Should Father Spitzer be removed from the church?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Father Spitzer's (of EWTN) latest rant that the Shroud (which has been disproved by science and history) is somehow proof of God's existance is stupidity at the highest level making him either the greatest of liars or too stupid to represent the church and be of any help to people.
SO should he step down or be removed from the church for his deception?
Fact: TRYING TO PROVE THE SHROUD is not proof of God, it would be trying to prove
"a person" was burried in it and trying to sound scientific in it's supernatural creation image burned into the Shroud would not prove it is God, since you're only trying to prove a technoogy was
used to teleport, which does not make that God any more then claiming the Nasca lines are proof of God.
That being said, Father Spitzer doesn't even prove the historical shroud connection to a historical figure and in fact does the opposite by trying to fallaciously date the Shroud back to first century against carbon dating.
FACT: their son of Mary character is Historically dated at 100bc a far cry from 1st century.
Their Galilean Figure also used in the myth is said to be in King Herod and Lysanias (died 35bc) era which is also not a first century character. Theudas by the Jordan is the AD era figure, however Jesus is described as being small stature much under 5'(measure of his height which is given as 15 palms and a half, is roughly 4 feet 6 inches) and the shroud is of a 6' large stature image.
Also historically problematic is the fact the only Shroud the church claimed to have saved was Yehuda's shroud.
IS IT A COINCIDENCE that the shroud seemingly comes to appear at the time of the great church foible with another phoney relic=
the catheri relic labeled "Caput LVIII" contained the skull of a woman and this was sworn to be the flesh and blood tomb of Jesus. At the time, this embarassment exposing church lies required reassurance of the existence of a Jesus PRONTO, AND in comes the Shroud magically appearing to try and re-validate the mythology as being real or talked about as if being historical. No it's not a coincidence, the Father of all lies will always remain the great deceiver because signing you up to their membership fee club is more important then the truth.
LOL..... The scams that never end.... If I recollect correctly there were many Shrouds circulated all over the place till many were destroyed in the french revolution.... Somewhere around 40... It was a great scam to fleece the sheeple out of their money... Some of these shrouds were either white, blood like stained or images.... I cant remember but in 1988( There is that number) the shroud was carbon dated to between 1260- 1390... Father Spitzer is just one in a long line of scammers but hey the guliable are always willing to Believe in this nonsense no matter the proof to the contrary....
Isn't it the job of clerics to claim various signs and augurs represent proof of their faith?

I'm personally not buying it, but I can't fault his wanting to sell it.
Isn't it the job of clerics to claim various signs and augurs represent proof of their faith?

I'm personally not buying it, but I can't fault his wanting to sell it.
But he's claiming to be an expert in the science of radiated imagery yet not smart enough to consider he could never know/understand the science in the advanced future which can possibly explain what he is trying to conclude as being his combined & non historical figure's supernatural powers. Imagine how p'o'd that would make the creator of the process or gov't that's project creates the process only to have someone get credit for it by some self proclaimed know it all's assumptions.
He's also inadvertantly making Jesus out to be Lucifer the radiant one.-oops
Every possible scenerio points to the same conclusion: Human ego=assuming everything to create a conclusion that feeds that ego.
ut he's claiming to be an expert in the science of radiated imagery yet not smart enough to consider he could never know/understand the science in the advanced future which can possibly explain what he is trying to conclude as being his combined & non historical figure's

The world is full of people claiming to be experts on subjects about which they don't have a clue. There are even more who deliberately manipulate the facts to fit the idea they're trying to sell.

When accepting ideas from so-called experts, the onus is on us to do our own homework and establish a level of credulity we're comfortable with.

I will never blame a charlatan for selling a load of manure. I blame the fool who buys the manure thinking it was a bouquet of flowers.
ut he's claiming to be an expert in the science of radiated imagery yet not smart enough to consider he could never know/understand the science in the advanced future which can possibly explain what he is trying to conclude as being his combined & non historical figure's

The world is full of people claiming to be experts on subjects about which they don't have a clue. There are even more who deliberately manipulate the facts to fit the idea they're trying to sell.

When accepting ideas from so-called experts, the onus is on us to do our own homework and establish a level of credulity we're comfortable with.

I will never blame a charlatan for selling a load of manure. I blame the fool who buys the manure thinking it was a bouquet of flowers.
True honest theorists discuss all possibilities thus not assuming. Agnostics are honest atheists, willing to admit they could be missing something and thus wrong. Father Spitzer and the church require lying to themselves
and others to survive, therefore their affiliation is more important then intellectual honesty.
PASTOR JOHN HAGEE surprised everyone once during a broadcast by being honest and declaring the possibility they could be wrong and that would make Jesus the biggest lie and delusion.
Being open to all possibilities removes those blinders that affiliation pride veils over the eyes of the affiliates.
ut he's claiming to be an expert in the science of radiated imagery yet not smart enough to consider he could never know/understand the science in the advanced future which can possibly explain what he is trying to conclude as being his combined & non historical figure's

The world is full of people claiming to be experts on subjects about which they don't have a clue. There are even more who deliberately manipulate the facts to fit the idea they're trying to sell.

When accepting ideas from so-called experts, the onus is on us to do our own homework and establish a level of credulity we're comfortable with.

I will never blame a charlatan for selling a load of manure. I blame the fool who buys the manure thinking it was a bouquet of flowers.
True honest theorists discuss all possibilities thus not assuming. Agnostics are honest atheists, willing to admit they could be missing something and thus wrong. Father Spitzer and the church require lying to themselves
and others to survive, therefore their affiliation is more important then intellectual honesty.
PASTOR JOHN HAGEE surprised everyone once during a broadcast by being honest and declaring the possibility they could be wrong and that would make Jesus the biggest lie and delusion.
Being open to all possibilities removes those blinders that affiliation pride veils over the eyes of the affiliates.

At the end of the day, what xtians believe has zero impact on me and the number of fraks that I give cannot be expressed as a positive integer.

At some level, all religious discourse is based on speculation, even the religion that I follow.

I can't begrudge one group for speculating more aggressively if we're all doing it.
Read the many links that Father Spitzer cites whenever he goes into a "rant", then get back to us.
Not sure why winning all those gold medals at the Olympics wasn't good enough. And when did he become a father? Farjer what's a farjer?
Does he link the study of The blood stain on the Shroud which was found to be clay, so unless you plan on cloning Pokey (gumby's horse) it's a mute point.
Besides the NT and historical son of Mary of 100bc was hanged not nailed crucified so bloody wrists can not correlate to the church's favored Mary's son figure. Read the NT account of the stoned (slew) and hanged christ. You'd think Spitzer would know his texts better then me a Jew -how embarassing).
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew (stoned)and hanged on a tree"
Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree"
Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
I was listening to Father Spitzer's show a few months back while I was painting a room. As I recall he said there was some fairly recent studies/discoveries done on the Shroud. He explained some of them in detail and offered many links to studies, books and other assorted links on the topic for those interested in more information.

It is unhinged to suggest Father Spitzer be removed from the Church just because OP can't understand the science.
I was listening to Father Spitzer's show a few months back while I was painting a room. As I recall he said there was some fairly recent studies/discoveries done on the Shroud. He explained some of them in detail and offered many links to studies, books and other assorted links on the topic for those interested in more information.

It is unhinged to suggest Father Spitzer be removed from the Church just because OP can't understand the science.
What science? The science of how a man who's mixing at least 3 christ characters in 3 different eras into 1 can debate a 6' figure image in a shroud when it's accounted Jesus was only 4'6" and Jews are and especially in that time period a small race? What's the science behind bleeding clay? What's the science behind forgetting your texts says he was stoned and hanged and not pierced? The science of lying?
The fact you are defending the lies because you've been bamboozled by the hoax is exactly why he needs to be let go. He has failed you by making you just as much a dupe as he is.
I was listening to Father Spitzer's show a few months back while I was painting a room. As I recall he said there was some fairly recent studies/discoveries done on the Shroud. He explained some of them in detail and offered many links to studies, books and other assorted links on the topic for those interested in more information.

It is unhinged to suggest Father Spitzer be removed from the Church just because OP can't understand the science.
What science? The science of how a man who's mixing at least 3 christ characters in 3 different eras into 1 can debate a 6' figure image in a shroud when it's accounted Jesus was only 4'6" and Jews are and especially in that time period a small race? What's the science behind bleeding clay? What's the science behind forgetting your texts says he was stoned and hanged and not pierced? The science of lying?
The fact you are defending the lies because you've been bamboozled by the hoax is exactly why he needs to be let go. He has failed you by making you just as much a dupe as he is.
You are not addressing specifically what Spitzer said. I am defending nothing. I am pointing out that you are dismissing what he said without any attempt whatsoever to refute it. You can caterwaul about lies and being bamboozled all you like. All you are doing is caterwauling.
I was listening to Father Spitzer's show a few months back while I was painting a room. As I recall he said there was some fairly recent studies/discoveries done on the Shroud. He explained some of them in detail and offered many links to studies, books and other assorted links on the topic for those interested in more information.

It is unhinged to suggest Father Spitzer be removed from the Church just because OP can't understand the science.
What science? The science of how a man who's mixing at least 3 christ characters in 3 different eras into 1 can debate a 6' figure image in a shroud when it's accounted Jesus was only 4'6" and Jews are and especially in that time period a small race? What's the science behind bleeding clay? What's the science behind forgetting your texts says he was stoned and hanged and not pierced? The science of lying?
The fact you are defending the lies because you've been bamboozled by the hoax is exactly why he needs to be let go. He has failed you by making you just as much a dupe as he is.
You are not addressing specifically what Spitzer said. I am defending nothing. I am pointing out that you are dismissing what he said without any attempt whatsoever to refute it. You can caterwaul about lies and being bamboozled all you like. All you are doing is caterwauling.
I heard what he said, a bunch of terms that were to sound scientific but had no merit on this subject.
He Assumed. He also was in context this proved God's existance which it does not and is insane to connect those dots and once again assuming.
If my molecular laser disintegration idea could be used for dissintegrating trash and lasers use Photons (speed of light) and theoretically or even already shown to be manipulated
faster then light then why assume a dissintegration of a body so nobody dare clone Luciferous Jesus and venerate his body, & leaving behind
"laser burns" of this removal (cast out of the Olam Habah-from the world to come) is proof of God? Why in the world would you assume me God? See the problem with assuming technology you do not know?
That being problematic for those dumb enough to believe the shroud is real, shouldcend the argument, however there was never
an argument since the height, dating, godhead claim are all wrong and once again Father Spitzer's description is of a Luciferous being radiating image into the cloth, meaning he's teaching His god to be Lucifer.
HE'S TRYING TO PROVE EXISTANCE OF LUCIFER, who is claimed a god, but he did not prove this shroud is proof of God.
EPIC FAIL by him and he con artists.
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The funny thing is that WORDS have more then one meaning or connetation. This is not a coincidence it is usually by design and hidden in plain SIGHT.. For example the term burial cloth or burial garment is never to my knowledge associated with this item but SHROUD is.... If one looks in the dictionary when one SHROUDS something it means to OBSCURE or COVERUP Something or someone..This is done by design and has gone on for a very very long time... The Church and their associates knows these items are frauds and yet they continue to OBSCURE and COVERUP blinding the guliable and faithfull and bilking them of not only their money but their trust....Why use the term SHROUD unless they are knowingly winkingly having a laugh behind the backs of those who beLIEve these silly things.
I was listening to Father Spitzer's show a few months back while I was painting a room. As I recall he said there was some fairly recent studies/discoveries done on the Shroud. He explained some of them in detail and offered many links to studies, books and other assorted links on the topic for those interested in more information.

It is unhinged to suggest Father Spitzer be removed from the Church just because OP can't understand the science.
What science? The science of how a man who's mixing at least 3 christ characters in 3 different eras into 1 can debate a 6' figure image in a shroud when it's accounted Jesus was only 4'6" and Jews are and especially in that time period a small race? What's the science behind bleeding clay? What's the science behind forgetting your texts says he was stoned and hanged and not pierced? The science of lying?
The fact you are defending the lies because you've been bamboozled by the hoax is exactly why he needs to be let go. He has failed you by making you just as much a dupe as he is.
You are not addressing specifically what Spitzer said. I am defending nothing. I am pointing out that you are dismissing what he said without any attempt whatsoever to refute it. You can caterwaul about lies and being bamboozled all you like. All you are doing is caterwauling.
I heard what he said, a bunch of terms that were to sound scientific but had no merit on this subject.
He Assumed. He also was in context this proved God's existance which it does not and is insane to connect those dots and once again assuming.
If my molecular laser disintegration idea could be used for dissintegrating trash and lasers use Photons (speed of light) and theoretically or even already shown to be manipulated
faster then light then why assume a dissintegration of a body so nobody dare clone Luciferous Jesus and venerate his body, & leaving behind
"laser burns" of this removal (cast out of the Olam Habah-from the world to come) is proof of God? Why in the world would you assume me God? See the problem with assuming technology you do not know?
That being problematic for those dumb enough to believe the shroud is real, shouldcend the argument, however there was never
an argument since the height, dating, godhead claim are all wrong and once again Father Spitzer's description is of a Luciferous being radiating image into the cloth, meaning he's teaching His god to be Lucifer.
HE'S TRYING TO PROVE EXISTANCE OF LUCIFER, who is claimed a god, but he did not prove this shroud is proof of God.
EPIC FAIL by him and he con artists.
Your debunk attempt is the epic fail. You are wasting my time. Good bye.
I was listening to Father Spitzer's show a few months back while I was painting a room. As I recall he said there was some fairly recent studies/discoveries done on the Shroud. He explained some of them in detail and offered many links to studies, books and other assorted links on the topic for those interested in more information.

It is unhinged to suggest Father Spitzer be removed from the Church just because OP can't understand the science.
What science? The science of how a man who's mixing at least 3 christ characters in 3 different eras into 1 can debate a 6' figure image in a shroud when it's accounted Jesus was only 4'6" and Jews are and especially in that time period a small race? What's the science behind bleeding clay? What's the science behind forgetting your texts says he was stoned and hanged and not pierced? The science of lying?
The fact you are defending the lies because you've been bamboozled by the hoax is exactly why he needs to be let go. He has failed you by making you just as much a dupe as he is.
You are not addressing specifically what Spitzer said. I am defending nothing. I am pointing out that you are dismissing what he said without any attempt whatsoever to refute it. You can caterwaul about lies and being bamboozled all you like. All you are doing is caterwauling.
I heard what he said, a bunch of terms that were to sound scientific but had no merit on this subject.
He Assumed. He also was in context this proved God's existance which it does not and is insane to connect those dots and once again assuming.
If my molecular laser disintegration idea could be used for dissintegrating trash and lasers use Photons (speed of light) and theoretically or even already shown to be manipulated
faster then light then why assume a dissintegration of a body so nobody dare clone Luciferous Jesus and venerate his body, & leaving behind
"laser burns" of this removal (cast out of the Olam Habah-from the world to come) is proof of God? Why in the world would you assume me God? See the problem with assuming technology you do not know?
That being problematic for those dumb enough to believe the shroud is real, shouldcend the argument, however there was never
an argument since the height, dating, godhead claim are all wrong and once again Father Spitzer's description is of a Luciferous being radiating image into the cloth, meaning he's teaching His god to be Lucifer.
HE'S TRYING TO PROVE EXISTANCE OF LUCIFER, who is claimed a god, but he did not prove this shroud is proof of God.
EPIC FAIL by him and he con artists.
Your debunk attempt is the epic fail. You are wasting my time. Good bye.
You didn't even thank me for taking out the trash, how rude and ungreatful. :)
I was listening to Father Spitzer's show a few months back while I was painting a room. As I recall he said there was some fairly recent studies/discoveries done on the Shroud. He explained some of them in detail and offered many links to studies, books and other assorted links on the topic for those interested in more information.

It is unhinged to suggest Father Spitzer be removed from the Church just because OP can't understand the science.
What science? The science of how a man who's mixing at least 3 christ characters in 3 different eras into 1 can debate a 6' figure image in a shroud when it's accounted Jesus was only 4'6" and Jews are and especially in that time period a small race? What's the science behind bleeding clay? What's the science behind forgetting your texts says he was stoned and hanged and not pierced? The science of lying?
The fact you are defending the lies because you've been bamboozled by the hoax is exactly why he needs to be let go. He has failed you by making you just as much a dupe as he is.
You are not addressing specifically what Spitzer said. I am defending nothing. I am pointing out that you are dismissing what he said without any attempt whatsoever to refute it. You can caterwaul about lies and being bamboozled all you like. All you are doing is caterwauling.
I heard what he said, a bunch of terms that were to sound scientific but had no merit on this subject.
He Assumed. He also was in context this proved God's existance which it does not and is insane to connect those dots and once again assuming.
If my molecular laser disintegration idea could be used for dissintegrating trash and lasers use Photons (speed of light) and theoretically or even already shown to be manipulated
faster then light then why assume a dissintegration of a body so nobody dare clone Luciferous Jesus and venerate his body, & leaving behind
"laser burns" of this removal (cast out of the Olam Habah-from the world to come) is proof of God? Why in the world would you assume me God? See the problem with assuming technology you do not know?
That being problematic for those dumb enough to believe the shroud is real, shouldcend the argument, however there was never
an argument since the height, dating, godhead claim are all wrong and once again Father Spitzer's description is of a Luciferous being radiating image into the cloth, meaning he's teaching His god to be Lucifer.
HE'S TRYING TO PROVE EXISTANCE OF LUCIFER, who is claimed a god, but he did not prove this shroud is proof of God.
EPIC FAIL by him and he con artists.
Your debunk attempt is the epic fail. You are wasting my time. Good bye.
You didn't even thank me for taking out the trash, how rude and ungreatful. :)
Be carefull when taking out the trash.... Someone like SPITzer might have spat in the wind in an unneighbourly fashion and the wind of his BULL might COVER you like a SHROUD while you are doing your good deed for the day by cleaning up someone else s mess or garbage...

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