None Dare Call It What It Is...

Is there anyone to deny the evil that motivated Obama?

He was an acolyte of the individual who praised Lucifer.
you are insane.

And in this carefully thought out post, we see the reason teachers always wrote on your report card, "Works to ability."

Isn't the freedom of expression great?

Let everyone run their mouths without fear of retribution and they will run their mouths.

This way anyone who has ears to hear will know where all the assholes are and what they are up to.

The founding fathers were brilliant!

Carry on..
Is there anyone to deny the evil that motivated Obama?

He was an acolyte of the individual who praised Lucifer.
you are insane.

And in this carefully thought out post, we see the reason teachers always wrote on your report card, "Works to ability."

Isn't the freedom of expression great?

Let everyone run their mouths without fear of retribution and they will run their mouths.

This way anyone who has ears to hear will know where all the assholes are and what they are up to.

The founding fathers were brilliant!

Carry on..

Another empty post from an empty mind.

One can only conclude that the truth of my posts....clearly truth, since there was nothing you could deny.....wounded you to such an extent that it forced you to embarrass yourself.....

Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage has been between a man and a women for 1000's of years, then suddenly in the past 30 men who fudge pack other men and women who muff dive other women are now normal....Yeah, sure it is.
(liberal argument)
But male dogs have been humping other male dogs since the beginning of time. So what you liberals are saying is that queers are animals, and cant be like the rest of humanity, Right?
Not at all. Mr. RWNJ defined evil as "as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them". I'm not trying to debate gay marriage, I'm only pointing out that Mr. RWNJ would not like a gay woman to say who he could marry so by HIS definition alone, he is evil. Apparently so are you, at least according to Mr. RWNJ.

I'm sure every 'evil' person out there can justify their evil, just as both of you have done.
Evil is that which is contrary to the will of God.
God allows free will. relationship between God and evil.
Who defines what is 'evil'?

Pay attention, you dunce.

Because he had to put up with morons like you, Justice Potter famously wrote:
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."

The same applies to evil.

I did not want to provide this example, as I have been trying to wipe it from my memory....

I was revolted when I read what I am about to stop you yammering about 'who defines........'

"...if you look closely at evil- the Bosnian kind....You want to resign from the race of devils that do such things....As a tactic of that war, the Serbian soldiers gang-raped Muslim women....If a Serb soldier refused to rape, he could be shot by his comrades....Some Serb men forced Muslim men to use their teeth to castrate their own sons, and the sons to castrate their fathers."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation,"p.67

Evil, in all of its variations and permutations, is related to this.

Please don't respond with your usual patented stupidity....OK?
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage has been between a man and a women for 1000's of years, then suddenly in the past 30 men who fudge pack other men and women who muff dive other women are now normal....Yeah, sure it is.
(liberal argument)
But male dogs have been humping other male dogs since the beginning of time. So what you liberals are saying is that queers are animals, and cant be like the rest of humanity, Right?
Not at all. Mr. RWNJ defined evil as "as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them". I'm not trying to debate gay marriage, I'm only pointing out that Mr. RWNJ would not like a gay woman to say who he could marry so by HIS definition alone, he is evil. Apparently so are you, at least according to Mr. RWNJ.

I'm sure every 'evil' person out there can justify their evil, just as both of you have done.
How is defending the sanctity of marriage from a bunch of perverts evil? As I've already mentioned, gays were offered a civil union with all the benefits that married couples get. They turned it down. They would not accept anything less than having their sick union named after an institution created by God. THEY are the ones who were forcing things on others. They demanded that their union be called something it clearly isn't. Marriage is between a man and a women. Something that most people get. You people, on the other hand, can't even recognize the fact that there are only two sexes. That's how messed up you are.
Evil is that which is contrary to the will of God.
God allows free will. relationship between God and evil.
Who defines what is 'evil'?

Pay attention, you dunce.

Because he had to put up with morons like you, Justice Potter famously wrote:
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."

The same applies to evil.

I did not want to provide this example, as I have been trying to wipe it from my memory....

I was revolted when I read what I am about to stop you yammering about 'who defines........'

"...if you look closely at evil- the Bosnian kind....You want to resign from the race of devils that do such things....As a tactic of that war, the Serbian soldiers gang-raped Muslim women....If a Serb soldier refused to rape, he could be shot by his comrades....Some Serb men forced Muslim men to use their teeth to castrate their own sons, and the sons to castrate their fathers."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation,"p.67

Evil, in all of its variations and permutations, is related to this.

Please don't respond with your usual patented stupidity....OK?
You may be as surprised as I was when I found I actually agreed with you. I don't think it ever happened before.:ack-1:

Many religious types believe morality is an absolute while I have always believed it is relative to each culture. Nice to see someone on the other side of the political spectrum agrees.
1. Evil, that is.

In fact, in secular society, very few even dare use the term; it's archaic, it's's.....religious.

But it exists.

“The world turns and the world changes,
But one thing does not change.
In all of my years, one thing does not change,
However you disguise it, this thing does not change:
The perpetual struggle of Good and Evil.” T. S. Eliot

2. "In enlightened political conversation, the word 'evil' had been disreputable for a long time-..... The wordevil,” in many minds, |smacks of an atavistic, superstitious, and even medieval simplism, of a fundamentalist mindset that might be inclined to in witches or to reject the teachings of evoluiton in the public schools.

The secular, educated, cosmopolitan instinct...tends to shun the word 'evil' and, as an optimist and creature of the Enlightenment, approaches the world's horrors as individual problems that can be solved...."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation,"p.12-13

"Evil has made a successful career over many centuries by persuading people that it does not exist."

3. Did I mention that the fear of being labeled as 'religious' has caused some fearful folks to make some sort of humor out of the term.

"The sixties' rebellion against authority introduced the idea of Satan as rock star..

...Many people do not believe evil exists..... The trouble comes in trying to understand evil. When people become frustrated in their effort to do so, they are inclined to say that because they do not understand evil, it does not exist- a....fallacy based on the thought that what I do not understand cannot be real."
Op.Cit., p. 3-4

But it is here, it does exist....and it plays a mighty role in the course of human activity.
You are exactly correct .... but ...

To admit evil is to admit good. To admit these is to admit a force greater than man. Some of our illustrious posters cannot - or will not - accept that premise.

Therefore, there is no evil, there is no good - there are only degrees of humanity (as if that were the ultimate goal). No one is EVIL - he is merely disturbed. No one is responsible - he is simply deranged. If man is the ultimate arbiter, then it is only a flawed man who can do such things. There must be a reason - an explainable, justifiable reason - if only so that we can claim we are free of that flaw. If we admit the presence of evil, we must admit that we are all vulnerable.

God laughs - until he cries.
Evil is that which is contrary to the will of God.
God allows free will. relationship between God and evil.
Who defines what is 'evil'?

Pay attention, you dunce.

Because he had to put up with morons like you, Justice Potter famously wrote:
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."

The same applies to evil.

I did not want to provide this example, as I have been trying to wipe it from my memory....

I was revolted when I read what I am about to stop you yammering about 'who defines........'

"...if you look closely at evil- the Bosnian kind....You want to resign from the race of devils that do such things....As a tactic of that war, the Serbian soldiers gang-raped Muslim women....If a Serb soldier refused to rape, he could be shot by his comrades....Some Serb men forced Muslim men to use their teeth to castrate their own sons, and the sons to castrate their fathers."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation,"p.67

Evil, in all of its variations and permutations, is related to this.

Please don't respond with your usual patented stupidity....OK?
You may be as surprised as I was when I found I actually agreed with you. I don't think it ever happened before.:ack-1:

Many religious types believe morality is an absolute while I have always believed it is relative to each culture. Nice to see someone on the other side of the political spectrum agrees.
Morality is an absolute. It comes from God, and never changes. Doesn't matter what culture it is. Their is an ultimate morality and it does not come from man. Man can define morality as anything. So if one culture says it's moral and another culture says it isn't, who is correct? If there is no ultimate morality from God, then there is no such thing as morality, and people are free to define it however they like. Which is exactly what liberals have always wanted. The freedom to sin without guilt or consequences.
Evil is that which is contrary to the will of God.
God allows free will. relationship between God and evil.
Who defines what is 'evil'?

Pay attention, you dunce.

Because he had to put up with morons like you, Justice Potter famously wrote:
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."

The same applies to evil.

I did not want to provide this example, as I have been trying to wipe it from my memory....

I was revolted when I read what I am about to stop you yammering about 'who defines........'

"...if you look closely at evil- the Bosnian kind....You want to resign from the race of devils that do such things....As a tactic of that war, the Serbian soldiers gang-raped Muslim women....If a Serb soldier refused to rape, he could be shot by his comrades....Some Serb men forced Muslim men to use their teeth to castrate their own sons, and the sons to castrate their fathers."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation,"p.67

Evil, in all of its variations and permutations, is related to this.

Please don't respond with your usual patented stupidity....OK?
You may be as surprised as I was when I found I actually agreed with you. I don't think it ever happened before.:ack-1:

Many religious types believe morality is an absolute while I have always believed it is relative to each culture. Nice to see someone on the other side of the political spectrum agrees.
Morality is an absolute. It comes from God, and never changes. Doesn't matter what culture it is. Their is an ultimate morality and it does not come from man. Man can define morality as anything. So if one culture says it's moral and another culture says it isn't, who is correct? If there is no ultimate morality from God, then there is no such thing as morality, and people are free to define it however they like. Which is exactly what liberals have always wanted. The freedom to sin without guilt or consequences.
Thank you.

Moral relativism is a cancer.
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage has been between a man and a women for 1000's of years, then suddenly in the past 30 men who fudge pack other men and women who muff dive other women are now normal....Yeah, sure it is.
(liberal argument)
But male dogs have been humping other male dogs since the beginning of time. So what you liberals are saying is that queers are animals, and cant be like the rest of humanity, Right?
Not at all. Mr. RWNJ defined evil as "as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them". I'm not trying to debate gay marriage, I'm only pointing out that Mr. RWNJ would not like a gay woman to say who he could marry so by HIS definition alone, he is evil. Apparently so are you, at least according to Mr. RWNJ.

I'm sure every 'evil' person out there can justify their evil, just as both of you have done.
How is defending the sanctity of marriage from a bunch of perverts evil? As I've already mentioned, gays were offered a civil union with all the benefits that married couples get. They turned it down. They would not accept anything less than having their sick union named after an institution created by God. THEY are the ones who were forcing things on others. They demanded that their union be called something it clearly isn't. Marriage is between a man and a women. Something that most people get. You people, on the other hand, can't even recognize the fact that there are only two sexes. That's how messed up you are.

I must admit, often I am astounded at what they have been trained to accept.
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage has been between a man and a women for 1000's of years, then suddenly in the past 30 men who fudge pack other men and women who muff dive other women are now normal....Yeah, sure it is.
(liberal argument)
But male dogs have been humping other male dogs since the beginning of time. So what you liberals are saying is that queers are animals, and cant be like the rest of humanity, Right?
Not at all. Mr. RWNJ defined evil as "as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them". I'm not trying to debate gay marriage, I'm only pointing out that Mr. RWNJ would not like a gay woman to say who he could marry so by HIS definition alone, he is evil. Apparently so are you, at least according to Mr. RWNJ.

I'm sure every 'evil' person out there can justify their evil, just as both of you have done.
How is defending the sanctity of marriage from a bunch of perverts evil? As I've already mentioned, gays were offered a civil union with all the benefits that married couples get. They turned it down. They would not accept anything less than having their sick union named after an institution created by God. THEY are the ones who were forcing things on others. They demanded that their union be called something it clearly isn't. Marriage is between a man and a women. Something that most people get. You people, on the other hand, can't even recognize the fact that there are only two sexes. That's how messed up you are.

I must admit, often I am astounded at what they have been trained to accept.
The Devil is the author of confusion. Is it any wonder that his followers are also confused?
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage has been between a man and a women for 1000's of years, then suddenly in the past 30 men who fudge pack other men and women who muff dive other women are now normal....Yeah, sure it is.
(liberal argument)
But male dogs have been humping other male dogs since the beginning of time. So what you liberals are saying is that queers are animals, and cant be like the rest of humanity, Right?
Not at all. Mr. RWNJ defined evil as "as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them". I'm not trying to debate gay marriage, I'm only pointing out that Mr. RWNJ would not like a gay woman to say who he could marry so by HIS definition alone, he is evil. Apparently so are you, at least according to Mr. RWNJ.

I'm sure every 'evil' person out there can justify their evil, just as both of you have done.
How is defending the sanctity of marriage from a bunch of perverts evil? As I've already mentioned, gays were offered a civil union with all the benefits that married couples get. They turned it down. They would not accept anything less than having their sick union named after an institution created by God. THEY are the ones who were forcing things on others. They demanded that their union be called something it clearly isn't. Marriage is between a man and a women. Something that most people get. You people, on the other hand, can't even recognize the fact that there are only two sexes. That's how messed up you are.

I must admit, often I am astounded at what they have been trained to accept.
My kids came home one day and they said that they understood the plight of homosexuality and that we should accept the behavior as normal.. I immediately sat them down and told them that to accept that behavior as normal goes against humanity, and instead of accepting them as homosexuals, we should accept them as US citizens but they need to keep their sexual actions behind closed doors. IF they want to pork each others rear ends, that is up to them, but the normal people wont accept their deviancy as normal, not now or ever.. Lucifer walks the Earth laughing at the left for all the Lies he has put out and the left honor as their gospel....

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Morality is an absolute. It comes from God, and never changes.
Really? Is slavery evil? Should we kill adulterers and stubborn and rebellious children? What about non-believers?

All these things are commanded by God in the old or new testament and, since morality never changes, you must want to make them the law. Correct?
Morality is an absolute. It comes from God, and never changes.
Really? Is slavery evil? Should we kill adulterers and stubborn and rebellious children? What about non-believers?

All these things are commanded by God in the old or new testament and, since morality never changes, you must want to make them the law. Correct?

These are the commandments from your bible....

"Hang at least 100 hostages, execute the kulaks, do it in such a way that people for hundreds of miles around will see and tremble." Lenin ... He took power in 1917.

b. "Nobody knows how many were people were killed...we're talking about10 million or more..."
Norman Davies, Historian, Cambridge University.
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage has been between a man and a women for 1000's of years, then suddenly in the past 30 men who fudge pack other men and women who muff dive other women are now normal....Yeah, sure it is.
(liberal argument)
But male dogs have been humping other male dogs since the beginning of time. So what you liberals are saying is that queers are animals, and cant be like the rest of humanity, Right?
Not at all. Mr. RWNJ defined evil as "as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them". I'm not trying to debate gay marriage, I'm only pointing out that Mr. RWNJ would not like a gay woman to say who he could marry so by HIS definition alone, he is evil. Apparently so are you, at least according to Mr. RWNJ.

I'm sure every 'evil' person out there can justify their evil, just as both of you have done.
How is defending the sanctity of marriage from a bunch of perverts evil? As I've already mentioned, gays were offered a civil union with all the benefits that married couples get. They turned it down. They would not accept anything less than having their sick union named after an institution created by God. THEY are the ones who were forcing things on others. They demanded that their union be called something it clearly isn't. Marriage is between a man and a women. Something that most people get. You people, on the other hand, can't even recognize the fact that there are only two sexes. That's how messed up you are.

I must admit, often I am astounded at what they have been trained to accept.
The Devil is the author of confusion. Is it any wonder that his followers are also confused?

Moral relativism is a cancer.
Yet it is the ONLY morality we have and is just as real as cancer. You may not like either but you don't get to wish up your own reality.
Acknowledging reality is not wishing. YOU are the one who refuses to face it. Every action that is harmful to oneself and others is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. You cannot give me one example that refutes this simple fact.

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