By The Standards Democrats Applied To Trump, Joe Biden Is A Traitor


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

By The Standards Democrats Applied To Trump, Joe Biden Is A Traitor

If equal standards were applied, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
15 May 2023 ~~ By Joy Pullmann

Democrats pursued the most recent Republican president with impeachment three times over allegations he had partnered with a foreign government to influence U.S. government policies. If equal standards were applied to the Biden family, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
Democrats claimed Donald Trump committed treason because his son had met with a Democrat-planted Russian lobbyist. In exchange for Russian assistance with election-influencing social media memes, the allegations went, Trump’s campaign promised a more Russia-friendly U.S. foreign policy.
Joe Biden’s family’s use of his high-level U.S. government positions to rake in millions from product-free “business deals” has been documented since before the Obama administration, perhaps most extensively by journalist Peter Schweizer. Last week, Republicans in Congress added more evidence to the accruing pile indicating the Biden family has been selling influence with the American government to foreign bidders for decades.
House Republicans called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate evidence at least nine Biden family members functioned as cutouts for some $10 million in foreign payments to “the big guy.” The nest of foreign payments to Biden family members under nearly two dozen shell companies looks like a mafia ledger.
Again, apply this to the Biden family’s “business deals,” and Joe Biden should have been impeached as a traitor the day he took office. According to Schweizer, many of the Chinese officials who paid Biden family members were connected with high-level Chinese government intelligence.
“[T]he Biden family received some $31 million from Chinese businessmen with very close ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence during and after Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president,” Schweizer documented in his 2022 book, “Red-Handed.”
Is the same true about Ukrainian payments to Hunter Biden? A 2020 U.S. Senate committee report said those “illustrate serious counterintelligence and extortion concerns relating to Hunter Biden and his family.”
It’s long past time for elected Republicans to take their opponents seriously and — metaphorically, feds — return political fire with loaded guns. All I’m asking is for Republicans to apply to the Bidens the same alleged standards Democrats cynically brandished against Trump.
t’s not that complicated. Here are a few ideas in the right direction that could be refined by congressional lawyers: Tell Democrats no votes for any federal judicial nominees until the U.S. Department of “Justice” enforces federal law against the agitators menacing the homes of U.S. Supreme Court justices. Defunding every department, grant, and personnel member involved in suppressing Americans’ speech as “misinformation, disinformation, and
Mal-information” is now a non-negotiable precondition for voting on any federal spending bill.
The Biden administration will enforce federal law and deport border-crossers immediately, or Republican governors will send their National Guards to do it. Agencies that don’t respond in the legally required timeframe to congressional inquiries and subpoenas will lose a tenth of their funding for every infraction. The FBI will be broken up into its useful departments, such as child trafficking and drug cartel dismantling, and those departments headquartered in red states like Utah, Florida, and Texas.

The opinion piece by Ms. Pullmann is key to the Duram Report. Congress with its slim majority can force the DoJ, FBI and other agencies to conform to Constitutional requirements by defunding incrementally putting pressure on these agencies.
It's one thing to hold Congressional Committees, it's a different story when Congress holding the purse strings use their power to get things right.
Sending people to prison would be nice but getting rid of these bad actors in these agencies would be the best we can hope for today.
I like the idea of firing the top three floors of the DoJ and FBI.
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By The Standards Democrats Applied To Trump, Joe Biden Is A Traitor

If equal standards were applied, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
15 May 2023 ~~ By Joy Pullmann

Democrats pursued the most recent Republican president with impeachment three times over allegations he had partnered with a foreign government to influence U.S. government policies. If equal standards were applied to the Biden family, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
Democrats claimed Donald Trump committed treason because his son had met with a Democrat-planted Russian lobbyist. In exchange for Russian assistance with election-influencing social media memes, the allegations went, Trump’s campaign promised a more Russia-friendly U.S. foreign policy.
Joe Biden’s family’s use of his high-level U.S. government positions to rake in millions from product-free “business deals” has been documented since before the Obama administration, perhaps most extensively by journalist Peter Schweizer. Last week, Republicans in Congress added more evidence to the accruing pile indicating the Biden family has been selling influence with the American government to foreign bidders for decades.
House Republicans called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate evidence at least nine Biden family members functioned as cutouts for some $10 million in foreign payments to “the big guy.” The nest of foreign payments to Biden family members under nearly two dozen shell companies looks like a mafia ledger.
Again, apply this to the Biden family’s “business deals,” and Joe Biden should have been impeached as a traitor the day he took office. According to Schweizer, many of the Chinese officials who paid Biden family members were connected with high-level Chinese government intelligence.
“[T]he Biden family received some $31 million from Chinese businessmen with very close ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence during and after Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president,” Schweizer documented in his 2022 book, “Red-Handed.”
Is the same true about Ukrainian payments to Hunter Biden? A 2020 U.S. Senate committee report said those “illustrate serious counterintelligence and extortion concerns relating to Hunter Biden and his family.”
It’s long past time for elected Republicans to take their opponents seriously and — metaphorically, feds — return political fire with loaded guns. All I’m asking is for Republicans to apply to the Bidens the same alleged standards Democrats cynically brandished against Trump.
t’s not that complicated. Here are a few ideas in the right direction that could be refined by congressional lawyers: Tell Democrats no votes for any federal judicial nominees until the U.S. Department of “Justice” enforces federal law against the agitators menacing the homes of U.S. Supreme Court justices. Defunding every department, grant, and personnel member involved in suppressing Americans’ speech as “misinformation, disinformation, and
Mal-information” is now a non-negotiable precondition for voting on any federal spending bill.
The Biden administration will enforce federal law and deport border-crossers immediately, or Republican governors will send their National Guards to do it. Agencies that don’t respond in the legally required timeframe to congressional inquiries and subpoenas will lose a tenth of their funding for every infraction. The FBI will be broken up into its useful departments, such as child trafficking and drug cartel dismantling, and those departments headquartered in red states like Utah, Florida, and Texas.

The opinion piece by Ms. Pullmann is key to the Duram Report. Congress with its slim majority can force the DoJ, FBI and other agencies to conform to Constitutional requirements by defunding incrementally putting pressure on these agencies.
It's one thing to hold Congressional Committees, it's a different story when Congress holding the purse strings use their power to get things right.
Sending people to prison would be nice but getting rid of these bad actors in these agencies would be the best we can hope for today.
I like the idea of firing the top three floors of the DoJ and FBI.

Republicans have yet to come up with any evidence of criminal activity by any

You have to have crimes and evidence before you can start throwing people in jail. All you have a rumours and lies and nothing to back them up.

By The Standards Democrats Applied To Trump, Joe Biden Is A Traitor

If equal standards were applied, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
15 May 2023 ~~ By Joy Pullmann

Democrats pursued the most recent Republican president with impeachment three times over allegations he had partnered with a foreign government to influence U.S. government policies. If equal standards were applied to the Biden family, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
Democrats claimed Donald Trump committed treason because his son had met with a Democrat-planted Russian lobbyist. In exchange for Russian assistance with election-influencing social media memes, the allegations went, Trump’s campaign promised a more Russia-friendly U.S. foreign policy.
Joe Biden’s family’s use of his high-level U.S. government positions to rake in millions from product-free “business deals” has been documented since before the Obama administration, perhaps most extensively by journalist Peter Schweizer. Last week, Republicans in Congress added more evidence to the accruing pile indicating the Biden family has been selling influence with the American government to foreign bidders for decades.
House Republicans called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate evidence at least nine Biden family members functioned as cutouts for some $10 million in foreign payments to “the big guy.” The nest of foreign payments to Biden family members under nearly two dozen shell companies looks like a mafia ledger.
Again, apply this to the Biden family’s “business deals,” and Joe Biden should have been impeached as a traitor the day he took office. According to Schweizer, many of the Chinese officials who paid Biden family members were connected with high-level Chinese government intelligence.
“[T]he Biden family received some $31 million from Chinese businessmen with very close ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence during and after Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president,” Schweizer documented in his 2022 book, “Red-Handed.”
Is the same true about Ukrainian payments to Hunter Biden? A 2020 U.S. Senate committee report said those “illustrate serious counterintelligence and extortion concerns relating to Hunter Biden and his family.”
It’s long past time for elected Republicans to take their opponents seriously and — metaphorically, feds — return political fire with loaded guns. All I’m asking is for Republicans to apply to the Bidens the same alleged standards Democrats cynically brandished against Trump.
t’s not that complicated. Here are a few ideas in the right direction that could be refined by congressional lawyers: Tell Democrats no votes for any federal judicial nominees until the U.S. Department of “Justice” enforces federal law against the agitators menacing the homes of U.S. Supreme Court justices. Defunding every department, grant, and personnel member involved in suppressing Americans’ speech as “misinformation, disinformation, and
Mal-information” is now a non-negotiable precondition for voting on any federal spending bill.
The Biden administration will enforce federal law and deport border-crossers immediately, or Republican governors will send their National Guards to do it. Agencies that don’t respond in the legally required timeframe to congressional inquiries and subpoenas will lose a tenth of their funding for every infraction. The FBI will be broken up into its useful departments, such as child trafficking and drug cartel dismantling, and those departments headquartered in red states like Utah, Florida, and Texas.

The opinion piece by Ms. Pullmann is key to the Duram Report. Congress with its slim majority can force the DoJ, FBI and other agencies to conform to Constitutional requirements by defunding incrementally putting pressure on these agencies.
It's one thing to hold Congressional Committees, it's a different story when Congress holding the purse strings use their power to get things right.
Sending people to prison would be nice but getting rid of these bad actors in these agencies would be the best we can hope for today.
I like the idea of firing the top three floors of the DoJ and FBI.
What a bullshit article! From your link... "a Democrat provided Russian lobbiest"? You've got to be shitting me! That is total horseshit! Biden is not even close to the illegal shit Trump did in office.
What a bullshit article! From your link... "a Democrat provided Russian lobbiest"? You've got to be shitting me! That is total horseshit! Biden is not even close to the illegal shit Trump did in office.

Lol!! So, you deny facts that even Politico recognizes as truth. You're so full of Bovine Scat I can smell your stink from here.

Lol!! So, you deny facts that even Politico recognizes as truth. You're so full of Bovine Scat I can smell your stink from here.

Liar! Liar! Liar! I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
Republicans have yet to come up with any evidence of criminal activity by any

You have to have crimes and evidence before you can start throwing people in jail. All you have a rumours and lies and nothing to back them up.

When you have versions of the FSB and Stasi toady's supposedly leading our law agencies in D.C., you can have all the evidence in the world, and they will fire or arrest the investigators on spurious charges.
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Democrats pursued the most recent Republican president with impeachment three times over allegations he had partnered with a foreign government to influence U.S. government policies.

The Ukrainian shakedown plot was Trumpybear attempting to pressure the President of Ukraine into announcing an investigation into Biden as a favor to Donnie for releasing the military aid that had already been approved and was awaiting delivery. He was using the full force of American foreign aid, bipartisan aid drawn from the taxes of both Democrats and Republican to attack the Democrats.

Making the rest of the allegations as phony as a Trump dollar bill.
The Ukrainian shakedown plot was Trumpybear attempting to pressure the President of Ukraine into announcing an investigation into Biden as a favor to Donnie for releasing the military aid that had already been approved and was awaiting delivery. He was using the full force of American foreign aid, bipartisan aid drawn from the taxes of both Democrats and Republican to attack the Democrats.

Making the rest of the allegations as phony as a Trump dollar bill.
Tat was all disproved during the faux impeachment by the Maoist Democrat majority Congress.
Tat was all disproved during the faux impeachment by the Maoist Democrat majority Congress.
They didn't disprove any of it in the House or the Senate. The Republicans Whitewashed the corruption like the Democrats Whitewashed a president lying about getting a blow job. The Dems own that. Like the New Republican own the Shakedown plot where our Scumbag President was leveraging Military aid to force the Ukraine to announce a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his family and the DNC.
The Ukrainian shakedown plot was Trumpybear attempting to pressure the President of Ukraine into announcing an investigation into Biden as a favor to Donnie for releasing the military aid that had already been approved and was awaiting delivery. He was using the full force of American foreign aid, bipartisan aid drawn from the taxes of both Democrats and Republican to attack the Democrats.

Making the rest of the allegations as phony as a Trump dollar bill.
Lol, so Trump wanted to look into Biden doing the same? Holding back a billion dollars in aid, if they didn't fire the person investigating his son? You people are loons.
Lol, so Trump wanted to look into Biden doing the same? Holding back a billion dollars in aid, if they didn't fire the person investigating his son? You people are loons.
You've been fed lies. It was Obama's, the EU and the IMF policy that the loan guarantees from all three should be held up until the corrupt prosecutor was not removed. His son was not under investigation nor was the company he worked for. It was the former owner who was under investigation for alleged $$ crimes committed before Hunter was ever offered a job.

By The Standards Democrats Applied To Trump, Joe Biden Is A Traitor

If equal standards were applied, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
15 May 2023 ~~ By Joy Pullmann

Democrats pursued the most recent Republican president with impeachment three times over allegations he had partnered with a foreign government to influence U.S. government policies. If equal standards were applied to the Biden family, Joe Biden would be impeached both in the press and in Congress for treasonous collusion with foreign governments.
Democrats claimed Donald Trump committed treason because his son had met with a Democrat-planted Russian lobbyist. In exchange for Russian assistance with election-influencing social media memes, the allegations went, Trump’s campaign promised a more Russia-friendly U.S. foreign policy.
Joe Biden’s family’s use of his high-level U.S. government positions to rake in millions from product-free “business deals” has been documented since before the Obama administration, perhaps most extensively by journalist Peter Schweizer. Last week, Republicans in Congress added more evidence to the accruing pile indicating the Biden family has been selling influence with the American government to foreign bidders for decades.
House Republicans called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate evidence at least nine Biden family members functioned as cutouts for some $10 million in foreign payments to “the big guy.” The nest of foreign payments to Biden family members under nearly two dozen shell companies looks like a mafia ledger.
Again, apply this to the Biden family’s “business deals,” and Joe Biden should have been impeached as a traitor the day he took office. According to Schweizer, many of the Chinese officials who paid Biden family members were connected with high-level Chinese government intelligence.
“[T]he Biden family received some $31 million from Chinese businessmen with very close ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence during and after Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president,” Schweizer documented in his 2022 book, “Red-Handed.”
Is the same true about Ukrainian payments to Hunter Biden? A 2020 U.S. Senate committee report said those “illustrate serious counterintelligence and extortion concerns relating to Hunter Biden and his family.”
It’s long past time for elected Republicans to take their opponents seriously and — metaphorically, feds — return political fire with loaded guns. All I’m asking is for Republicans to apply to the Bidens the same alleged standards Democrats cynically brandished against Trump.
t’s not that complicated. Here are a few ideas in the right direction that could be refined by congressional lawyers: Tell Democrats no votes for any federal judicial nominees until the U.S. Department of “Justice” enforces federal law against the agitators menacing the homes of U.S. Supreme Court justices. Defunding every department, grant, and personnel member involved in suppressing Americans’ speech as “misinformation, disinformation, and
Mal-information” is now a non-negotiable precondition for voting on any federal spending bill.
The Biden administration will enforce federal law and deport border-crossers immediately, or Republican governors will send their National Guards to do it. Agencies that don’t respond in the legally required timeframe to congressional inquiries and subpoenas will lose a tenth of their funding for every infraction. The FBI will be broken up into its useful departments, such as child trafficking and drug cartel dismantling, and those departments headquartered in red states like Utah, Florida, and Texas.

The opinion piece by Ms. Pullmann is key to the Duram Report. Congress with its slim majority can force the DoJ, FBI and other agencies to conform to Constitutional requirements by defunding incrementally putting pressure on these agencies.
It's one thing to hold Congressional Committees, it's a different story when Congress holding the purse strings use their power to get things right.
Sending people to prison would be nice but getting rid of these bad actors in these agencies would be the best we can hope for today.
I like the idea of firing the top three floors of the DoJ and FBI.
Blah have NO evidence. Durham wasted money.
Lol, so Trump wanted to look into Biden doing the same? Holding back a billion dollars in aid, if they didn't fire the person investigating his son? You people are loons.

The prosecutor wasn’t fired because he investigated Burisma. The prosecutor was fired because he WASN’T investigating Burisma, or any other Russian corruption.

The prosecutor was fired, because he was working for Putin to undermine the Ukrainian government.
You've been fed lies. It was Obama's, the EU and the IMF policy that the loan guarantees from all three should be held up until the corrupt prosecutor was not removed. His son was not under investigation nor was the company he worked for. It was the former owner who was under investigation for alleged $$ crimes committed before Hunter was ever offered a job.
A company he was getting $100,000 a month, and he knew nothing about what he was doing.
Lol!! So, you deny facts that even Politico recognizes as truth. You're so full of Bovine Scat I can smell your stink from here.

What do you expect from this juvinile Billo_Really he is a homo which is why he loves Obama and Biden.

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