Gun control allows mass murder, ethnic cleansing and example from the 90s...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes.....when a population is unarmed, and the bad guys get in charge, there is nothing to stop mass murder, genocide or ethnic cleansing......

We live in a peaceful country, and so anti gunners are more than willing to give up our guns on the assumption that our country will always be peaceful and under the protection of a good and lawful government.....

But they can't promise that this will be the case in 20-30-40 years..........which is why giving up our guns in times of peace is a selfish act.......and a stupid one........our children, grand children or great grand children may be left helpless in the face of monsters the way these people were.........

Of course, they had their government to protect them...until they didn't ...

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict. The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
And of course....being law abiding people who looked to authority to protect them........when the U.N. came in and said...."we will protect you...give up the arms you have..." it was a lie.....

In April 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 819, which declared Srebrenica a “safe area” under protection of the United Nations and ordered a ceasefire on both sides. This was the first case of a civilian “safe area” declared by United Nations and it failed miserably.

Because United Nations forces were now supposed to control the area, they requested that JNA and army of Republika Srpska back out of the safe area, and that the city of Srebrenica perform complete demilitarization.

That request meant that the defense army had to give up its firearms. Serbian leaders said Srebrenica disarmament was needed to prove that the defense army of Srebrenica was taking the Resolution 819 seriously and would not try to recover lost territories.

Hoping to create better living conditions, and obeying the commands received from the highest officials of the Bosnian government in Sarajevo, the Srebrenica local government made their soldiers turn in most of their firearms.

Between April 1993 and July 1995 living conditions in Srebrenica did not change much. Some inflow of food was allowed and the armed attacks by the JNA and Republica Srpska continued but were more isolated. United Nations troops in charge of keeping the peace and protecting the safe area were very passive. They were confused by orders from United Nations headquarters, which was trying to figure out how to act without risking the lives of UN soldiers. Unfortunately, they did not figure it out in time and “out of sight, out of mind” seemed to the UN headquarters policy.

In July 1995, the Serbian Army and army of Republika Srpska started to tighten their grip and increase attacks on the safe area. The defense army of Srebrenica asked UN troops to give them their firearms back to defend themselves. They pointed out that the UN troops in the area had authorization from the UN to provide military protection to the citizens of Srebrenica. The UN refused to return the Bosnians’ firearms.

The UN military commanders in the area said that the UN troops were responsible for the defense for the safe area and the Bosnian army of Srebrenica was not.

Actually, the UN troops were still waiting for the further orders from their headquarters.


On July 9, 1995, the Serbian Army and army of Republika Srpska advanced another four kilometers into the safe territory. Years later, the Miroslav Deronjic, the Serbian army’s “civil affairs commissioner” for Srebrenica, testified to the International Criminal Court that he had received an order from Serbian dictator Karadzic to “kill everyone. Everyone you catch.”

The UN Commander, Lt. Col. Karemans, sent urgent requests to UN headquarters asking for air force support from NATO in order to prevent Serbs from any advancing into Srebrenica.

NATO did not act.

On July 11, the Army of Republika Srpska occupied Srebrenica. Refugees, between 20,000 and 25,000 of them, were moving towards Potocari, where the UN base was located. On July 12, General Ratko Mladic and the Serbian Army entered Potocari. -


During July 12 and 13, many civilians, mostly men and boys, were killed on the spot by the Serbian Army. On July 13, some refugees who were still trying to escape Srebrenica came across piles of bodies of the citizens who had been slaughtered and decapitated.

When the Serbians captured groups of Bosnian refugees, men and male teenagers were separated from the women and children. The women and children were sent to prison camps, where rapes, tortures and killings were constant. Children, even newborns, were slaughtered in front of their mothers for crying too much.

- See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
And after that.....some still didn't learn the lesson........foolish people........just like the fools here....

After the war in Bosnia was officially over, civilians were ordered to return their firearms to the closest army bases and UN troops.

Significant amounts of weapons were given up at the collection centers.

But many weapons were not surrendered. The notion among the population, especially in rural areas, was “if it happens again, they will be ready.” So even today, there may be many firearms hidden and held by citizens in Bosnia without licenses, illegally. -
And after that.....some still didn't learn the lesson........foolish people........just like the fools here....

After the war in Bosnia was officially over, civilians were ordered to return their firearms to the closest army bases and UN troops.

Significant amounts of weapons were given up at the collection centers.

But many weapons were not surrendered. The notion among the population, especially in rural areas, was “if it happens again, they will be ready.” So even today, there may be many firearms hidden and held by citizens in Bosnia without licenses, illegally. -
Americans once knew this in their DNA. Not so much today, after decades of dishonest statist politicians, media figures, and academics telling them to disarm to stop the killing.

Imagine the uproar if a politician said 100 years ago, Americans must disarm. Today thanks to leftism, logic no longer exists.
And after that.....some still didn't learn the lesson........foolish people........just like the fools here....

After the war in Bosnia was officially over, civilians were ordered to return their firearms to the closest army bases and UN troops.

Significant amounts of weapons were given up at the collection centers.

But many weapons were not surrendered. The notion among the population, especially in rural areas, was “if it happens again, they will be ready.” So even today, there may be many firearms hidden and held by citizens in Bosnia without licenses, illegally. -
Americans once knew this in their DNA. Not so much today, after decades of dishonest statist politicians, media figures, and academics telling them to disarm to stop the killing.

Imagine the uproar if a politician said 100 years ago, Americans must disarm. Today thanks to leftism, logic no longer exists.
It's called brainwashing.

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