Nothing like helping small business

Right Obama?

Now The Obama Administration Is After Gunsmiths?

Heard about this earlier at the gun range, and it seems a local gunsmith may have problems paying for this extortion scheme of Obamas.

What are your thoughts?
Obama is the regulator president. Heavy government regulations harm small business and reduce employment. He does this to limit the middle class, since they generally don't vote D. Now regulating gun smiths is a win-win for him.

The All-Time Regulation Record
Team Obama has hit 600 major rules, and 50 more may follow.
The progressive explanation for the slowest economic recovery in nearly 70 years is that expansions after financial crises are always like this. There appears to be no statute of limitations on this excuse, which is especially convenient every four years. But those who want more than a political rationalization might look to the all-time presidential record of costly regulation set by the ObamaAdministration.

That’s the news from a report to be released soon showing that President Obama’s regulators have completed their 600th major rule. A major rule imposes costs of more than $100 million. For those keeping score, that’s an average of 81 big ones a year, or roughly one every three days the government is open. Who says our bureaucracies are inefficient?
The All-Time Regulation Record

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