None Dare Call It What It Is...

7. "It is as fatuous to deny the existence of evil as it is to toss the word around irresponsibly. The children of the Enlightenment sometimes have an inadequate understanding of the possibilities of the Endarkenment. The question is how evil exists, how it works.

Nice people — especially in a tiny, multicultural world in which different civilizations inhabit different centuries — are often moved to evil deeds, like blowing up the Other.

In the new dimension, micro-evil (the dark impulse to rape or murder, say) and macro-evil (the urge to genocide) achieve an ominous reunion in any bid for the apocalyptic gesture. That's the real evil that is going around."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation" p.16-17

Suddenly, someone commits to evil....and we seek the motivation, the reason.

"Still no motive for Vegas shooting, but it was definitely ‘premeditated’"

The motivation is right there in front of us: evil.

" infects, and takes over, in rather the way that insanity may enter the previously wholesome life and displace the person who lived there before."
Lance Morrow, Op. Cit.

Sort of like normal folks voting Democrat, in the light of the evil they commit......
1. Evil, that is.

In fact, in secular society, very few even dare use the term; it's archaic, it's's.....religious.

But it exists.

“The world turns and the world changes,
But one thing does not change.
In all of my years, one thing does not change,
However you disguise it, this thing does not change:
The perpetual struggle of Good and Evil.” T. S. Eliot

2. "In enlightened political conversation, the word 'evil' had been disreputable for a long time-..... The wordevil,” in many minds, |smacks of an atavistic, superstitious, and even medieval simplism, of a fundamentalist mindset that might be inclined to in witches or to reject the teachings of evoluiton in the public schools.

The secular, educated, cosmopolitan instinct...tends to shun the word 'evil' and, as an optimist and creature of the Enlightenment, approaches the world's horrors as individual problems that can be solved...."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation,"p.12-13

"Evil has made a successful career over many centuries by persuading people that it does not exist."

3. Did I mention that the fear of being labeled as 'religious' has caused some fearful folks to make some sort of humor out of the term.

"The sixties' rebellion against authority introduced the idea of Satan as rock star..

...Many people do not believe evil exists..... The trouble comes in trying to understand evil. When people become frustrated in their effort to do so, they are inclined to say that because they do not understand evil, it does not exist- a....fallacy based on the thought that what I do not understand cannot be real."
Op.Cit., p. 3-4

But it is here, it does exist....and it plays a mighty role in the course of human activity.
I have never met anyone who is 100% evil or 100% good. Absolute concepts like these are ideological or religious and do not exist in the real world. Good people do evil things and evil people do good things. The world is colored in shades of gray, no blacks or whites, and wishing it were otherwise is childish and naive.

When the discussion gets around to '100% ignorant' you can raise your paw.

Evil can be described as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them.
When the discussion gets around to '100% ignorant' you can raise your paw.

Two excellent examples of the cogent thinking and insightful arguments we've come to expect in the USMB. Thanks.

Isn't it time for you to admit that this and so very many other subjects, are simply beyond your ken???

Drop back when the topic is monster trucks or favorite Crayola.

See ya'
Evil can be described as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them.
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Gays were offered a civil union with the same benefits as marriage. They turned it down. That proves that it was an attack on marriage all this time. They want to pervert it. There are even those who are calling for the right to marry animals. They are perverts, plain and simple. No one really cares if someone is gay or not. In fact, no one need even know if someone is gay unless they are told so. Not content to live together, they force their lifestyle in our faces, demanding that we not only accept it, but endorse it. They have even made it a crime to do otherwise. Your argument just doesn't hold water. So, they can call their perverted union whatever they like. It's not marriage.
Evil can be described as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them.
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Thank you. People can always justify their evil deeds.
That's funny. I thought you lefties didn't believe in evil. Yet here you are, calling others evil.
8. It would be difficult to argue that 'evil' does not exist.
But....there certainly can be a great deal of quibbling over just what we mean by 'evil.'

It is not just 'wrong,' or 'a mistake.'

No, if the term is to be understood in it's traditional and its historical context, evil suggest control by extra-human forces.

a. One can be wrong, and commit what are later identified to some degree as in the case of the 50-year old Liberal welfare system, which has done noting to eradicate poverty, and, arguably, provides the conditions that maintain poverty. Such a system might be called evil: it is government theft from those who have earned or inherited... a constant process of evaluating where the electoral majorities are, pitching to them as victims in the name of a benign state so as to accrue votes.

But,'evil' is something entirely different.

"Evil suggests a mysterious force that my be in business for itself and may exploit human agency as part of a larger cosmic conflict-between good and evil, between God and Satan."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p.51

Is there anyone to deny the evil that motivated Obama?

He was an acolyte of the individual who praised Lucifer.

...with no observable gain to himself, Hussein set in motion the sort of mass murder that Stalin or Mao would envy.
9. When the President of the United States refers to 'The Axis of Evil," the Left reacts shocked and revolted, less because he is of a different party.....but because of this:

"Evil has made a successful career over many centuries by persuading people that it does not exist."

The President was not saying 'The Axis of Wrong" or "The Axis of the Misguided."....he was saying "The Axis of the Satanic."

He was using a context that Marxism has labeled as never to be allowed in the public arena: religion and morality.

Giving due credit, the French Revolution was first with that view, pretending that religion could and should be replaced by something as nebulous as 'reason.'

10. Assume for the moment that we have a clear understanding of what 'evil' means, and is. should be cautiously used....

One would not be satisfied to label Auschwitz as 'wrong,' or the rape and torture of children as 'misguided.'

So, as should be used in awarding the term 'evil.' the Left's camp followers have been unable to explain why it was imperative that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be awarded nuclear weapons, they probably won't understand why normal folks see the efforts by Obama as evil.
9. When the President of the United States refers to 'The Axis of Evil," the Left reacts shocked and revolted, less because he is of a different party.....but because of this:

"Evil has made a successful career over many centuries by persuading people that it does not exist."

The President was not saying 'The Axis of Wrong" or "The Axis of the Misguided."....he was saying "The Axis of the Satanic."

He was using a context that Marxism has labeled as never to be allowed in the public arena: religion and morality.

Giving due credit, the French Revolution was first with that view, pretending that religion could and should be replaced by something as nebulous as 'reason.'

10. Assume for the moment that we have a clear understanding of what 'evil' means, and is. should be cautiously used....

One would not be satisfied to label Auschwitz as 'wrong,' or the rape and torture of children as 'misguided.'

So, as should be used in awarding the term 'evil.' the Left's camp followers have been unable to explain why it was imperative that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be awarded nuclear weapons, they probably won't understand why normal folks see the efforts by Obama as evil.
Bottom line. Liberals are offended by the "E" word because it can easily be used to describe many of them. They know this. So they try to disguise the fact that they are evil by refusing to acknowledge it's existence.
11. There is a cosmic and eternal basis for the use of the term 'evil.'

Here, one should see the difference between conservatives and Liberals....Post-Modernism is the term for a belief that there is no truth....

"Postmodernism .... is typically defined by an attitude .... broadly characterized by tendencies to epistemological and moral relativism, ..."
Postmodernism - Wikipedia

Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster.

Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, practically to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the gratification of appetites and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

Would it be correct to call the Liberal belief in moral relativism, the lack of any truth.....'evil'?

And, is giving nuclear weapons to 7th century savages.....

2. "In enlightened political conversation, the word 'evil' had been disreputable for a long time-..... The wordevil,” in many minds, |smacks of an atavistic, superstitious, and even medieval simplism, of a fundamentalist mindset that might be inclined to in witches or to reject the teachings of evoluiton in the public schools.

Didn't spell evolution correctly, which tells me that plagiarism is easier than cut-n-paste
Of course instead of debating the issue, be a grammatical Nazi.. Don't expect any real intelligence from the left other than diverting the issue to the OP.
No link either, she's getting sloppy and lazy. You why your just a pretend human...
You why your just a pretend human
Bwaaaahhhhaaaahhhhaaaaaa....And this is why you vote Democrat. First you point out a misspelling, then you grammatically get wrong your statement to me. Moonbeam is a proud product of public indoctrination(education) and it shows....

You are(You're) why you're(you are) a pretend human. Just too fucking funny.....
Evil can be described as one person doing something to another person that they would not like the other person doing to them.
Like one person telling another who they can marry?
Marriage has been between a man and a women for 1000's of years, then suddenly in the past 30 men who fudge pack other men and women who muff dive other women are now normal....Yeah, sure it is.
(liberal argument)
But male dogs have been humping other male dogs since the beginning of time. So what you liberals are saying is that queers are animals, and cant be like the rest of humanity, Right?
yet, it will always be since we are out of a state of goodness.

like darkness is without light, evil is without goodness. And so it shall be.
no one that is evil cares what it is called

please use some common sense....

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