Obama Shooting Off His Mouth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
One more time!

Is this guy as stupid as he appears....or does he believe his supporters are as dumb as asphalt???

The bodies aren't even in the ground yet, and the worthless wind-bag thinks he sees an opportunity to revive his sinking presidency:

1. "Obama to Issue More Executive Actions on Gun Control After Navy Yard Shooting

2. .... launching into a highly politicized speech in which he berated Republicans, President Barack Obama took a moment to address the rampage carried out by madman Aaron Alexis at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C.

3. ....gun control legislation died in the Senate (thanks to a lack of votes from Democrats) after politicians like Senator Diane Feinstein and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg overreached with their gun control goals.

4. ...Obama isn't letting a good crisis go to waste, and will be issuing more executive actions on gun control according to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

a. ...the president is implementing executive actions and reiterated his commitment to strengthening gun laws, including expanding background checks to sales online and at gun shows.

5. Alexis entered Washington D.C. with a firearm, entered the Navy Yard with a firearm, stole multiple firearms off of police officers and murdered a dozen people. All of these actions are illegal.

a. Aaron Alexis ... bought an uncontroversial shotgun from a reputable, licensed dealer and subjected himself successfully to a federal background check.

b. Alexis, ... did not buy a weapon “from a friend” or “over the Internet” or in the “parking lot of a gun show”; he did not have a “high capacity” magazine from which to “spray” bullets around; he did not buy a “military style” “assault weapon” — nor even use one; he did not deploy “armor-piercing bullets.” Instead, he bought a shotgun that almost nobody is openly suggesting should be banned or controlled."
Obama to Issue More Executive Actions on Gun Control After Navy Yard Shooting - Katie Pavlich

Now, let's see if I can flesh out my rhetorical contention:
"Is this guy as stupid as he appears....or does he believe his supporters are as dumb as asphalt??"

What new 'executive action' would have prevented this atrocity???
Name it!!

Consider the current Washington, DC gun regulations:

6. "...the District still has a litany of laws on the books that make it more difficult to obtain some firearms, impossible to obtain others, and illegal to carry any loaded gun in the city.

7. By just being in the city with a loaded firearm, regardless of whether he was the legally registered owner, the suspect Aaron Alexis would be in violation of D.C. law.

a. Carrying a concealed firearm or carrying a firearm openly in D.C. are both against the law. Bringing a firearm from out of state without registering it in D.C. is illegal. Assault-style rifles are banned. And even traveling through D.C. with a firearm is illegal.

b. In addition, the Navy Sea Systems Command headquarters is a federal facility that is subject to federal law, which prohibits carrying a firearm onto the premises (except by law enforcement or members of the armed forces).

8. Here’s an overview of some of D.C.’s gun rules:

Buying a gun:
10-day waiting period between purchasing and obtaining a firearm.
“Assault weapons” (certain models of semi-automatic rifles), including the most popular rifle in America, the AR-15 (used in the Aurora theater shooting and the Newtown shooting) are banned.
Large capacity magazines (more than 10 rounds) are banned.
Selling a gun to anyone who is reasonably believed to not be “of sound mind” is illegal.
Machine guns and sawed-off shotguns are banned.
Parent or guardian permission required for gun purchasers between the ages of 18 and 21.
You must purchase a firearm from a registered firearms dealer in D.C.

Who can’t buy a gun:
The legally blind.
Anyone who has been convicted of a violent crime or a weapons offense
Anyone who is under indictment for a violent crime or weapons offense.
Anyone who has been convicted of a drug offense or making threats to do bodily harm in the last 5 years.
Anyone who has been adjudicated to be an alcoholic or acquitted of a crime by reason of insanity in the last 5 years.*
Anyone who has been committed to a mental institution in the last five years.*
Registering a gun:
Any previously owned firearm must be registered in the District.
Firearms must be re-registered every three years.
Gun owners must complete a background check, an online firearm safety course, and pass a test about D.C.’s gun laws.
Pass vision requirements.

Owning a gun
Carrying a concealed weapon in DC is illegal.
Carrying a weapon openly is illegal.
You can be arrested and your firearm confiscated if you stop in DC for any reason with a firearm from out of state.
Transporting any loaded gun in a vehicle in DC is illegal. Guns are required to be unloaded and unable to be accessed by the driver. The firearm or ammunition cannot be stored in the glove compartment or console.
Gun free zones include day care centers, schools, universities, public swimming pools, video arcades, or youth centers. Carrying a gun into a gun-free zone carries a fine or can result in imprisonment."
D.C. Gun Laws Some of the Strictest in the U.S. - ABC News

Hey....give this guy another Nobel Prize.....re-elect this failure....tell all how brilliant he is!!!

It can't get any sicker than it is.
He knows his smartest supporters are as dumb as asphalt. The dumbest ones are like a black hole of ignorance. Incredibly dense, allowing no facts, logic or reason to penetrate.

I can confidently say that as we see the same arguements, psuedo-concern for "innocent victims" and demands for bullshit laws get regurgitated by the standard chorus of bed wetters.

If it hasn't occured to these idiots by now that they're wrong, there has to be a scientific explaination. So I present to the USMB my "Black Hole of Liberal Ignorance Theorum".
One more time!

Is this guy as stupid as he appears....or does he believe his supporters are as dumb as asphalt???

The bodies aren't even in the ground yet, and the worthless wind-bag thinks he sees an opportunity to revive his sinking presidency:

1. "Obama to Issue More Executive Actions on Gun Control After Navy Yard Shooting

2. .... launching into a highly politicized speech in which he berated Republicans, President Barack Obama took a moment to address the rampage carried out by madman Aaron Alexis at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C.

3. ....gun control legislation died in the Senate (thanks to a lack of votes from Democrats) after politicians like Senator Diane Feinstein and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg overreached with their gun control goals.

4. ...Obama isn't letting a good crisis go to waste, and will be issuing more executive actions on gun control according to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

a. ...the president is implementing executive actions and reiterated his commitment to strengthening gun laws, including expanding background checks to sales online and at gun shows.

5. Alexis entered Washington D.C. with a firearm, entered the Navy Yard with a firearm, stole multiple firearms off of police officers and murdered a dozen people. All of these actions are illegal.

a. Aaron Alexis ... bought an uncontroversial shotgun from a reputable, licensed dealer and subjected himself successfully to a federal background check.

b. Alexis, ... did not buy a weapon “from a friend” or “over the Internet” or in the “parking lot of a gun show”; he did not have a “high capacity” magazine from which to “spray” bullets around; he did not buy a “military style” “assault weapon” — nor even use one; he did not deploy “armor-piercing bullets.” Instead, he bought a shotgun that almost nobody is openly suggesting should be banned or controlled."
Obama to Issue More Executive Actions on Gun Control After Navy Yard Shooting - Katie Pavlich

Now, let's see if I can flesh out my rhetorical contention:
"Is this guy as stupid as he appears....or does he believe his supporters are as dumb as asphalt??"

What new 'executive action' would have prevented this atrocity???
Name it!!

Consider the current Washington, DC gun regulations:

6. "...the District still has a litany of laws on the books that make it more difficult to obtain some firearms, impossible to obtain others, and illegal to carry any loaded gun in the city.

7. By just being in the city with a loaded firearm, regardless of whether he was the legally registered owner, the suspect Aaron Alexis would be in violation of D.C. law.

a. Carrying a concealed firearm or carrying a firearm openly in D.C. are both against the law. Bringing a firearm from out of state without registering it in D.C. is illegal. Assault-style rifles are banned. And even traveling through D.C. with a firearm is illegal.

b. In addition, the Navy Sea Systems Command headquarters is a federal facility that is subject to federal law, which prohibits carrying a firearm onto the premises (except by law enforcement or members of the armed forces).

8. Here’s an overview of some of D.C.’s gun rules:

Buying a gun:
10-day waiting period between purchasing and obtaining a firearm.
“Assault weapons” (certain models of semi-automatic rifles), including the most popular rifle in America, the AR-15 (used in the Aurora theater shooting and the Newtown shooting) are banned.
Large capacity magazines (more than 10 rounds) are banned.
Selling a gun to anyone who is reasonably believed to not be “of sound mind” is illegal.
Machine guns and sawed-off shotguns are banned.
Parent or guardian permission required for gun purchasers between the ages of 18 and 21.
You must purchase a firearm from a registered firearms dealer in D.C.

Who can’t buy a gun:
The legally blind.
Anyone who has been convicted of a violent crime or a weapons offense
Anyone who is under indictment for a violent crime or weapons offense.
Anyone who has been convicted of a drug offense or making threats to do bodily harm in the last 5 years.
Anyone who has been adjudicated to be an alcoholic or acquitted of a crime by reason of insanity in the last 5 years.*
Anyone who has been committed to a mental institution in the last five years.*
Registering a gun:
Any previously owned firearm must be registered in the District.
Firearms must be re-registered every three years.
Gun owners must complete a background check, an online firearm safety course, and pass a test about D.C.’s gun laws.
Pass vision requirements.

Owning a gun
Carrying a concealed weapon in DC is illegal.
Carrying a weapon openly is illegal.
You can be arrested and your firearm confiscated if you stop in DC for any reason with a firearm from out of state.
Transporting any loaded gun in a vehicle in DC is illegal. Guns are required to be unloaded and unable to be accessed by the driver. The firearm or ammunition cannot be stored in the glove compartment or console.
Gun free zones include day care centers, schools, universities, public swimming pools, video arcades, or youth centers. Carrying a gun into a gun-free zone carries a fine or can result in imprisonment."
D.C. Gun Laws Some of the Strictest in the U.S. - ABC News

Hey....give this guy another Nobel Prize.....re-elect this failure....tell all how brilliant he is!!!

It can't get any sicker than it is.

no AR-15

just a joe biden twelve gauge

a bad day for the citizen disarmament crew
He knows his smartest supporters are as dumb as asphalt. The dumbest ones are like a black hole of ignorance. Incredibly dense, allowing no facts, logic or reason to penetrate.

I can confidently say that as we see the same arguements, psuedo-concern for "innocent victims" and demands for bullshit laws get regurgitated by the standard chorus of bed wetters.

If it hasn't occured to these idiots by now that they're wrong, there has to be a scientific explaination. So I present to the USMB my "Black Hole of Liberal Ignorance Theorum".

as late as an hour ago

MSLSD is still spreading the lie that the shooter used an "assault weapon"

they have an animation of the shooter shooting from the third floor with

an m-16 with attached grenade launcher firing away
Alexis took Biden's advice and got himself a shotgun.

He shouldn't have had ANY gun.

He's been in trouble, twice, for using a gun in an illegal manner.

That should have barred him from legally owning a gun.

Seems it didn't.

What law would you propose that isn't already on the books to have prevented him from getting his shotgun?
Alexis took Biden's advice and got himself a shotgun.

He shouldn't have had ANY gun.

He's been in trouble, twice, for using a gun in an illegal manner.

That should have barred him from legally owning a gun.

Seems it didn't.

Possibly your love.....fascination?....for this failure-in-chief has clouded your ability to comprehend.

The OP is about Obama.....not the NYC-born sociopath.....the other one.

Obama is threatening to issue more executive orders to assuage the tragedy.....

Can you explain what possible pre-confetti by the wind bag would do so?
You see....that is the point: no further laws would obviate the acts by Alexis.

But....if you realize that your earlier support for the dope was a horrible mistake,...no response to this post will be necessary.
An M-16 is an assault weapon. STOP THE BS and splitting hairs.

80-90 per cent of the country want background checks- Pub pandering to the whacko brainwashed fringe is a disgrace.Or is it they just won't do ANYTHING a Dem wants even when a large majority wants it- see fair tax on the bloated rich, implementing Wall St reform, jobs/infrastructure, ANY compromise on anything etc etc etc
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Alexis took Biden's advice and got himself a shotgun.

He shouldn't have had ANY gun.

He's been in trouble, twice, for using a gun in an illegal manner.

That should have barred him from legally owning a gun.

Seems it didn't.

Possibly your love.....fascination?....for this failure-in-chief has clouded your ability to comprehend.

The OP is about Obama.....not the NYC-born sociopath.....the other one.

Obama is threatening to issue more executive orders to assuage the tragedy.....

Can you explain what possible pre-confetti by the wind bag would do so?
You see....that is the point: no further laws would obviate the acts by Alexis.

But....if you realize that your earlier support for the dope was a horrible mistake,...no response to this post will be necessary.

Glue is a terrible thing to inhale.

You should stop.
An M-16 is an assault weapon. STOP THE BS and splitting hairs.

80-90 per cent of the country want background checks- Pub pandering to the whacko brainwashed fringe is a disgrace.Or is it they just won't do ANYTHING a Dem wants even when a large majority wants it- see fair tax on the bloated rich, implementing Wall St reform, jobs/infrastructure, ANY compromise on anything etc etc etc

Too bad for you most people who own guns don't own a M-16. They own an AR 15 which only looks sorta like a M-16, but is miles away from shooting like one.

And My rights aren't dependent upon what other people want.
Thank you Mr. President, but its not enough.

Every single American needs to be writing their congress person. Demand they stop taking pay offs from NRA and other pro-gun lobbyists and instead vote for the well-being and safety of their constituents.

BTW, ObamaCare will help in that it addresses several mental health issues. But, that's not enough either.
DOESN'T MATTER WHAT Washington and Chicago have for laws when Va and In are next door. IDIOT.

Don't know why the dumdum's bring up "gun free" because it means less than nothing. In Chicago, you can walk across the street and legally buy out of the trunk of a car.

More than 90% support expanded background checks but that is only a place to start.
Alexis took Biden's advice and got himself a shotgun.

He shouldn't have had ANY gun.

He's been in trouble, twice, for using a gun in an illegal manner.

That should have barred him from legally owning a gun.

Seems it didn't.

The main incident that would have barred him happened in Seattle a Liberal lala land, So explain why the Liberals failed to press charges , failed to ask a Judge to rule him incompetent, failed to charge him with even a crime?

The law already exists, you bed wetters refuse to use them.
Obama doesn't really care about gun control laws per se. This is about social control, and gradually undermining individual citizens' autonomy and freedom so they become more and more dependent on the Government.

You take away people's guns, and they lose a lot of their power and freedom in this society. That is Obama's agenda. The vast majority of Democrats completely agree with, and support this agenda. Once you are clear on the motives, it's pretty easy to understand.
Alexis took Biden's advice and got himself a shotgun.

He shouldn't have had ANY gun.

He's been in trouble, twice, for using a gun in an illegal manner.

That should have barred him from legally owning a gun.

Seems it didn't.

The main incident that would have barred him happened in Seattle a Liberal lala land, So explain why the Liberals failed to press charges , failed to ask a Judge to rule him incompetent, failed to charge him with even a crime?

The law already exists, you bed wetters refuse to use them.

But but but........

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