Obamacare on track to hit 7 million

We could of put those most of those 6million on Medicaid and not have to PAY FOR HIS government sham...instead we've shelled out over, 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, hired 16.000 NEW IRS agents, etc

and for this the left applauds Obama...this country is frikken hopeless
Indeed. They have stated they've created jobs...they have...yes...in Government...while they destroy the private sector, growing the ranks of the unemployed, and the ranks getting food stamps and other assistance that is supposed to pay for it all. Their logic escapes me.

That's been Obama's and his comrades in arm party's plan to begin with

then, bankrupt our country and TRANSFORM completed

We could of put those most of those 6million on Medicaid and not have to PAY FOR HIS government sham...instead we've shelled out over, 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, hired 16.000 NEW IRS agents, etc

and for this the left applauds Obama...this country is frikken hopeless
Indeed. They have stated they've created jobs...they have...yes...in Government...while they destroy the private sector, growing the ranks of the unemployed, and the ranks getting food stamps and other assistance that is supposed to pay for it all. Their logic escapes me.

That's been Obama's and his comrades in arm party's plan to begin with

then, bankrupt our country and TRANSFORM completed

Yep. They've been at it for over 100 years
1.3 trillion in taxes to American tax payers divided by 7 million. This gets us what each person who enrolled costs the tax payers over 10 years.

I think its $185,714 per person enrolled. Great job Obama. $18,571 per year per person is surely affordable

And it won't raise our taxes one dime.....

And we're all going to see our premiums reduced by $2,500!
1.3 trillion in taxes to American tax payers divided by 7 million. This gets us what each person who enrolled costs the tax payers over 10 years.

I think its $185,714 per person enrolled. Great job Obama. $18,571 per year per person is surely affordable

And it won't raise our taxes one dime.....

And we're all going to see our premiums reduced by $2,500!
AND we can KEEP our plans...Our Doctors!
I just love the way the cons are having a hissy fit over the success of healthcare for the common people. They're going to need a diaper change. Wahhhhhhhhh! Oh BTW, the majority of voters now favor Obamacare 49% to 48%. By November it will be 70% in favor. Better crank up that con propaganda machine. But your con lies won't work, because they already know you're full of shit. Na na na na na!!!!!!!



That's why congress excluded themselves from it, and the most damaging mandates were pushed beyond the next two elections. If left in place those mandates would have tens of millions of angry voters pissed of over such a success.
These people seem oblivious to how badly they're going to lose.

Indeed. The Kleenex people will make tens of millions off these clowns the day after the election......The makers of Xanix will see record profits, Distillers in Kentucky will see the sales go through the roof and those living in Colorado will be in a self-induced dope stupor for three days following the elections.

The rest of America will be dancing in the streets!!!

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