Obamacare on track to hit 7 million

Obamacare on track to hit 7 million
That's seven million voters that will vote against the cons. Then there's another seven million thrown off unemployment that will vote against the cons. And another ten million that lost food stamps that will vote against the cons. And another 25 million elderly that know the cons want to cut their social security and Medicare, that will vote against the cons. And then there's all those workers that drive to work on collapsing bridges and pot hole filled roads, that are tired of cons cutting infrastructure, that will vote against the cons. And millions and millions of blacks and Hispanics that are sick of con bigotry, that will vote against the cons.
The only votes the cons have, are the rich and the ignorant. It's like the cons giving a bat to someone and saying, "Please, beat me silly."

You run with that run hard.
^^^^^^Beaten silly.
That's seven million voters that will vote against the cons. Then there's another seven million thrown off unemployment that will vote against the cons. And another ten million that lost food stamps that will vote against the cons. And another 25 million elderly that know the cons want to cut their social security and Medicare, that will vote against the cons. And then there's all those workers that drive to work on collapsing bridges and pot hole filled roads, that are tired of cons cutting infrastructure, that will vote against the cons. And millions and millions of blacks and Hispanics that are sick of con bigotry, that will vote against the cons.
The only votes the cons have, are the rich and the ignorant. It's like the cons giving a bat to someone and saying, "Please, beat me silly."

You run with that run hard.
^^^^^^Beaten silly.

The only thing beaten silly is rational thought every time you post some of your standard drivel.

I think comparing you to Truthmatters is actually insulting to Truthmatters.
Obamacare On Track To Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups On Deadline Day: Sources
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials told The Associated Press.

It's looking like the number will fall somewhere between 6.7 million and 7.2 million, depending on how many late enrolls finish in the next few days. I wonder how the GOP will respond to this one?

Right, and you can keep your doctor, you can keep your policy, we're deporting more illegals than any other administration, the check is in the mail and I won't cum in your mouth. Got any more grand lies? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Has any main stream media factored in the number of people that lost their insurance?


Not a factor?

Liberals are so easy to lie to.
Soooooooo, 6 or 7 million signed up for obamacare. most of them either are being subsidized or are signing up for free medicaid. 6 million lost policies they liked and were paying for.

so, the net change is zero, but we spent 1.5 trillion to achieve nothing. Wow----ain't socialism great?
Obamacare On Track To Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups On Deadline Day: Sources
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials told The Associated Press.

It's looking like the number will fall somewhere between 6.7 million and 7.2 million, depending on how many late enrolls finish in the next few days. I wonder how the GOP will respond to this one?

now subtract the 5 million + who lost it and we have 2 million insured out of a claimed 40 million who were uninsured. So the plan has signed 5% of its target. what a win!:cuckoo:
Until the 7 million are statistically described in detail, it's all bullshit.

Yeah, I don't buy it for one second. Nothing more than propaganda by a White House that is being laughed at by the world.
dimocraps lie.

Dogs bark, babies cry, ducks quack.....

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do. It's ALL they do.

Top to bottom, inside out, the long the short, the tall, the skinny, the fat, the ugly, the females, shemales and males, the young the old, even the dead......

dimocraps lie.

Always have. Always will
My response is in the form of the following questions
How many have actually paid?
How many are the young and healthy needed to make this work?
How many of these were previously insured people who had their plans cancelled when Obamacare went into effect?

You left out one:
How many are Medicaid recipients?

Po' 'Conservative' boneheads just got their asses handed to them one more time. The ACA is going to be a success. And just like the 'Conservatives' of yesteryear that said Social Security would crash and burn, you are going to look like idiots a few years from now. Expecially when we seque this into full universal single payer insurance.:badgrin:
My response is in the form of the following questions
How many have actually paid?
How many are the young and healthy needed to make this work?
How many of these were previously insured people who had their plans cancelled when Obamacare went into effect?

You left out one:
How many are Medicaid recipients?

Thanks for the addition.

Po' 'Conservative' boneheads just got their asses handed to them one more time. The ACA is going to be a success. And just like the 'Conservatives' of yesteryear that said Social Security would crash and burn, you are going to look like idiots a few years from now. Expecially when we seque this into full universal single payer insurance.:badgrin:

So, 7.1 million people sign up for Obamacare. Sign up, not enroll... 6.17 million were stripped of their insurance. Basically, all that really happened was that those people who lost their insurance were the ones who actually signed up for Obamacare, for lack of any other choice. So how many fresh bodies did Obamacare actually sign up? Roughly 928,000.

Do you really call that a success?
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Po' 'Conservative' boneheads just got their asses handed to them one more time. The ACA is going to be a success. And just like the 'Conservatives' of yesteryear that said Social Security would crash and burn, you are going to look like idiots a few years from now. Expecially when we seque this into full universal single payer insurance.:badgrin:
The Unaffordable Care Act is going to hand everybody their asses, including yours. You'll sing a different tune when Big Government decides you're too old to keep investing in.
Obamacare On Track To Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups On Deadline Day: Sources
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials told The Associated Press.

It's looking like the number will fall somewhere between 6.7 million and 7.2 million, depending on how many late enrolls finish in the next few days. I wonder how the GOP will respond to this one?

Lies. 5 million lost their insurance due to Obamacare. How many are on Medicaid Or get their insurance paid mostly by subsidies . How many have not made a payment. Until they give all those numbers it is all a lie !@!
Obamacare On Track To Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups On Deadline Day: Sources
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials told The Associated Press.

It's looking like the number will fall somewhere between 6.7 million and 7.2 million, depending on how many late enrolls finish in the next few days. I wonder how the GOP will respond to this one?

No you don’t.

You know exactly how they’ll respond, with the usual lies, spin, and misinformation.
Obamacare On Track To Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups On Deadline Day: Sources
WASHINGTON (AP) — Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials told The Associated Press.

It's looking like the number will fall somewhere between 6.7 million and 7.2 million, depending on how many late enrolls finish in the next few days. I wonder how the GOP will respond to this one?
Obama is a lying liar. This Regime has never told the truth.
Soooooooo, 6 or 7 million signed up for obamacare. most of them either are being subsidized or are signing up for free medicaid. 6 million lost policies they liked and were paying for.

so, the net change is zero, but we spent 1.5 trillion to achieve nothing. Wow----ain't socialism great?

None of the 7 million number included any that signed up for Medicaid. Zero. The 7 million number is derived solely from people who signed up for private insurance via the exchanges.
Soooooooo, 6 or 7 million signed up for obamacare. most of them either are being subsidized or are signing up for free medicaid. 6 million lost policies they liked and were paying for.

so, the net change is zero, but we spent 1.5 trillion to achieve nothing. Wow----ain't socialism great?

None of the 7 million number included any that signed up for Medicaid. Zero. The 7 million number is derived solely from people who signed up for private insurance via the exchanges.

Where is the source for you guess? Please provide the link.

Po' 'Conservative' boneheads just got their asses handed to them one more time. The ACA is going to be a success. And just like the 'Conservatives' of yesteryear that said Social Security would crash and burn, you are going to look like idiots a few years from now. Expecially when we seque this into full universal single payer insurance.:badgrin:

Democrats will never get a chance to turn this into universal healthcare. Their chance at total control of our government ever again is over.

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