Of All Popular Conspiracy Theories, Which Is Actually Most Likely To Be True???


Mar 2, 2010
I'd probably say the JFK conspiracy.

I think there's a decent chance that someone in the government had him wacked for whatever reason.
I'd probably say the JFK conspiracy.

I think there's a decent chance that someone in the government had him wacked for whatever reason.
area 51

Naw I been there once. was there for right about 2 hours. And you'll never guess what I saw.


HAHahahaha. i'm in Alamo, NV right now. i go dirt bike riding out in that general area all the time (but dont cross the border, of course). i like going there during red flag to watch the fighters dogfight and stuff.

i actually do see stuff sometimes that isnt "mainstream" but nothing that i think the military isnt capable of doing. the chances of seeing anything cool are actually better if you go farther to Warm Springs than at Area 51.

if you are inclined to visit this part of nevada looking for stuff i would also suggest keeping an eye on the airstrip that is just north of warm springs on route 6. i think its officially listed as closed or abandoned but it isnt. keep in mind that residents around here knew about and saw the F-117 flying around regularly for about 12 years and never really went public about it. they just laughed at all the people claiming to have seen triangle UFOs and aliens.

by the way, there is a stealth blimp but its not kept anywhere near here.
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The truth about conspirator theories is they are inversley proportional to the level of clarity and transparency in any governance


Mob Boss Santo Trafficante has admitted that he had JFK whacked and it was caught on a FBI wire.
I don't know... I don't really believe in Conspiracies.. But if i had to choose out of all the ridiculous ones it would be Area 51.
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I think JFK has been thoroughly debunked from a ballistics standpoint, Additionally, there was no 2nd shooter, no man on the grassy knoll, and I believe Oliver Stone owes the sheep a deep apology.
I think JFK has been thoroughly debunked from a ballistics standpoint, Additionally, there was no 2nd shooter, no man on the grassy knoll, and I believe Oliver Stone owes the sheep a deep apology.

At this point, it's more about who was behind it all rather than who pulled the trigger.
I think JFK has been thoroughly debunked from a ballistics standpoint, Additionally, there was no 2nd shooter, no man on the grassy knoll, and I believe Oliver Stone owes the sheep a deep apology.

At this point, it's more about who was behind it all rather than who pulled the trigger.

Indeed, but until that proof is brought forward then it's just another theory and I'll stick with the simplest explanation albeit the original explanation.

Mob Boss Santo Trafficante has admitted that he had JFK whacked and it was caught on a FBI wire.

the mob was involved in it but only at a lower level.The mob could not have made the media go to sleep like they did or set up oswald like he was or get the protection for him to be non existed like it was.Only people in high places withing the government could.we know it was the CIA because in the 70's when the house select committee on assassinations was doing their investigation,when it was winding down two CIA men came forward and admitted they did it and asked them whey they wanted to go with it in their investigation.

The HSSA of course had no interest whatsover in pursuing that lead since it pointed towards government involvement.That was why senator gaston fonzi resigned from that commission because of his disgust of them ignoring government involvement. Oh and there is even more overwhelming evidence 9/11 was an inside job.those are world known facts around the world on that.
There is only one real unexplained incident about JFK. There was a guy standing on the curb (I forget exactly where) and he felt something hit his cheek. He had a scratch and look down and saw the curb looked like it was chipped. the same day that section of curb was replaced.
Weird..... But doesn't prove any conspiracy.
There is only one real unexplained incident about JFK. There was a guy standing on the curb (I forget exactly where) and he felt something hit his cheek. He had a scratch and look down and saw the curb looked like it was chipped. the same day that section of curb was replaced.
Weird..... But doesn't prove any conspiracy.
having lived in that area, i find that one very hard to believe
the Dallas area has a TON of bad curbs
There is only one real unexplained incident about JFK. There was a guy standing on the curb (I forget exactly where) and he felt something hit his cheek. He had a scratch and look down and saw the curb looked like it was chipped. the same day that section of curb was replaced.
Weird..... But doesn't prove any conspiracy.
having lived in that area, i find that one very hard to believe
the Dallas area has a TON of bad curbs

Something I read about years ago, always stuck in the back of my mind for some reason.

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