Nasa finds Jesus?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Nasa Study says that brown dwarfs, sometimes called
'failed stars,' can produce powerful auroras.
The failed fallen morning star Jesus who appeared as a powerful Luciferous Aurora to Paul and Constantine is said to be
**only 4'6" -a dwarf.

**The measure of his height which is given as 15 palms and a half, is roughly
4 feet 6 inches.

**note; this also closes the stupid
Shroud of Turin debate, since the shroud is of a 6' man and Jews of that era were generally only 5' tall and didn't glow in the dark like some phosphorus luminary.
Nasa Study says that brown dwarfs, sometimes called
'failed stars,' can produce powerful auroras.
The failed fallen morning star Jesus who appeared as a powerful Luciferous Aurora to Paul and Constantine is said to be
**only 4'6" -a dwarf.

**The measure of his height which is given as 15 palms and a half, is roughly
4 feet 6 inches.

**note; this also closes the stupid
Shroud of Turin debate, since the shroud is of a 6' man and Jews of that era were generally only 5' tall and didn't glow in the dark like some phosphorus luminary.

You must have never seen the Jesus nebula.....
*L* That was funny, but the sad thing is someone will pawn that off as real.
so was that a dwarf for the jesus nebula pretty clever and considering the ancients always placed their idols in constelations not so far fetched either...interesting non the less...
Well history channel just showed a ufo sighting case where eyewitness reported the ones who came from the sky were only 3 1/2 '-4' tall, so Jesus is pretty tall for an Alien they describe him to be in mythology. :)

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