Obamacare on track to hit 7 million

My response is in the form of the following questions
How many have actually paid?
How many are the young and healthy needed to make this work?
How many of these were previously insured people who had their plans cancelled when Obamacare went into effect?

You left out one:
How many are Medicaid recipients?

Of the 7 million stated? None.
Soooooooo, 6 or 7 million signed up for obamacare. most of them either are being subsidized or are signing up for free medicaid. 6 million lost policies they liked and were paying for.

so, the net change is zero, but we spent 1.5 trillion to achieve nothing. Wow----ain't socialism great?

None of the 7 million number included any that signed up for Medicaid. Zero. The 7 million number is derived solely from people who signed up for private insurance via the exchanges.

Where is the source for you guess? Please provide the link.

Obamacare Enrollment Hits 7.1 Million On Final Day

The 7.1 million figure does not include the millions who have signed up for coverage through the law's Medicaid expansion, which remains accessible after the end of open enrollment to those who qualify.
Soooooooo, 6 or 7 million signed up for obamacare. most of them either are being subsidized or are signing up for free medicaid. 6 million lost policies they liked and were paying for.

so, the net change is zero, but we spent 1.5 trillion to achieve nothing. Wow----ain't socialism great?

None of the 7 million number included any that signed up for Medicaid. Zero. The 7 million number is derived solely from people who signed up for private insurance via the exchanges.

Where is the source for you guess? Please provide the link.

I am hearing rumblings about a study from the Rand Corporation that says "as few as 850,000" have actually paid for their insurance. True? Hell I don't know - but I SERIOUSLY doubt that any more than 30-40% have actually paid.

This is just like the current administration - smoke and mirrors.

I will point this out however. I got a good laugh today during Barry's "statement". Good Old Kathleen Sebellius, rather than being center stage with the High Potentate, was relegated to the visitors seats. I think Barry has had about enough of this dumbass....

Po' 'Conservative' boneheads just got their asses handed to them one more time. The ACA is going to be a success. And just like the 'Conservatives' of yesteryear that said Social Security would crash and burn, you are going to look like idiots a few years from now. Expecially when we seque this into full universal single payer insurance.:badgrin:

Actually, it is not crying. We are asking a poignant question. How many insurance policies were cancelled as a result of Obamacare?

The fact you either think that is not a legit question, or you do not care that that number is not factored into the 7 million that the left is crowing about only further reveals your ignorance, your hypocrisy, your naivety, and your gullible nature.

Go ahead, laugh away and consider it irrelevant.

My contention that you all do not stand for a thing along with the fact that having a debate with any left winger idiot is like arguing with a 7 year old is only affirmed.

I will be waiting for to tell me the number of Americans that had their policies cancelled. Let me know when one of your pathetic left wing new sources reports it. I will not hold my breath.

Tell me, do you think you have any ability to think for yourself?
The 7M is mostly the result of a big churn operation that caused people to lose their insurance due to ObamaCare, and counting people who would have qualified for Medicaid even without ObamaCare.

It's a Potemkin Village number.
President Obama (praise be unto Him!) has kicked wingnut ass once again! :lol:

You probably searched for something intelligent to say, and this is what you came up with.

Remember what I claim about left wingers being equivalent to arguing with a child?

I keep being proven right.
None of the 7 million number included any that signed up for Medicaid. Zero. The 7 million number is derived solely from people who signed up for private insurance via the exchanges.

Where is the source for you guess? Please provide the link.

I am hearing rumblings about a study from the Rand Corporation that says "as few as 850,000" have actually paid for their insurance. True? Hell I don't know - but I SERIOUSLY doubt that any more than 30-40% have actually paid.

This is just like the current administration - smoke and mirrors.

I will point this out however. I got a good laugh today during Barry's "statement". Good Old Kathleen Sebellius, rather than being center stage with the High Potentate, was relegated to the visitors seats. I think Barry has had about enough of this dumbass....

Yep this is just more empty suit marketing, maobama lies and the media swears to it. But when they control the way the numbers are presented and access to the raw data, what can you do, you know its a lie but they know you have no way of proving it.
Where is the source for you guess? Please provide the link.

I am hearing rumblings about a study from the Rand Corporation that says "as few as 850,000" have actually paid for their insurance. True? Hell I don't know - but I SERIOUSLY doubt that any more than 30-40% have actually paid.

This is just like the current administration - smoke and mirrors.

I will point this out however. I got a good laugh today during Barry's "statement". Good Old Kathleen Sebellius, rather than being center stage with the High Potentate, was relegated to the visitors seats. I think Barry has had about enough of this dumbass....

Yep this is just more empty suit marketing, maobama lies and the media swears to it. But when they control the way the numbers are presented and access to the raw data, what can you do, you know its a lie but they know you have no way of proving it.

I think my signature phrase applies here.
Obamacare On Track To Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups On Deadline Day: Sources
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials told The Associated Press.

It's looking like the number will fall somewhere between 6.7 million and 7.2 million, depending on how many late enrolls finish in the next few days. I wonder how the GOP will respond to this one?

'The debate over repealing this law is over': Obama boasts 7.1 MILLION have signed up to Obamacare - but study shows just 858,000 newly insured Americans have paid up!

President took a major victory lap and took political shots at Republicans, but ignored shortcomings in his administration's official numbers
Press secretary Jay Carney will only say 'we're aggregating a lot of data' when asked how many enrollees have paid for coverage
Carney dodged questions about damning study that showed very few Obamacare customers were uninsured before the law took effect
Percentages from a hush-hush RAND Corporation study suggest barely 858,000 previously uninsured Americans have enrolled and paid premiums
HHS Secretary Sebelius met a televised challenge Monday about 'unpopular' Obamacare with lengthy awkward silence

White House says 7 MILLION Obamacare enrollments, but study shows 858,000 | Mail Online
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How many enrolled and actually PAID??

Funny how they do not mention that

Actually, they set an artificial number (7 million) that they HAD to hit or face the FACT that this thing is a boondoggle that won't work.

Now, come hell or high water, they mysteriously "hit it" at the last hour. They can't give you ANY statistics of those who have paid because I don't believe they have a clue and even if they did - they wouldn't publicize it. It would be (probably) in the neighborhood of 35% of that mysterious "7 million" so they don't want to chance looking like even bigger fools than they already are. Kathleen Sebellius has made a complete cluster f$ck of this from the beginning. Take note of the fact that she wasn't standing beside her god today. She was in the cheap seats.

Obarrycare is doomed to failure. Hell, let's be honest here. If this "program" was so damned great - 46 million would now have insurance. They do not and they WILL NOT. The CBO has already stated that even with this crap - there will STILL be 36+ million people uninsured, so what the hell is the point?

November 2014 is right around the corner. This will soon be just a bad memory.
Obamacare On Track To Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups On Deadline Day: Sources
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials told The Associated Press.

It's looking like the number will fall somewhere between 6.7 million and 7.2 million, depending on how many late enrolls finish in the next few days. I wonder how the GOP will respond to this one?

'The debate over repealing this law is over': Obama boasts 7.1 MILLION have signed up to Obamacare - but study shows just 858,000 newly insured Americans have paid up!

President took a major victory lap and took political shots at Republicans, but ignored shortcomings in his administration's official numbers
Press secretary Jay Carney will only say 'we're aggregating a lot of data' when asked how many enrollees have paid for coverage
Carney dodged questions about damning study that showed very few Obamacare customers were uninsured before the law took effect
Percentages from a hush-hush RAND Corporation study suggest barely 858,000 previously uninsured Americans have enrolled and paid premiums
HHS Secretary Sebelius met a televised challenge Monday about 'unpopular' Obamacare with lengthy awkward silence
White House says 7 MILLION Obamacare enrollments, but study shows 858,000 | Mail Online
They're lying, inflating the numbers trying to convince people that their failure is a success. These people live outside reality.
How many enrolled and actually PAID??

Funny how they do not mention that

Actually, they set an artificial number (7 million) that they HAD to hit or face the FACT that this thing is a boondoggle that won't work.

Now, come hell or high water, they mysteriously "hit it" at the last hour. They can't give you ANY statistics of those who have paid because I don't believe they have a clue and even if they did - they wouldn't publicize it. It would be (probably) in the neighborhood of 35% of that mysterious "7 million" so they don't want to chance looking like even bigger fools than they already are. Kathleen Sebellius has made a complete cluster f$ck of this from the beginning. Take note of the fact that she wasn't standing beside her god today. She was in the cheap seats.

Obarrycare is doomed to failure. Hell, let's be honest here. If this "program" was so damned great - 46 million would now have insurance. They do not and they WILL NOT. The CBO has already stated that even with this crap - there will STILL be 36+ million people uninsured, so what the hell is the point?

November 2014 is right around the corner. This will soon be just a bad memory.
Suddenly overnight...it is a success...and people suddenly LOVE it...?
These jackwads are lying...

Well...lets see....

There were 6 million people that had insurance that unexpectedly lost it.

Those were responsible people that knew the importance of insurance.....so it is likely all, if not most of them signed up due to two reasons..

1) They wanted insurance like they already had
2) They are law abiding citizens who understand the law is the law.

So, in essence......those who lost insurance due to the ACA make up the bulk of the 6 million that have signed up through the ACA.
Of those 7 millions...

1 - 6 = (-5)?

1 million who needed it - 6 millions who lost theirs due to ACA = (-5) millions net loss charge-able to ObamaCare?

If the numbers are anywhere near accurate, it sounds like another Lib-Prog clusterf--k to me...

'Spend a dollar, to make a dime'

No wonder the Pubs are on the warpath over it...

It's enough to make any 1st-year accounting student have an apoplexy fit...

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