Justice Sam Alito Busted For Flying Flag Upside Down In Solidarity With MAGA After Biden Win In 2020. Blames It On His Wife

Good to see Conservatives finally admitting that the judges they appoint are partisan
What are you talking about?... of course they are partisan... so are the liberal justices... you are making a fool out of yourself...
Has he disavowed the message his wife was sending?
Why would he if she felt the nation was in peril which is a rightful expression of concern?
Every single thing you don’t feel good about Does Not get gagged,banned nor rescinded .
Why would he if she felt the nation was in peril which is a rightful expression of concern?
Every single thing you don’t feel good about Does Not get gagged,banned nor rescinded .

Are you saying he thought Trump put the nation in peril?
Going by the plain wording of the Constitution instead of making up penumbras and emanations to get the desired result is partisan? Who woulda ever thought that?
Only Liberal Judges follow the Constitution

Conservatives are partisan hacks
Wrong. The lib judges make shit up to evade the Constitution. They are the hacks.

More conservative jurists adhere to the Constitution. That’s why you try (dishonestly) to denigrate them.

Conservative Judges want to destroy the Constitution to support Republicans

Trump wants to terminate the Constitution
Democrats still gaslighting Americans about the 2020 election.

If Americans believed 2020 was legit, this wouldn't be an issue.

Everyday, more and more Americans come to the realization that 2020 was totally rigged and stolen.
The New York Times reported on Thursday that an upside-down American flag was seen flying at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's house after President Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election, and a CNN panel on Friday bashed him for a total lack of professionalism.
It just keeps getting worse. And obvious.
In a case where a Judge should make it clear that he is politically neutral …yes, he should demand control over what is displayed outside their home
I wonder if, assuming Trump wins, there will be a time when these people finally admit what they really want. Where he has the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the federal bureaucracy and the FBI packed with loyalists and directly under this thumb, and they just fess up: "Yeah, we're taking over, fuck the Constitution, we want a dictatorship and we have it, and tough shit, we'll straight up shoot you if you don't like it".

You can't ask them now, obviously. But I do wonder.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was quick to blame his wife when it was discovered that a MAGA symbol was displayed in the justice's front yard as the high court was considering an election case, but that excuse doesn't hold water, according to a federal courts insider.

The New York Times reported on Thursday that an upside-down American flag was seen flying at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's house after President Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election, and a CNN panel on Friday bashed him for a total lack of professionalism.

In the wake of Biden's victory, many Trump supporters flew American flags upside down to signal distress in the United States, and panelist David Frum argued that having an upside down flag at the house of a Republican-appointed Supreme Court justice is "going to raise a lot of doubts about the legitimacy of the court," especially when it comes to the upcoming case on presidential immunity.

The most corrupt court in the nations history. There are no more legitimate arguments for not expanding the entire federal judiciary, and requiring term limits for judges. The toxic partisanship of conservatism, and their dark money billionaire supporters have destroyed all of the democratic principles created by the Founders.

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