Just So We're All Speaking The Same Language


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'd like to define some terms that get thrown around in here quite a bit.

One of the most used is the term 'liberal'

Liberal..... Anything and anybody good. But mostly whatever our dimocrap pals say it is.

Mao.... Not liberal even though he was a total redistributionist. Same with Stalin. Although Stalin was a marxist, a redistributionist and communist true-believer, he doesn't qualify as a 'liberal' because he was mean.

Conservative.... Anybody that's bad. That is, according to our dimocrap pals.

See above, plus add in our Founding Fathers. They can't have been Conservative because they were good guys. Even though many of them, including our Founding Father (George Washington) was the richest President ever and owned quite a few slaves. As did Thoma Jefferson. So they don't get the 'Conservative' label.

Racist.... Anyone our dimocrap pals say is racist, is racist. Conservatives NEVER get to use the word because... Well, we're just too mean, I guess.

When Blacks call other Blacks Uncle Tom or House ******, that's not racist. Black people just talk differently to other Black people than they do to Whites.

Also, liberals are never racists because they're just so good. Can't happen.

Misogynist.... Only Conservatives can be misogynists. Just ask any self-identified liberal, he or she will be happy to tell you.

In spite of the way self-identified liberals (remember, only liberals get to say who is and who isn't liberal) treated Sarah Palin and her daughters, in spite of what they said about Michele Bachman... liberals are NEVER misogynists. Because, well, they're always good. Remember that.

Helping the poor. Only self-identified liberals are allowed to offer solutions to helping the poor. Not Conservatives. We're mean.

In fact, if we point out that liberals have done such a bang-up job of helping the poor in the last 50 years, that there are twice as many people in poverty now as there were when they started helping the poor, we're called racists, misogynists and anti-poor.

There. I hope that helps both sides understand each other better.

You see, language and the lack of understanding of language can cause a lot of problems. In fact, it was the cause of the first Greek/Persian War back in the day. The Greeks misunderstood what the Persians wanted when the Persians asked for dirt and water.

So now that we understand each other better. We should carry on.

And if you run into a term that you don't completely understand, just remember that it is whatever our resident dimocraps say it is...

Today. It could change tomorrow

Because they not only get to invent words, they get to tell us what they mean.
Come on guys!

I thought this was pretty clever. And honest.

Ever notice how dims always control the conversation by using totally subjective and ambiguous terms that always seem to have different meanings every other day?

Ever notice how they drag you into dead-end arguments over definitions and descriptions?

Wise up, people
Conservative.... Anybody that's bad. That is, according to our dimocrap pals.

See above, plus add in our Founding Fathers. They can't have been Conservative because they were good guys. Even though many of them, including our Founding Father (George Washington) was the richest President ever and owned quite a few slaves. As did Thoma Jefferson. So they don't get the 'Conservative' label.

Actually, liberals can't seem to make up their minds as to whether the founding fathers were liberals or racist, homophobe, misogynist, reactionary pigs. It depends on what point they are trying to defend. If they're trying to claim liberals are patriotic Americans and not communists, then the Founding Fathers were liberals. If they are arguing that the United States is the most evil country that ever existed and that capitalism is a failure, then the Founding Fathers are reactionaries.
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