Congresswoman Stefanik files ethics complaint against Trump trial judge (conflict of interest)


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024

Thank God for Stefanik! Now I know why she's on Trump's VP list.

You can't find a more conflicted judge..

Wow... I just re-read this and can barely believe it

Stefanik added that she learned that the New York State Commission on Judiciary Conduct "privately cautioned him in July over his illegal political donations to Biden and Democrats in 2020."

His ILLEGAL political donations?

So it's not simply that he donated to bribum!

The donations are not legal--even aside from the conflict of interest issue!?

Am I seeing things here?
Stefanik (I believe):

"A straightforward application of Section 100.3(e)(1)(D)(iii) requires recusal. As Judge Merchan has declined to do so, I request that you investigate his conduct and impose whatever discipline is required."
ETHICS?? In New Yawk???


Thank God for Stefanik! Now I know why she's on Trump's VP list.

You can't find a more conflicted judge..

Wow... I just re-read this and can barely believe it

Stefanik added that she learned that the New York State Commission on Judiciary Conduct "privately cautioned him in July over his illegal political donations to Biden and Democrats in 2020."

His ILLEGAL political donations?

So it's not simply that he donated to bribum!

The donations are not legal--even aside from the conflict of interest issue!?

Am I seeing things here?
the complaint, from more than a year ago, was dismissed in July with a caution," state court spokesperson Al Baker said
I think the conflict of interest issue is rather weak.

The real question is about abuse of discretion. Judges are generally considered to have absolute discretion in making rulings in their courtroom, and if they fuck up it can be rectified on appeal.

But this guy has gone beyond abuse of judicial discretion. There is a sizeable "laundry list" of reversible errors already in this case, and more will be revealed with the jury instructions. He has gone beyond "difference of opinion" on the relevant legal issues and waded into Banana Republic territory.

He is literally bringing disgrace on the entire New York Bar. It would be surprising if he is not sanctioned in one way or another by the bar. He should be disbarred, but it is a Leftist state, after all.

If the jury is so addled as to convict Trump of anything, it will be tossed on appeal as certainly as anything one could mention. Will the appellate court go further? It will be interesting. Look for entertaining written opinions when the appeal decisions are handed down. I hope I live that long.
I think the conflict of interest issue is rather weak.

The real question is about abuse of discretion. Judges are generally considered to have absolute discretion in making rulings in their courtroom, and if they fuck up it can be rectified on appeal.

But this guy has gone beyond abuse of judicial discretion. There is a sizeable "laundry list" of reversible errors already in this case, and more will be revealed with the jury instructions. He has gone beyond "difference of opinion" on the relevant legal issues and waded into Banana Republic territory.

He is literally bringing disgrace on the entire New York Bar. It would be surprising if he is not sanctioned in one way or another by the bar. He should be disbarred, but it is a Leftist state, after all.

If the jury is so addled as to convict Trump of anything, it will be tossed on appeal as certainly as anything one could mention. Will the appellate court go further? It will be interesting. Look for entertaining written opinions when the appeal decisions are handed down. I hope I live that long.
Give it up. Merchan has gone beyond the tolerance of most judges in how he treated Trump. He had to admonish the defense for NOT objecting to the salacious details of Stormy Daniels testimony, and then after NOT objecting, claiming her testimony was prejudicial.
Trumps lawyers are purposefully trying to inject errors into the case to give them grounds for appeal.
There was no law broken. Period, full stop.

The defense can appeal based on the 35 dollars he donated, but it won't overturn a conviction in this case.

Thank God for Stefanik! Now I know why she's on Trump's VP list.

You can't find a more conflicted judge..

Wow... I just re-read this and can barely believe it

Stefanik added that she learned that the New York State Commission on Judiciary Conduct "privately cautioned him in July over his illegal political donations to Biden and Democrats in 2020."

His ILLEGAL political donations?

So it's not simply that he donated to bribum!

The donations are not legal--even aside from the conflict of interest issue!?

Am I seeing things here?

I love Stefanik.


Is she ready to be President?

Not sure.

Maybe it doesn't matter.

Vodka has me playing Devil's Advocate. ;)
I love Stefanik.


Is she ready to be President?

Not sure.

Maybe it doesn't matter.

Vodka has me playing Devil's Advocate. ;)
Stefanik can't even represent her own district. She's too busy trying to elbow herself in for a spot at Trump's ass.

She's a two bit craven political hack trying to outdo the rest of Trump's toadies in the HOR & Senate. She must really need that job to want to crawl in the sewer with him.
Stefanik can't even represent her own district. She's too busy trying to elbow herself in for a spot at Trump's ass.

She's a two bit craven political hack trying to outdo the rest of Trump's toadies in the HOR & Senate. She must really need that job to want to crawl in the sewer with him.

I agree with all of that....

Except for one thing.

You misspelled the name.

It's "A...O....C".
I agree with all of that....

Except for one thing.

You misspelled the name.

It's "A...O....C".
A.O.C. is not up Trump's ass. But STEFANIK is. Jokes on her. She ain't got a shot in hell of being his V.P. pick. So all her fawning & ass kissing is for naught.

Thank God for Stefanik! Now I know why she's on Trump's VP list.

You can't find a more conflicted judge..

Wow... I just re-read this and can barely believe it

Stefanik added that she learned that the New York State Commission on Judiciary Conduct "privately cautioned him in July over his illegal political donations to Biden and Democrats in 2020."

His ILLEGAL political donations?

So it's not simply that he donated to bribum!

The donations are not legal--even aside from the conflict of interest issue!?

Am I seeing things here?

Thank God for Stefanik! Now I know why she's on Trump's VP list.

You can't find a more conflicted judge..

Wow... I just re-read this and can barely believe it

Stefanik added that she learned that the New York State Commission on Judiciary Conduct "privately cautioned him in July over his illegal political donations to Biden and Democrats in 2020."

His ILLEGAL political donations?

So it's not simply that he donated to bribum!

The donations are not legal--even aside from the conflict of interest issue!?

Am I seeing things here?

What an ass kissing boot licker that power hungry bitch truly is. She has no shame, no morals, and no principles.
I love Stefanik.


Is she ready to be President?

Not sure.

Maybe it doesn't matter.

Vodka has me playing Devil's Advocate. ;)

I read internet posts that claim her 109% RINO voting for every dollar to Ukraine, OK for re-authorizing spying and long list of other nonsense the true Conservative small group are against. In other words she is another POS phony.
I read internet posts that claim her 109% RINO voting for every dollar to Ukraine, OK for re-authorizing spying and long list of other nonsense the true Conservative small group are against. In other words she is another POS phony.

My understanding is she has gotten a lot better over the last couple of years, more MAGA if you will.

Of course, whether she's had a real conversion or is just simping for Trump is an inescapable question.

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