Zionist genocide in Israel

You are being naïve, particularly when it comes to "who struck first". Or, to make it simple ..... is criticism of Zionism anti-Semitic? One says "yes", another says "no". How does your explanation determine what is fantasy and what is not?
What do you mean by "criticism of Zionism"? The term is too vague. Give me an example.
What do you mean by "criticism of Zionism"? The term is too vague. Give me an example.

Criticism of Jewish Nationalism. What's vague about that?

Compare it to German Nationalism or Black Nationalism or Christian Nationalism.
Please prove this about Zionism.
Which understanding of Zionism do you mean? Political? Spiritual? Christian? Religious? Modern or historical? And is "nationalism" simply an expression of autonomy or self determination in your mind, or does it demand theocracy be involved? Does it require excluding others?
Nationalism has several definitions. Which definition do you use?

Zionism is anything but "simply".

Nationalism is usually racist, authoritarian, aggressive and a detriment to the neighbors.

The two main divergent forms identified by scholars are ethnic nationalism and civic nationalism.
Which understanding of Zionism do you mean? Political? Spiritual? Christian? Religious? Modern or historical? And is "nationalism" simply an expression of autonomy or self determination in your mind, or does it demand theocracy be involved? Does it require excluding others?
Start with what it means to Israeli leadership and people?
Great! It means autonomy and self determination but not to the detriment of others. Thanks for the clarification.
And yet the Zionists in Israel openly proclaim their desire to mass murder Palestinians and take more of their land. Are they not really Zionists in your opinion?
Nationalism is usually racist, authoritarian, aggressive and a detriment to the neighbors.

The two main divergent forms identified by scholars are ethnic nationalism and civic nationalism.
And yet, anti-Zionists who oppose Jewish nationalism because nationalism "is usually racist" and so on, happily support Palestinian nationalism. Why is Palestinian nationalism treated differently?

Not all scholars agree with Lukacs. Here's a divergent opinion:

Cambridge's definition of nationalism:
a nation's wish and attempt to be politically independent

I never use Wikipedia as a source. I don't trust it.
You are being naïve, particularly when it comes to "who struck first". Or, to make it simple ..... is criticism of Zionism anti-Semitic? One says "yes", another says "no". How does your explanation determine what is fantasy and what is not?
What do you mean by "criticism of Zionism"? The term is too vague.
"Vague", that's my point.
Give me an example.
You're asking the wrong person. Ask those who distribute "You are an anti-Semite" more often during one day than I say "Hello!" during the whole month.
And yet the Zionists in Israel openly proclaim their desire to mass murder Palestinians and take more of their land. Are they not really Zionists in your opinion?
Maybe even in Israel there is more than one understanding of Zionism and your clarifying point isn't refined enough.
This is just funny if you ask me. We've three-four folks here patting each other on the back thinking that they're so cool for supporting terrorism. But if asked a direct question like what does this mean, or exactly where was Palestine in the pre 1967 'borders' they go crickets. The fact is, pre 1967, there was NO Palestine. The West Bank was annexed by Jordan and Gaza strip by Egypt with with no absolute plans for independence. They act like their terrorists buddies are so innocent.

What's really funny is how much weed they must be smoking. Because face it. In the big picture of Israel vs Arab/Palestinians, Israel is winning big time. The first three or four times every neighboring Arab country 'joined' in a fight to eliminate Israel and the Jews from the face of the map. They have had their ass handed to them every single time.

And will continue to do so until the Palestinians rise up and throw off their real oppressors, their corrupt leadership! Afarat died a BILLIONAIRE while his 'people' lived in squalor in the camps. Abbas is on his way to the same thing, as is every high ranking Hamas official.

No, this is all a fundraising event. Hamas murders some Israelis. Israel as usual, rightfully overwhelmingly retaliates which brings out from under the rocks folks like these three "g's" and surada, none of which live in Israel nor visited spewing all the usual lies, as well as those spewing these lies on college campuses under the guise of Students for Justice in Palestine gathering donations which then get funneled back to Hamas. Rinse and repeat.

But, they get their ass handed to them every time.

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