Nearly 13 years old the ACA has proven GOP dead wrong... again, again, and again.


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
On March 23, 2010 Obama and a democratic House and Senate passed the ACA (Obamacare) 100% on party lines. Not one single Republican supported this plan. None. 58 Democratic Senators and 2 independents pushed the ACA through congress. The GOP issued doomsday warning of impending doom to our healthcare system. So where do we sit today?

  • Zero increase in the out of pocket trend from ACA
  • Zero increase in overall spending increase from ACA
  • Historically low percentage of people uninsured
  • Zero death panels are in place
  • You can go to the doctor you want to go to

The GOP's dire warning regarding the Obamacare (ACA) have all ended up in the wasteland of unrealized fear mongering by people who only care about election, not service. Why would anyone support a group this wrong about everything? Tens of millions of lives improved with no corresponding economic downside.

OVERALL HEALTH CARE EXPENSES OVER TIME - Notice no change the to the trend line


OUT OF POCKET SPENDING OVER TIME - Notice no change ot the trend line


NUMBER OF UNINSURED AMERICANS - Notice all the lives positively impacted by legislation


Oh... dont come at me with your mother-in-law's sisters cousin's barber who has a neighbor who is now paying more for insurance... no shit. Everything goes up over time. The question is did it raise prices faster than before? NO. Did it insure more Americans than before? YES.
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On March 23, 2010 Obama and a democratic House and Senate passed the ACA (Obamacare) 100% on party lines. Not one single Republican supported this plan. None. 58 Democratic Senators and 2 independents pushed the ACA through congress. The GOP issued doomsday warning of impending doom to our healthcare system. So where do we sit today?

  • Zero increase in the out of pocket trend from ACA
  • Zero increase in overall spending increase from ACA
  • Historically low percentage of people uninsured
  • Zero death panels are in place
  • You can go to the doctor you want to go to

The GOP's dire warning regarding the Obamacare (ACA) have all ended up in the wasteland of unrealized fear mongering by people who only care about election, not service. Why would anyone support a group this wrong about everything? Tens of millions of lives improved with no corresponding economic downside.

OVERALL HEALTH CARE EXPENSES OVER TIME - Notice no change the to the trend line

View attachment 747265

OUT OF POCKET SPENDING OVER TIME - Notice no change ot the trend line

View attachment 747267

NUMBER OF UNINSURED AMERICANS - Notice all the lives positively impacted by legislation
View attachment 747269


LOL sure you can go to the doctor you want to. Your insurance, however, is not obligated to pay the same amount if they are out of network as opposed to in your network. And lord forbid you got thrown into medicaid instead of a free real insurance policy. Happened to a woman I know who had to travel 90 minutes each way for her cancer treatment. Fortunately she had a separate cancer disability policy that covered most of her lodging for the 6 weeks she was doing radio 5 days a week because that was simply too much driving back and forth every day for her chemo-drained arse.
Oh... dont come at me with your mother-in-law's sisters cousing barber who has a neighbor who is now paying more for insurance... no shit. Everything goes up over time. The question is did it raise prices faster than before? NO. Did it insure more Americans than before? YES.
Did you EVER get a $2500 dollar per year REDUCTION in your health care in ANY year after Obumblecare was jammed down our throats? Yes or No?
Oh... dont come at me with your mother-in-law's sisters cousing barber who has a neighbor who is now paying more for insurance... no shit. Everything goes up over time. The question is did it raise prices faster than before? NO. Did it insure more Americans than before? YES.

You forgot about all the hospitals that closed due to the ACH.

Oh... dont come at me with your mother-in-law's sisters cousing barber who has a neighbor who is now paying more for insurance... no shit. Everything goes up over time. The question is did it raise prices faster than before? NO. Did it insure more Americans than before? YES.

I used to go with PPO type plans but due to ACA I was priced out of them. I had to go with high deductible plans.

I liked my plan, I wasn't able to keep my plan.

Obama lied.
On March 23, 2010 Obama and a democratic House and Senate passed the ACA (Obamacare) 100% on party lines. Not one single Republican supported this plan. None. 58 Democratic Senators and 2 independents pushed the ACA through congress. The GOP issued doomsday warning of impending doom to our healthcare system. So where do we sit today?

  • Zero increase in the out of pocket trend from ACA
  • Zero increase in overall spending increase from ACA
  • Historically low percentage of people uninsured
  • Zero death panels are in place
  • You can go to the doctor you want to go to

The GOP's dire warning regarding the Obamacare (ACA) have all ended up in the wasteland of unrealized fear mongering by people who only care about election, not service. Why would anyone support a group this wrong about everything? Tens of millions of lives improved with no corresponding economic downside.

OVERALL HEALTH CARE EXPENSES OVER TIME - Notice no change the to the trend line

View attachment 747265

OUT OF POCKET SPENDING OVER TIME - Notice no change ot the trend line

View attachment 747267

NUMBER OF UNINSURED AMERICANS - Notice all the lives positively impacted by legislation
View attachment 747269


The ACA did nothing to bring down health care costs. They are higher now than ever. In order to make the ACA effective, subsidies had to be increased, added on to our 30 trillion dollar debt, which increases inflation and the prices ALL Americans pay for everything, including food at the grocery.
The trend is the line continuing to go up, up and up?

If you think that is a positive well...........................
What was the cost of a hamburger in 1960?

Bet people can't afford hamburgers any more.
The ACA did nothing to bring down health care costs. They are higher now than ever. In order to make the ACA effective, subsidies had to be increased, added on to our 30 trillion dollar debt, which increases inflation and the prices ALL Americans pay for everything, including food at the grocery.
Your lack of understanding is noted.
There was this thing called the Affordable Care Act. that every one stuck there finger in the pot & messed with it.
Don't know for how many this is a God send & how many it is useless for.
What ever the end deal was the DEMS tried for something helpful, and All THE Repubs voted against it.
So we will Never Know if they had worked together, Could/would we have a better ACA??????????????????
Yeah, premiums can be extremely cheap with 20,000 dollar deductibles and doctor bills after visits. Lol. Best thing about ocare is that the penalty was eliminated.
For most Americans it's like not having insurance at all. Asshole Dems simply shifted the cost to the middle class to fund free shit for the deadbeats.
On March 23, 2010 Obama and a democratic House and Senate passed the ACA (Obamacare) 100% on party lines. Not one single Republican supported this plan. None. 58 Democratic Senators and 2 independents pushed the ACA through congress. The GOP issued doomsday warning of impending doom to our healthcare system. So where do we sit today?

  • Zero increase in the out of pocket trend from ACA
  • Zero increase in overall spending increase from ACA
  • Historically low percentage of people uninsured
  • Zero death panels are in place
  • You can go to the doctor you want to go to

The GOP's dire warning regarding the Obamacare (ACA) have all ended up in the wasteland of unrealized fear mongering by people who only care about election, not service. Why would anyone support a group this wrong about everything? Tens of millions of lives improved with no corresponding economic downside.

OVERALL HEALTH CARE EXPENSES OVER TIME - Notice no change the to the trend line

View attachment 747265

OUT OF POCKET SPENDING OVER TIME - Notice no change ot the trend line

View attachment 747267

NUMBER OF UNINSURED AMERICANS - Notice all the lives positively impacted by legislation
View attachment 747269


You don't have any idea of what your talking about.
I used to go with PPO type plans but due to ACA I was priced out of them. I had to go with high deductible plans.

I liked my plan, I wasn't able to keep my plan.

Obama lied.
Mother in law story. Look at the broad indicators. There is always outliers and were before Obamacare.

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