Don't forget, and don't let others forget. Biden isn't bad, his party and administration is bad.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
Everyone that doesn't like what's happening to our country always say Biden this or Biden that. But don't forget, and don't let others forget that it isn't Biden that's bad, it's his entire party and administration that is bad, evil and corrupt.

Biden stammers, falls asleep, rambles, can't walk straight, can't debate in front of an audience, can't speak without notes and a teleprompter, constantly is making up lies, and so on. How can anyone actually believe he is making decisions for a country as powerful as America with 300 plus million people in it? Answer is, he isn't. He says and does what he is told to say and do by others.

If Biden left right now everything that is happening right now will continue to happen because it his administration, his party, and those that donate to their party that are doing all of this to America. Not Biden. Nothing will change if he leaves office.

Our country has changed more in the past 4 years than it has in the past 10, no one man can do that. Especially to the degree it has changed. Not even trump could alter America as much as Biden has. The entire party, along with corrupt government agencies, state level politicians grasping at money and power for themselves, along with donators both foreign and domestic are the cause of America's problems.

So yes Biden is leading the charge, but don't hang your hat on everything becoming better if he isn't president anymore. If he is gone and they stay in power everything will just keep right on going as it is now. In fact it might get worse.

He isn't the root of the evil in America, he is just their mouthpiece.
Everyone that doesn't like what's happening to our country always say Biden this or Biden that. But don't forget, and don't let others forget that it isn't Biden that's bad, it's his entire party and administration that is bad, evil and corrupt.

Biden stammers, falls asleep, rambles, can't walk straight, can't debate in front of an audience, can't speak without notes and a teleprompter, constantly is making up lies, and so on. How can anyone actually believe he is making decisions for a country as powerful as America with 300 plus million people in it? Answer is, he isn't. He says and does what he is told to say and do by others.

If Biden left right now everything that is happening right now will continue to happen because it his administration, his party, and those that donate to their party that are doing all of this to America. Not Biden. Nothing will change if he leaves office.

Our country has changed more in the past 4 years than it has in the past 10, no one man can do that. Especially to the degree it has changed. Not even trump could alter America as much as Biden has. The entire party, along with corrupt government agencies, state level politicians grasping at money and power for themselves, along with donators both foreign and domestic are the cause of America's problems.

So yes Biden is leading the charge, but don't hang your hat on everything becoming better if he isn't president anymore. If he is gone and they stay in power everything will just keep right on going as it is now. In fact it might get worse.

He isn't the root of the evil in America, he is just their mouthpiece.
He's just the figurehead for a traitorous criminal cabal that has spanned multiple presidencies.
Our country has changed more in the past 4 years than it has in the past 10, no one man can do that. Especially to the degree it has changed. Not even trump could alter America as much as Biden has. The entire party, along with corrupt government agencies, state level politicians grasping at money and power for themselves, along with donators both foreign and domestic are the cause of America's problems.
1. Right, vehicles cost $10,000+ more
2. Home buying is out of reach for most
3. Cost of food has skyrocketed
4. Entertainment for a family four has been redirected to the living room for updated news on how the Palestinians are destroying universities their children can no longer attend safely. Oh, and pass the stale popcorn.
Everyone that doesn't like what's happening to our country always say Biden this or Biden that. But don't forget, and don't let others forget that it isn't Biden that's bad, it's his entire party and administration that is bad, evil and corrupt.

Biden stammers, falls asleep, rambles, can't walk straight, can't debate in front of an audience, can't speak without notes and a teleprompter, constantly is making up lies, and so on. How can anyone actually believe he is making decisions for a country as powerful as America with 300 plus million people in it? Answer is, he isn't. He says and does what he is told to say and do by others.

If Biden left right now everything that is happening right now will continue to happen because it his administration, his party, and those that donate to their party that are doing all of this to America. Not Biden. Nothing will change if he leaves office.

Our country has changed more in the past 4 years than it has in the past 10, no one man can do that. Especially to the degree it has changed. Not even trump could alter America as much as Biden has. The entire party, along with corrupt government agencies, state level politicians grasping at money and power for themselves, along with donators both foreign and domestic are the cause of America's problems.

So yes Biden is leading the charge, but don't hang your hat on everything becoming better if he isn't president anymore. If he is gone and they stay in power everything will just keep right on going as it is now. In fact it might get worse.

He isn't the root of the evil in America, he is just their mouthpiece.
My sentiments exactly. I think all these commie policies and crazy ideas started with Obama and have now snowballed into the insanity of defund police, open borders, weaponized DOJ, legalized shoplifting, murderers walking our streets, illegal aliens' wellbeing taking precedence over American citizens, wars breaking out around the world and China teaming up with Russia, Iran and NoKo. China doesn't fear or respect the US anymore. But it isn't Biden causing this downfall. It's the insane Democrat policies which they ALL vote for. Biden is just the front guy-fall guy for his evil party. He just does what his evil party tells him to. We need to get back to sanity. MAGA
Everyone that doesn't like what's happening to our country always say Biden this or Biden that. But don't forget, and don't let others forget that it isn't Biden that's bad, it's his entire party and administration that is bad, evil and corrupt.

Biden stammers, falls asleep, rambles, can't walk straight, can't debate in front of an audience, can't speak without notes and a teleprompter, constantly is making up lies, and so on. How can anyone actually believe he is making decisions for a country as powerful as America with 300 plus million people in it? Answer is, he isn't. He says and does what he is told to say and do by others.

Um, every politician uses a teleprompter these days, even Trump, on the few times he sounds lucid.

If Biden left right now everything that is happening right now will continue to happen because it his administration, his party, and those that donate to their party that are doing all of this to America. Not Biden. Nothing will change if he leaves office.

Four percent unemployment
252,000 new jobs created in May.
Record high Stock market.
Inflation down to 3%

Give us more of that please.

Compared to Trump, who gave us
Double digit unemployment
Riots in the streets
A plague that killed 1 million people.

Our country has changed more in the past 4 years than it has in the past 10, no one man can do that. Especially to the degree it has changed. Not even trump could alter America as much as Biden has. The entire party, along with corrupt government agencies, state level politicians grasping at money and power for themselves, along with donators both foreign and domestic are the cause of America's problems.

Actually, the country is getting back to normal after the abnormality that was the Trump Shit Show. We should all be happy for that.

So yes Biden is leading the charge, but don't hang your hat on everything becoming better if he isn't president anymore. If he is gone and they stay in power everything will just keep right on going as it is now. In fact it might get worse.

He isn't the root of the evil in America, he is just their mouthpiece.

Are you upset that America isn't the kind of country you want because you aren't in the majority anymore?
My sentiments exactly. I think all these commie policies and crazy ideas started with Obama and have now snowballed into the insanity of defund police, open borders, weaponized DOJ, legalized shoplifting, murderers walking our streets, illegal aliens' wellbeing taking precedence over American citizens, wars breaking out around the world and China teaming up with Russia, Iran and NoKo. China doesn't fear or respect the US anymore. But it isn't Biden causing this downfall. It's the insane Democrat policies which they ALL vote for. Biden is just the front guy-fall guy for his evil party. He just does what his evil party tells him to. We need to get back to sanity. MAGA

Okay, Crime is down from where it was in 2020.

If you are living less well than an undocumented alien living in a shelter, that's your own damned fault.
He's just the figurehead for a traitorous criminal cabal that has spanned multiple presidencies.


Don't get me wrong. He is to blame because he chooses to do and say what he does, but ultimately all these decisions aren't his.

Biden is like a dandelion head. You see it sticking up in your yard and you reach down and pull the flowery yellow part sticking up. Ok you got rid of the part of the weed you can see but the roots are still there that will grow a new flowery yellow head.

If you want to get rid of a weed you need to pull it up by the roots or you'll never get rid of it.
Everyone that doesn't like what's happening to our country always say Biden this or Biden that. But don't forget, and don't let others forget that it isn't Biden that's bad, it's his entire party and administration that is bad, evil and corrupt.

Biden stammers, falls asleep, rambles, can't walk straight, can't debate in front of an audience, can't speak without notes and a teleprompter, constantly is making up lies, and so on. How can anyone actually believe he is making decisions for a country as powerful as America with 300 plus million people in it? Answer is, he isn't. He says and does what he is told to say and do by others.

If Biden left right now everything that is happening right now will continue to happen because it his administration, his party, and those that donate to their party that are doing all of this to America. Not Biden. Nothing will change if he leaves office.

Our country has changed more in the past 4 years than it has in the past 10, no one man can do that. Especially to the degree it has changed. Not even trump could alter America as much as Biden has. The entire party, along with corrupt government agencies, state level politicians grasping at money and power for themselves, along with donators both foreign and domestic are the cause of America's problems.

So yes Biden is leading the charge, but don't hang your hat on everything becoming better if he isn't president anymore. If he is gone and they stay in power everything will just keep right on going as it is now. In fact it might get worse.

He isn't the root of the evil in America, he is just their mouthpiece.
What's happening here that's bad?
Okay, Crime is down from where it was in 2020.

If you are living less well than an undocumented alien living in a shelter, that's your own damned fault.
I'm doing great personally. My concern is for the upcoming generations. Democrat policy will destroy any chance they have to thrive. Leave things better than you found them seems to be an alien concept to Democrats. That's why I fight. MAGA
What's happening here that's bad?

Ignorant baboon trolling POS. Open borers for one. The entire DEM KKKabal went off the deep end with the likes of Code Pink in 2007 leading to the installation of the filthy mulsim in 08-16. Now warp speed to the toilet under the same folks since stolen 2020. You know all this but you suck massive black crank daily you disgusting bag of manure.
Everyone that doesn't like what's happening to our country always say Biden this or Biden that. But don't forget, and don't let others forget that it isn't Biden that's bad, it's his entire party and administration that is bad, evil and corrupt.

Biden stammers, falls asleep, rambles, can't walk straight, can't debate in front of an audience, can't speak without notes and a teleprompter, constantly is making up lies, and so on. How can anyone actually believe he is making decisions for a country as powerful as America with 300 plus million people in it? Answer is, he isn't. He says and does what he is told to say and do by others.

If Biden left right now everything that is happening right now will continue to happen because it his administration, his party, and those that donate to their party that are doing all of this to America. Not Biden. Nothing will change if he leaves office.

Our country has changed more in the past 4 years than it has in the past 10, no one man can do that. Especially to the degree it has changed. Not even trump could alter America as much as Biden has. The entire party, along with corrupt government agencies, state level politicians grasping at money and power for themselves, along with donators both foreign and domestic are the cause of America's problems.

So yes Biden is leading the charge, but don't hang your hat on everything becoming better if he isn't president anymore. If he is gone and they stay in power everything will just keep right on going as it is now. In fact it might get worse.

He isn't the root of the evil in America, he is just their mouthpiece.
Yeah Biden gets blamed for the country going to shit but the country isn't going to shit because of one man, the country is going to shit because of Democrats and lefty policies. It's a group effort, and that includes the lefty voters who have voted for these people.
Ignorant baboon trolling POS. Open borers for one. The entire DEM KKKabal went off the deep end with the likes of Code Pink in 2007 leading to the installation of the filthy mulsim in 08-16. Now warp speed to the toilet under the same folks since stolen 2020. You know all this but you suck massive black crank daily you disgusting bag of manure.
Somebody get this dude some Thorazine, stat.
I'm doing great personally. My concern is for the upcoming generations. Democrat policy will destroy any chance they have to thrive. Leave things better than you found them seems to be an alien concept to Democrats. That's why I fight. MAGA

Um, if you thought that, you wouldn't vote Republican.

The last six Republican Presidents left the country WORSE off than they found it.

The last three Democrats left it better off.
Um, if you thought that, you wouldn't vote Republican.

The last six Republican Presidents left the country WORSE off than they found it.

The last three Democrats left it better off.

Dirty spinning lying POS. Always a manufactured DEM-Commee crisis to regain power caused economic collapse. Housing, Russian, Covid, stolen votes. Get off the boards you disgust normal people.
Um, every politician uses a teleprompter these days, even Trump, on the few times he sounds lucid.

Four percent unemployment
252,000 new jobs created in May.
Record high Stock market.
Inflation down to 3%

Give us more of that please.

Compared to Trump, who gave us
Double digit unemployment
Riots in the streets
A plague that killed 1 million people.

Actually, the country is getting back to normal after the abnormality that was the Trump Shit Show. We should all be happy for that.

Are you upset that America isn't the kind of country you want because you aren't in the majority anymore?

Trump DID NOT give us double-digit unemployment. Covid gave us double-digit unemployment, and in fact had Covid never came along, Trump would still be president right now, as the economy was doing great, mortgage rates were very low, inflation was normal, gas was cheap, and we had a very manageable situation on our border, and there were no wars that we were involved in.
1. Right, vehicles cost $10,000+ more
2. Home buying is out of reach for most
3. Cost of food has skyrocketed
4. Entertainment for a family four has been redirected to the living room for updated news on how the Palestinians are destroying universities their children can no longer attend safely. Oh, and pass the stale popcorn.
Why I made sure everything I own was paid for before the Biden/Dems wrecking ball crashed the country.

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