virus-related developments. WTI crude is on track for its sixth weekly decline.

Oil settles down $10/bbl in largest daily drop since April 2020

Go Joe Brandon!

Dang, and for years you loons claimed Presidents don't have any influence over gas prices.

Potatohead's energy policies caused the cost of gas to soar $1.50 a gallon and when it decreased 3 cents the stupid Libtards get all giddy and claim Potatohead is the best President in the history of the Republic.

They are just that delusional and then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.
We are divided big time. Enough is enough.

I think we lack the will or desire to have universal healthcare.. Shame really since most of the civilized world does.. including Australia, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
That's because they blew the health care reform. It benefitted big corporations more than the people.
There was give and take on both sides. Certainly enforcing a medical loss ratio of 85% wasn’t high on the list of things corporations wanted.
Dumbass when are going to give up these stupid politico games? You sound like a 5 year old.

Oil prices go up and down, presidents don’t significantly control that.
what games? i just highlighted a fact and corrected a comment from a demafacist cultist

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