NY Times Running Glowing Report On Ohr...Right Before He Testifes On His Role In Conspiracy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Someone's spreading the manure a little early.....

Gee...the NY Times just so happened to run a glowing piece on how great of an American he is...just before he goes before Congress to answer questions about how he - a DOJ employee - was / is connected to the FBI, a foreign spy working for the FBI, Fusion GPS - who worked for the Russians & paid foreign spies and the Russians, and a false Russian-authored report that ended up in the hands of the DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI, all of who intentionally ILLEGALLY presented the fake report as legitimate Intel at one point or another in order to deceive the FISA courts to get illegal wire taps and to deceive Congress and get them to appoint a Special Counsel...



NYT Runs Glowing Profile Of Bruce Ohr Day Before Testimony

The New York Times ran a very favorable profile of Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr just one day before he was set to testify in a closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill.

Ohr served as the middleman between dossier author Christopher Steele and the FBI even after the bureau allegedly cut ties with Steele over his unauthorized contacts with the media. Ohr has other links to the dossier through his wife Nellie, who worked for Fusion GPS.

The New York Times profile, however, focused on Ohr’s fight against Russian organized crime and the fact that he is “well-liked” within the DOJ."

So Ohr is entangled in the whole mess, acting as a go-between for the FBI and THE foreign spy behind this entire 'Russian Collusion' narrative. The FBI SAID they cut tires with the spy...but that wasn't the case at all. The FBI was working with the DOJ to continue working with the foreign spy who helped provide the Russian-authored fake report that the FBI, CIA, and NIA were all using to try to take down Trump...

Ohr's wife is a 'Russian Expert' working for Fusion GPS who was working for the Russians.

Ohr himself has experience with Russian Organized Crime...but, gosh darn it, he is a swell guy and really liked by the other co-conspirators within the DOJ!

Why didn't they just say so in the 1st place? What took the NY Times so long? If they had spoken up sooner we could have skipped this whole 'testifying before Congress' thing.

After all, it is perfectly clear that.....



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