Obama Has Led Our Anti-American Enemies To The Verge of Victory


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It was foretold long ago by Marx that America would never be defeated but would only fall from the inside.

Many have tried to take the US down and have failed. Even the anti-American domestic terrorist bomb throwers like Barry's buddy Bill Ayers learned their violence could not do the job. Once identified as a threat / enemy they were opposed. They had to get on the inside, so they became part of academia. Their plan was to indoctrinate future generations. Start by no longer teaching our nation's history, get them to forget where we came from, who we are. Stoll, even the bomb throwers couldn't get the job done.

America's enemies needed a 'trojan horse':
Who better than an educated, articulate black man, raking advantage of the racial division in America and would almost guarantee he would be elected if nothing more than based on the color of his skin?

Who better than a man reared by an anti-colonialist who hated the US, who wanted to see her eliminated as a world power and world influence?

Obama was groomed to be that 'trojan horse', ADMITTEDLY tutored by a prominent Communist, educated in the teachings of Saul Alynski, mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American for decades.

Could this nation's enemies actually infiltrate the WH? It worked...he was ushered is as some type of 'success story' when elected President while his past and who he is was swept under the carpet.

Since he has been President he has violated the Constitution, violated the Rule of Law, racially divided this nation greater than it has been in the last 60 years, armed Mexucan Drug Cartels and terrorists, helped terrorists take over their own nations, aided the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11/01, has facilitated the illegal invasion of the US, has undermined our justice system / morals / ethics, watered down all we stand for and represent, and more....

He even told people he was going to do it - 'Fundamentally Change America'. Only an America-hating enemy of this nation would think this country needed to be FUNDAMENTALLY changed. (Those who had no problem with that were too f*ing stupid to know what 'fundamentally' means...and those who haven't noticed / caught on have been too stupid / brainwashed to notice.)

Criminal illegals protected by the Obama administration rioting, Democrats openly running a Socialist and a criminal, treasonous, failed elitist as a candidate.

America has been fundamentally changed. It is almost unrecognizable. Liberals are fighting for felons to vote, criminal illegals to be protected, men / perverts to use the lady's restroom, has terrorists controlling their own nations, our Constitution / laws ignored, our country being infiltrated, and it being torn apart from the inside.

Many still refuse or can not see that Obama is Marx's prognostication begun. One day many of those will...many will still refuse to believe. I hust hope we survive the greatest threat we have ever faced.
Wow, unsettled, unbalanced, unhappy nonsense again from the far right.

Obama and Bush are no gems, but compared to the nutty Teapers or the traitorous John Birch Society, they shine in comparison.
Starkey, Obama himself:
- Admitted to being tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- Admitted to studying Socialist Saul Alynski. Hell, he and Michelle have both quoted him in speeches - Obama during an inaugural address.
- Admitted to being voluntarily mentored by a racist, hate spewing, anti-American. One of his 'mentor's most noted 'sermons' included the teaching 'Not God BLESS America - God D@MN America!' (Yeah, if Jeremiah Wright is a 'christian pastor' I'm Elvis)

These are facts. How he admitted these, how the media told you to ignore them, and how you did is amazingly alarming.

It is a fact that Barry's daddy was an American-hating anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence.

It is a fact that Michelle Obama openly declared she was NEVER proud of this country until her fellow US-hating husband was elected. Barry hated this nation so much he openly declared he planned to fundamentally change it. He teamed with / be-friended a known, un-repentant domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops.

So Barry's whole life was spent, admittedly, pretty much around unpatriotic radicals, communists, Socialists, racists, hate-spewing American haters, and terrorists. Just what you dream of having as a President.

Wake the f* up, Jake - you and all the other voluntarily blind Obamapologists! Hell, Barry and Michelle didn't even like this country, made no secret about it, and f*ing moronic liberals voted them into office anyway.
And you telling me you really can't see the troublesome evolution of the Democratic Party?

Obama: Background already discussed

Clinton: Current leading DNC Presidential Candidate - Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act, who DID jeopardize US national security, even if sh did not compromise it.

Sanders: An admitted SOCIALIST, not even a real Democrat.

Ayers: Domestic Terrorist and has been involved in this election on behalf of he Democratic Party

One of the leading candidates for VP is a radical 'FAKE INDIAN'

This administration was just identified as the most criminally secretive in US history, being 70% criminally non-compliant with the FOIA.
- Liberals didn't even bat an eye over this announcement or slow down a second in their blind zombie-like defense of this criminal administration.

Obama has had 7 and a half years to turn the country over to our enemies. Isn't he running a tad late in this master grand plan?

As for master grand plans.... You aren't even slightly concerned about the non action of congress? They promised to scuttle Obama's presidency and that's about all they have accomplished. Isn't their inaction at least as treasonous as anything Obama has done? The popularity of congress is at a historical low for the lack of getting a damned thing done. I'm trying to weigh who is worse for the country.
Hardly, Huggy.

Again, as Marx said, we would collapse from WITHIN, not fall to OUTSIDE enemies.

We are nore racially divided than any time in 60 years.
Our economy ACTUALLY possibly the worst since the Great Depression: 7 1/2 years w/out 3% growth - 1st time in US history, record-setting deficit spending led to massive new debt, massive number of unemployed / out of the work force, least number of home owners in decades, etc

Open borders leading to infiltration of illegals, drug cartels, and terrorists at will

Erosion of morals, ethics, sense of nationality / identity, violations of Constitution & Rule of Law / laws by an untrustworthy government

Parties openly controlling elections Realized by a finally awoken nation

Citizens so frustrated we're about on the verge of revolt.

No one is asking 'Are you better off than you were 4 / 8 years ago because they know the answer is 'no'....

Yet none of this changes the facts above.
And if you think America isn't run, in part, by 'slaves' who fund all the self-appointed oligarchist rulers' spending (without having a say in how much is collected and what their money is used to pay for) then you're delusional....
It was foretold long ago by Marx that America would never be defeated but would only fall from the inside.

Many have tried to take the US down and have failed. Even the anti-American domestic terrorist bomb throwers like Barry's buddy Bill Ayers learned their violence could not do the job. Once identified as a threat / enemy they were opposed. They had to get on the inside, so they became part of academia. Their plan was to indoctrinate future generations. Start by no longer teaching our nation's history, get them to forget where we came from, who we are. Stoll, even the bomb throwers couldn't get the job done.

America's enemies needed a 'trojan horse':
Who better than an educated, articulate black man, raking advantage of the racial division in America and would almost guarantee he would be elected if nothing more than based on the color of his skin?

Who better than a man reared by an anti-colonialist who hated the US, who wanted to see her eliminated as a world power and world influence?

Obama was groomed to be that 'trojan horse', ADMITTEDLY tutored by a prominent Communist, educated in the teachings of Saul Alynski, mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American for decades.

Could this nation's enemies actually infiltrate the WH? It worked...he was ushered is as some type of 'success story' when elected President while his past and who he is was swept under the carpet.

Since he has been President he has violated the Constitution, violated the Rule of Law, racially divided this nation greater than it has been in the last 60 years, armed Mexucan Drug Cartels and terrorists, helped terrorists take over their own nations, aided the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11/01, has facilitated the illegal invasion of the US, has undermined our justice system / morals / ethics, watered down all we stand for and represent, and more....

He even told people he was going to do it - 'Fundamentally Change America'. Only an America-hating enemy of this nation would think this country needed to be FUNDAMENTALLY changed. (Those who had no problem with that were too f*ing stupid to know what 'fundamentally' means...and those who haven't noticed / caught on have been too stupid / brainwashed to notice.)

Criminal illegals protected by the Obama administration rioting, Democrats openly running a Socialist and a criminal, treasonous, failed elitist as a candidate.

America has been fundamentally changed. It is almost unrecognizable. Liberals are fighting for felons to vote, criminal illegals to be protected, men / perverts to use the lady's restroom, has terrorists controlling their own nations, our Constitution / laws ignored, our country being infiltrated, and it being torn apart from the inside.

Many still refuse or can not see that Obama is Marx's prognostication begun. One day many of those will...many will still refuse to believe. I hust hope we survive the greatest threat we have ever faced.

How much time do you spend thinking about this shit? Do you sweat a lot? Are you having trouble sleeping?
No one is asking 'Are you better off than you were 4 / 8 years ago because they know the answer is 'no'....

You are a loser easy. Wouldn't have mattered who was elected, you would have still been a loser.

You support a political party full of losers.

On top of that, Obama isnt running for president. Unfortunately.

Ask me if I am better off than I was at the end of the Bush presidency?

Why yes easy, I am.MUCH better off now than back then..thanks for asking.
And to bad you are such a fucking loser. But then, look at the people you are hanging out with. Bunch of republican losers.
Guess you get what you deserve. LMAO.
Wilbur, a loser is someone who personally attacks someone else because that person says something the intolerant attacker doesn't agree with and is emotionally unable to handle any other way.

That would be YOU, Wilbur.

You're also wrong - I am NOT like you. Your loyalty lies with a MAN, with a PARTY. Mine has and always will lie with God, Country, and Family. Such twisted allegiance prevents your ability to look objectively at those with whom your loyalty lies.

You are a bitter, intolerant, hate-filled person, and it is in part due to your fanatical ties / loyalty to a party that has embraced Socialism, racism, terrorism, and corruption while violating the Constitution and Rule of Law.

Your perverted sense of loyalty has you defending an administration that has set a new US criminal Presidential administration record for violating the law - 70% total NON-compliance with the FOIA in a successful attempt to illegally hide its activities from the American people!

I am a loser, Wilbur? No, that would be the person unexplicably, personally attacking others for pointing out this administration's record-setting criminal activity.

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