NASA's SLS Fails Again!

Jay Zepher

Active Member
Aug 21, 2020
China, NOT the US, will put the first woman on the moon!
That is all but settled now that the SLS has failed again.
Space races are won and lost not in publicity, nor in relying on past accomplishments, but in hard, unrelenting work, national enthusiasm, and most importantly of all: FINANCIAL SUPPORT by the government! All of which China has in abundance.
The US has dedicated, hard workers in NASA, but apparently not so in its prime contractor - Boeing, responsible for the SLS. There is national enthusiasm in the US, but the misinformed populace often succumbs to false and even idiotic claims about space exploration, but the biggest reason NASA is failing - no, it's not because they are incompetent. It is because of past political decisions!
That's right. POLITICS! Congress has screwed NASA time and again. They are really falling behind the times as China advances and they could care less about going back to the moon or even advancing technology unless it has some military or climate change application.
So what's happening now to Artemis would have never happened if the SLS, under a different name, had been properly funded way back in the early 2000's, rather than given lip service, altered, shelved, and resurrected with a different name and purpose with different presidential administrations and congressional leaders. If the SLS had been properly funded back then the Orion would have been at the moon four years ago. Rather than four or five years in the future!
And this is where China shines. That oppressive Chinese Communist government at least has the fortitude and the wisdom to fully support their space program, giving them everything they need to beat the US to the moon. And that they will surely do.
Now of course when I say China will beat the US to the moon I do mean they will beat NASA to the moon, as NASA thanks to members in the US Congress, is pretty much done with moon aspirations. (By the way, no one in NASA will say that publicly for fear of congressional retaliation. So sad).
I do not mean at all that China will beat any space company other than NASA to the moon. And there is really only one space company we're talking about here. SPACEX, of course, the only company that can beat China to the moon, if US politics doesn't find some way to meddle with them too. It makes you wonder...who is our Congress really working for? I mean, their decisions benefit the Chinese space program so much they might as well allocate US dollars to them rather than to NASA.
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China, NOT the US, will put the first woman on the moon!
That is all but settled now that the SLS has failed again.
Space races are won and lost not in publicity, nor in relying on past accomplishments, but in hard, unrelenting work, national enthusiasm, and most importantly of all: FINANCIAL SUPPORT by the government! All of which China has in abundance.
The US has dedicated, hard workers in NASA, but apparently not so in its prime contractor - Boeing, responsible for the SLS. There is national enthusiasm in the US, but the misinformed populace often succumbs to false and even idiotic claims about space exploration, but the biggest reason NASA is failing - no, it's not because they are incompetent. It is because of past political decisions!
That's right. POLITICS! Congress has screwed NASA time and again. They are really falling behind the times as China advances and they could care less about going back to the moon or even advancing technology unless it has some military or climate change application.
So what's happening now to Artemis would have never happened if the SLS, under a different name, had been properly funded way back in the early 2000's, rather than given lip service, altered, shelved, and resurrected with a different name and purpose with different presidential administrations and congressional leaders. If the SLS had been properly funded back then the Orion would have been at the moon four years ago. Rather than four or five years in the future!
And this is where China shines. That oppressive Chinese Communist government at least has the fortitude and the wisdom to fully support their space program, giving them everything they need to beat the US to the moon. And that they will surely do.
Now of course when I say China will beat the US to the moon I do mean they will beat NASA to the moon, as NASA thanks to members in the US Congress, is pretty much done with moon aspirations. (By the way, no one in NASA will say that publicly for fear of congressional retaliation. So sad).
I do not mean at all that China will beat any space company other than NASA to the moon. And there is really only one space company we're talking about here. SPACEX, of course, the only company that can beat China to the moon, if US politics doesn't find some way to meddle with them too. It makes you wonder...who is our Congress really working for? I mean, their decisions benefit the Chinese space program so much they might as well allocate US dollars to them rather than to NASA.
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SLS has wasted how much and still doesnt work. Just cancel it. Musk will get you there
Good for China

If they want to spend the money….best of luck to them

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