Neither Evolution Nor Intelligent Design


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I have been saying for a while now that the description of Evolution is like listening to a wall describe a fresh coat of paint, "some external force must have acted on me because I was white and now I'm a golden yellow like one of them Monet wheat fields"

Intelligent design does not explain why a benevolent God, especially a God that holds humans above other creatures, would design for example MRSA, a Staff infection that resists all but the most potent and cutting edge antibiotics. Wouldn't an Intelligent Design advance the human autoimmune system to fend off the infection itself? It seems that the Intelligence behind the design could care less about who has the better of it: that staff infection and humans are equals.

Evolution fails as the odds of a "Random Mutation" creating the PRECISE MUTATION at the EXACT MOMENT its required just defies logic and all probability. The odds are simply almost infinity to 1. What causes the "Mutation in the first place? Is it a gamma ray that's traveled from the accretion disk of a black hole at the galactic center? What does it do when it lands here? What does it strike? It cannot hit a whole set of amino acids, right? It's like a gnat humping an elephant. It hits an electron -- one electron! It does not disrupt entire amino acids sequences! So how can it alone cause the Random mutation?

We are, all of us, virus, bacteria, human, energy first and we are energy that is self aware.

We cannot understand how a bacteria or a virus or even a tree is self aware. We bring our human prejudices with us to the observation and think that the bacteria or tree is an individual the same way you or I am and therefore interacts with its world the same way.

The change comes when the selfaware energy does whatever it must to do survive in the new environment. The bacteria will develop a resistance to the mycins because it rearranges itself energetically first and we see that as a "Random mutation" The genius of the bacteria is that it can transmit the new structure to its neighboring bacteria and they accept the new structure as essential to survival.

I decided the wall needed to be a golden yellow like a Monet wheat field and I spent countless hours at Home Depot looking for the exact color that would work given the sunlight that filters into the room. That's how it works
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Evolution fails as the odds of a "Random Mutation" creating the PRECISE MUTATION at the EXACT MOMENT its required just defies logic and all probability.

That WOULD defy logic, if it were true, however, the "PRECISE MUTATION at the EXACT MOMENT" part of the post doesn't make sense. Why would that be necessary? The mutation could have occurred at any time prior to the time required.
The thing about mutation is that it doesn't require an exact moment, at all.

And mutations happen all the time...why do you think cancer is such a problem? Every cancerous tumor is generated by some random mutation in the patient's DNA.


Bacteria don't evolve resistances because they want to. Rather, in a given population of say, 100,000,000,000,000 bacteria growing inside a person, maybe 100 randomly mutate antibiotic resistance (a one-in-one-billion occurrence).

You then administer the antibiotic, and of those 100 trillion bacteria, only the 100 randomly mutated bacteria survive. You stop the treatment, and those 100 start multiplying.

One week later, those 100 resistant mutants have become 100,000,000,000 resistant mutants, and you've just evolved a new antibiotic-resistant strain.


Evolution only seems unlikely in your mind because humans have a hard time grasping numbers like billion and trillion.
Would you prefer me to shoot down your ridiculous magical thinking in two threads instead of just the one?

You still don't seem to grasp the fact that there are A LOT of bacteria. Tons. Human beings are comprised of more bacteria than human cells. Sure the key mutation may be slimmer than winning the new york lotto, but the number of lotto tickets bacteria have by far exceeds those odds.
I have been saying for a while now that the description of Evolution is like listening to a wall describe a fresh coat of paint, "some external force must have acted on me because I was white and now I'm a golden yellow like one of them Monet wheat fields"

That's silly because we all know that a painted wall has never changed color due to an external force! :lol:

We are all mutations from previous life forms.

Perhaps we are a design which invents itself.

Perhaps there is a designer who invented himself who then invented the cosmos.

Really, what does it matter?

We can only go on with what we know and have faith for that which we cannot know.
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cfrank, evolution is not predicated on random mutation alone. there's the 'ol natural selection, genetic drift and variation, all with more influence in the ways which populations change than your insistence on associating evolution with random mutation.

maybe this has been relayed to you before. :eusa_think: if not in high school, here.

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