NY Prosecutors & DOJ ignored Biden caught breaking Campaign finance Laws


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
People keep listing AOC, & Hillary being treated different over campaign finance laws, but most importantly is the fact Biden was caught & outted for using his Cancer research charity to finance his 2020 campaign as well as midterm candidates for his party. Crickets, not one iotta by Manhattan DA's office, further proving it a political hit job and intimidation attempt for purpose of obstructing the Biden investigations.

Many employees of the Cancer Charity like administrators, donate max amounts to campaigns and are paid extra with the intent to funnel it to his campaign, the charity itself was recently exposed for donating zero dollars to actual Cancer research, just about all funds went to administration costs like high salaries used to funnel $ to campaigns.
You can look up the administrators donations on

Also look up
Gregory Simon (the one from
Bathesda), the charity’s president.
People keep listing AOC, & Hillary being treated different over campaign finance laws, but most importantly is the fact Biden was caught & outted for using his Cancer research charity to finance his 2020 campaign as well as midterm candidates for his party. Crickets, not one iotta by Manhattan DA's office, further proving it a political hit job and intimidation attempt for purpose of obstructing the Biden investigations.

Many employees of the Cancer Charity like administrators, donate max amounts to campaigns and are paid extra with the intent to funnel it to his campaign, the charity itself was recently exposed for donating zero dollars to actual Cancer research, just about all funds went to administration costs like high salaries used to funnel $ to campaigns.
You can look up the administrators donations on

Also look up
Gregory Simon (the one from
Bathesda), the charity’s president.

The highest amount reported was 1000 dollars well below the limit of 2500 dollars. What the hell is wrong with you MAGAts.
The highest amount reported was 1000 dollars well below the limit of 2500 dollars. What the hell is wrong with you MAGAts.
Not true, His (pres of charity)donation was max amount both to MD dem candidate, Hillary 2016 and Biden 2020.
Also if you did your research you'd notice that the Chrity belonged to Obama and was handed to Biden before his campaign because Obama no longer needed the money funneling scheme.
The timing and who handed it to whom is too obvious, you'd have to be pretty naive not to know what's going on.
Not true, His (pres of charity)donation was max amount both to MD dem candidate, Hillary 2016 and Biden 2020.
Also if you did your research you'd notice that the Chrity belonged to Obama and was handed to Biden before his campaign because Obama no longer needed the money funneling scheme.
The timing and who handed it to whom is too obvious, you'd have to be pretty naive not to know what's going on.

I got that amount right off your own cite and the 1000 buck limit was done. It doesn't matter how many times it was changed hands and names, the reality is, the donations never exceeded the legal allowable limit of 2500 bucks.

And it's customary for the old to pass the funds to the next one in line. In fact, it has to happen. Obama couldn't keep that money. He had to pass the contrubution to others. He just chose to pass them on to Biden whom he should have.

Had Bush Jr had any funds left he could have passed it onto the next presidential candidate which he probably did.
I got that amount right off your own cite and the 1000 buck limit was done. It doesn't matter how many times it was changed hands and names, the reality is, the donations never exceeded the legal allowable limit of 2500 bucks.

And it's customary for the old to pass the funds to the next one in line. In fact, it has to happen. Obama couldn't keep that money. He had to pass the contrubution to others. He just chose to pass them on to Biden whom he should have.

Had Bush Jr had any funds left he could have passed it onto the next presidential candidate which he probably did.
I think you are confusing the fact where the money is coming from, it's coming from cancer research donations, just as The Manhattan district attorney's office claims Trumps payoff (of Daniel's extortion) was campaign money not his own-when Trump claims it was ftom his own acct, Biden can't ask for donations to cancer that goes into his campaign instead of research it's both a violation of charity laws and campaign laws. My mention of most allowable amount was for useful information about the process of laundering-funneling their campaign money. Just like they use our tax dollars to fund campaigns by way of contracts and foreign aid funnelled back, like what Schiff did with his Ukraine Military materials dealer donor.
I think you are confusing the fact where the money is coming from, it's coming from cancer research donations, just as The Manhattan district attorney's office claims Trumps payoff (of Daniel's extortion) was campaign money not his own-when Trump claims it was ftom his own acct, Biden can't ask for donations to cancer that goes into his campaign instead of research it's both a violation of charity laws and campaign laws. My mention of most allowable amount was for useful information about the process of laundering-funneling their campaign money. Just like they use our tax dollars to fund campaigns by way of contracts and foreign aid funnelled back, like what Schiff did with his Ukraine Military materials dealer donor.

A 501(c) can donate money to another 501(c) as long as both of them report it properly. And neither the Candidate nor any of the Executives of the 501(c) can have any benefit from those funds. Therefore, no foul on the transferal of the 501(c) funds of the first part.

But for the Rump payoff, it stinks to high heaven.

1. Stormy Daniels is NOT a 501(c) and never has been and should not have received any benefit from any part of those funds. That is ALL 50 states and Federal

2. Those funds were part of the Reelection Funds therefore falls under the protection of the 501(c) rules where neither the Candidate nor any of the executives of the funds can receive any direct benefits from those funds. And yes, Dorathy, receiving a blow job is receiving a benefit. Even Billy didn't pay Monica. That is all 50 states and Federal

3. Lying about it, then refusing to cooperate with determining the legal fining and refusing to take "credit" for it means it goes from a misdemeanor to a felony under the New York State Election Laws. BTW, it also goes that route under Federal as well once NY gets a conviction for a felony at state level.
A 501(c) can donate money to another 501(c) as long as both of them report it properly. And neither the Candidate nor any of the Executives of the 501(c) can have any benefit from those funds. Therefore, no foul on the transferal of the 501(c) funds of the first part.

But for the Rump payoff, it stinks to high heaven.

1. Stormy Daniels is NOT a 501(c) and never has been and should not have received any benefit from any part of those funds. That is ALL 50 states and Federal

2. Those funds were part of the Reelection Funds therefore falls under the protection of the 501(c) rules where neither the Candidate nor any of the executives of the funds can receive any direct benefits from those funds. And yes, Dorathy, receiving a blow job is receiving a benefit. Even Billy didn't pay Monica. That is all 50 states and Federal

3. Lying about it, then refusing to cooperate with determining the legal fining and refusing to take "credit" for it means it goes from a misdemeanor to a felony under the New York State Election Laws. BTW, it also goes that route under Federal as well once NY gets a conviction for a felony at state level.
Ok you smokescreen spin explain it that way to your next friend or relative who gets cancer and let's see how they respond to your position on Cancer Charities.
Ok you smokescreen spin explain it that way to your next friend or relative who gets cancer and let's see how they respond to your position on Cancer Charities.

Since I wrote a few 501(c) Charters, I just explained the law to you. I didn't explain what is right or wrong. After seeing your posts I doubt I am capable of making you understand between what is right and wrong so I won't bother trying.
Of course, that racist district attorney in New York City has ignored the violations of that elderly gentleman currently in the Oval Office.

After all, that elderly gentleman almost every day tells us how much he absolutely loves a certain group of ladies and gentlemen.

On the other hand, President Trump has refused to kowtow to that group, so that racist district attorney is now getting his revenge.
Since I wrote a few 501(c) Charters, I just explained the law to you. I didn't explain what is right or wrong. After seeing your posts I doubt I am capable of making you understand between what is right and wrong so I won't bother trying.
Your B.S. reply does not address Biden using his son's cancer for sympathy while campaigning, at the same time his phoney cancer charity collected cancer survivors and families money into his own campaign instead of research.
Another confused teabagger.

On Nov. 15, shortly after midnight, President Donald J. Trump tweeted a link to a New York Post headline:

“Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research. Waking up later that morning, Fox News host Laura Ingraham and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, gleefully lent their voices to the now-familiar cacophony of disinformation. A day later, Fox News host Sean Hannity joined their chorus.

For those just tuning in, the president was retweeting a story about the Biden Cancer Initiative, a small organization that is not to be confused with the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot, a bipartisan effort to increase funding for cancer research.

The New York Post is factually correct on one point: The Biden Cancer Initiative funded no research. That’s because, again, it was never intended to.

he Biden Cancer Initiative will largely not be a grant-giving organization and will accomplish its mission through convening, connecting partners, catalyzing new actions, and providing venues to discuss progress and develop new actions and collaborations.
It created the Oncology Clinical Trial Information Commons, a collaboration among nine organizations to make clinical trial information more available and accessible to cancer patients. The Biden Cancer Initiative also developed nearly 60 partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, health care firms, charities and others, which pledged more than $400 million to improve cancer treatment around the world.
Another confused teabagger.

On Nov. 15, shortly after midnight, President Donald J. Trump tweeted a link to a New York Post headline:

“Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research. Waking up later that morning, Fox News host Laura Ingraham and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, gleefully lent their voices to the now-familiar cacophony of disinformation. A day later, Fox News host Sean Hannity joined their chorus.

For those just tuning in, the president was retweeting a story about the Biden Cancer Initiative, a small organization that is not to be confused with the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot, a bipartisan effort to increase funding for cancer research.

The New York Post is factually correct on one point: The Biden Cancer Initiative funded no research. That’s because, again, it was never intended to.

he Biden Cancer Initiative will largely not be a grant-giving organization and will accomplish its mission through convening, connecting partners, catalyzing new actions, and providing venues to discuss progress and develop new actions and collaborations.
It created the Oncology Clinical Trial Information Commons, a collaboration among nine organizations to make clinical trial information more available and accessible to cancer patients. The Biden Cancer Initiative also developed nearly 60 partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, health care firms, charities and others, which pledged more than $400 million to improve cancer treatment around the world.
Once again, it was Obama's charity given to Biden at the time of his campaigning, Obama no longer needed it.
I was the one suspicious as to why all $ went towards administration and what I found ("my research" so don't blame Fox or Trump for what I noticed FURTHER THAT THE ARTICLE Missed) proved I was right, they were donating the max of that overly generous salary to his campaign just as they did to Obama and Hillary and their regions candidates.
Maybe this will help you:
Gregory Simon, the charity’s president, received $429,850 in fiscal year 2018

Simon served as Executive Director for both the Biden Cancer Initiative (‘17-’19) and the Obama White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force (2016).

A former donor to Obama in 2016 he took some of that 2016 Charity income and max donated to Hillary's campaign in 2016. He's the Bathesda MD. Gregory Simon, if you do a donation search.

Here's where it gets more obvious:
Backround: Simon lobbied for energy companies Enron. The Enron scandal was "an accounting scandal" of Enron Corporation, an American energy company based in Houston, Texas.

Red flags:his former job Simon was "a bundler" and top advisor for Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign.

Bundlers are good at tricky maneuvering of donation money to avoid rules & restrictions on max donation amounts by individuals.

This made him a good candidate to run Biden's Cancer Charity which also sought creative means of funneling money to his campaign and other interests owed. (Like hush money/make things go away bribes need descreet unsuspected funding payouts).
Living in MD Gregory Simon gave a lot of donations to MD congressman
Chris Van Hollen (D)- what was going on there?

THIS THEN ALLOWED US TO NOTICE they were also using tax dollars back into their campaigns by way of contracts and spending bills to generous donors, which then happened at the same time we noticed Frieds donation scandal -they spent huge amounts of money in midterms especially GA to keep the Senate knowing the swamp drainage would be imminent otherwise.
People keep listing AOC, & Hillary being treated different over campaign finance laws, but most importantly is the fact Biden was caught & outted for using his Cancer research charity to finance his 2020 campaign as well as midterm candidates for his party. Crickets, not one iotta by Manhattan DA's office, further proving it a political hit job and intimidation attempt for purpose of obstructing the Biden investigations.

Many employees of the Cancer Charity like administrators, donate max amounts to campaigns and are paid extra with the intent to funnel it to his campaign, the charity itself was recently exposed for donating zero dollars to actual Cancer research, just about all funds went to administration costs like high salaries used to funnel $ to campaigns.
You can look up the administrators donations on

Also look up
Gregory Simon (the one from
Bathesda), the charity’s president.
How nice that you left out that Don Trump was found guilty of misuse of funds from his charity.

Trump and his foundation were just forced to admit their fraud ...​

NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › think › opinion › trump-...

Nov 14, 2019 — Trump ordered to pay $2M after misusing his charity in 'shocking pattern of illegality' ... At the center of this controversy is a 2016 nationally ...
Once again, it was Obama's charity given to Biden at the time of his campaigning, Obama no longer needed it.
I was the one suspicious as to why all $ went towards administration and what I found ("my research" so don't blame Fox or Trump for what I noticed FURTHER THAT THE ARTICLE Missed) proved I was right, they were donating the max of that overly generous salary to his campaign just as they did to Obama and Hillary and their regions candidates.
Maybe this will help you:
Gregory Simon, the charity’s president, received $429,850 in fiscal year 2018

Simon served as Executive Director for both the Biden Cancer Initiative (‘17-’19) and the Obama White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force (2016).

A former donor to Obama in 2016 he took some of that 2016 Charity income and max donated to Hillary's campaign in 2016. He's the Bathesda MD. Gregory Simon, if you do a donation search.

Here's where it gets more obvious:
Backround: Simon lobbied for energy companies Enron. The Enron scandal was "an accounting scandal" of Enron Corporation, an American energy company based in Houston, Texas.

Red flags:his former job Simon was "a bundler" and top advisor for Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign.

Bundlers are good at tricky maneuvering of donation money to avoid rules & restrictions on max donation amounts by individuals.

This made him a good candidate to run Biden's Cancer Charity which also sought creative means of funneling money to his campaign and other interests owed. (Like hush money/make things go away bribes need descreet unsuspected funding payouts).
Living in MD Gregory Simon gave a lot of donations to MD congressman
Chris Van Hollen (D)- what was going on there?

THIS THEN ALLOWED US TO NOTICE they were also using tax dollars back into their campaigns by way of contracts and spending bills to generous donors, which then happened at the same time we noticed Frieds donation scandal -they spent huge amounts of money in midterms especially GA to keep the Senate knowing the swamp drainage would be imminent otherwise.
What I would do, if you think there is an issue, contact the Federal Election Commission.

U.S. Postal Service
Federal Election Commission
1050 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20463

Toll free
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Eastern Time
What I would do, if you think there is an issue, contact the Federal Election Commission.

U.S. Postal Service
Federal Election Commission
1050 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20463

Toll free
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Eastern Time
The proper committee members have the info.
How nice that you left out that Don Trump was found guilty of misuse of funds from his charity.

Trump and his foundation were just forced to admit their fraud ...

View attachment 767506
NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › think › opinion › trump-...

Nov 14, 2019 — Trump ordered to pay $2M after misusing his charity in 'shocking pattern of illegality' ... At the center of this controversy is a 2016 nationally ...
No, You just proved my point, all politicians when accused end up with merely paying fines until Bidens family corruption investigation heated up and Trumps entrance to run in 2024 suddenly the rules changed ironically by those spouting equal justice activism. You missed that part, Equal Justice activist being what they hate most, kinda funny how that works, if you are talking about hypocracy.
No, You just proved my point, all politicians when accused end up with merely paying fines until Bidens family corruption investigation heated up and Trumps entrance to run in 2024 suddenly the rules changed ironically by those spouting equal justice activism. You missed that part, Equal Justice activist being what they hate most, kinda funny how that works, if you are talking about hypocracy.
Exactly, you keep crying about Trump this and that when you are really crying at yourselves, which is why they elected the 1 single guy who actually is and did all those things they falsely accused Trump of and SUDDENLY YOU DEFEND THE BEHAVIOR you've been complaining about for years now. 🙄
Exactly, you keep crying about Trump this and that when you are really crying at yourselves, which is why they elected the 1 single guy who actually is and did all those things they falsely accused Trump of and SUDDENLY YOU DEFEND THE BEHAVIOR you've been complaining about for years now. 🙄

One huge problem, Rump never admitted he was wrong when he committed the Misdemeanors. At that point, they become Felonies. And that is where he stands now. Of course, let's not bring up the real felonies he did commit that weren't misdemeanors. For his entire life, he's committed crime after crime so fast that it made law enforcement and the courts heads spin. He's still trying to do that but now it's not just NY, it's everywhere. They are now standing in line to arrest his sorry ass.
One huge problem, Rump never admitted he was wrong when he committed the Misdemeanors. At that point, they become Felonies. And that is where he stands now. Of course, let's not bring up the real felonies he did commit that weren't misdemeanors. For his entire life, he's committed crime after crime so fast that it made law enforcement and the courts heads spin. He's still trying to do that but now it's not just NY, it's everywhere. They are now standing in line to arrest his sorry ass.
Once again you are deflecting, Biden has never admited anything and ironically did so in a way that admits guilt. Once again you got what you hated most, and are living in the hell you built by your own design. You see, you guys and many people in general do not understand cause and affect, totally clueless of the results of their acts and policies ripple affects.

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