My Step Mother-in-Law Thinks that My Son is Having a Break with Reality

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness. This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness. This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.
Not at all surprised to find that the guy who comes here to express his love of bullying trans children has a child himself that family members are "concerned" about. :dunno:
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness. This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.

As a Virginian, I believe she is on the right track but picked the wrong target, Pops.
I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.
That's a gateway drug to Trumpism, so it's important to keep on eye on it.

How it generally proceeds is that a rational liberal person will point out why the libertarian utopian dogma fails in practice. The libertarian will then get butthurt about being challenged by the sensible liberal, and so seek the comfort of other butthurt people who hate liberals.
Are you able to copy and paste some of the posts in question? Right now it seems to be a she said he said argument. Without being able to see what’s going on it’s hard to make an informed decision on who is right and who is wrong.

But I do think family members bringing their concerns to your attention in general is a good thing, better than thinking something may be wrong and staying silent IMO
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness. This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.
I was unaware that people still used Facebook.
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness.

Perhaps you do not see the real facts too. Women are often much more better in all forms of communication - also in non-verbal forms and in communication between written lines. Perhaps she saw something what you have no sense for because you suffer the same problem like your son - or your son suffers the same problem which you suffer.

This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

Ask her. What you say here sounds definitelly absurde and like a wrong "excuse" for to ignore a warning.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.

It's totally unreal what you say here in this sentence. If you really believe what you say here than you are extremely strange - and I think you know also on your own that this empty phrases are only a senseless attack against people who do not share your own political opinions. But it is possible that your son really believes the nonsense which you indoctrinate into him. And this perhaps is emotionally stressing him to death So whatever bullshit you try to tell others who anyway will not believe in you - do not do so with your own son!!! Be a real father and not someone who only likes to play to be a father from time to time when it is easy to do so. Your responsibility lies not in opinions - your responsibility lies in the eyes of god. Try to understand him like god thought him to be and help him on his way - independent from your own opinions. He has a right to be happy.
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So tell her firmly but nicely exactly why you believe she is mistaken .
Thank her for her interest and input and tell her that you will be monitoring very closely .
But , of course , do absolutely nothing if you feel - as you apparently do -- that she is clueless .

Hopefully it will not be too long before we can truthfully and scientifically show that certain personality types suffer from neurological imbalances brought on by attempted and actual attempts at mind entrainment and control .
This could at some future point involve treatments for more extreme individuals but hopefully a return to balance and full sanity will be achieved by education and example .
However , I fear you /we need a major clear out of the rotten material very quickly before the Mutants ( as I call them ) are allowed to spread their problems to others , and particularly children .
Here it looks like Madteeth is ripe for experimentation .
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness. This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.
If it was libertarian shit, she may have a point. If he was spouting Marxist rhetoric, you’d be concerned, wouldn’t you? Well they’re flip sides of the same coin. Both disregard basic human nature. Marxism expects equal outcomes, forgetting that without extra reward for extra effort, no one will be incentivized to do anything. Libertarianism, on the other hand, expects total freedom for parties to enter into agreements, forgetting that inevitably many of the powerful will take advantage of the weak. Either philosophy is detrimental to freedom.
Perhaps you do not see the real facts too. Women are often much more better in all forms of communication - also in non-verbal forms and in communication between written lines. Perhaps she saw something what you have no sense for because you suffer the same problem like your son - or your son suffers the same problem which you suffer.

Ask her. What you say here sounds definitelly absurde and like a wrong "excuse" for to ignore a warning.

It's totally unreal what you say here in this sentence. If you really believe what you say here than you are extremely strange - and I think you know also on your own that this empty phrases are only a senseless attack against people who do not share your own political opinions. But it is possible that your son really believes the nonsense which you indoctrinate into him. And this perhaps is emotionally stressing him to death So whatever bullshit you try to tell others who anyway will not believe in you - do not do so with your own son!!! Be a real father and not someone who only likes to play to be a father from time to time when it is easy to do so. Your responsibility lies not in opinions - your responsibility lies in the eyes of god. Try to understand him like god thought him to be and help him on his way - independent from your own opinions. He has a right to be happy.
Women are better in many things than men. It is the biology of the gender that muddies things.
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness. This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.

So this woman is getting fact based journalism, fact checked and based on reality, and your son is being radicalized online by people who's primary goal is the destruction of the American government, leading him to be that he's just as ill-informed, and brainwashed as you are.

The GOP are selling a form of mental illness, called "radicalization". Anger and violence and lies.
She's my wife's father's third wife, but she's been married to him for almost twenty years now, so she is accepted as family, pretty much. By all but my wife's father's first wife anyway.

So, she calls my wife and tells her that she is concerned about my second son's posts on Facebook. She said that they are very dark and delusional.

I took a look, and it turned out that the posts are primarily about how the government doesn't have the best interests of the people at heart, how both parties are essentially the same, etc. Standard libertarian stuff.

But Step MIL and the rest of my wife's family live in Virginia. No doubt they only watch legacy media. They likely have no idea that there is any other source of information available, regarding Foxnews or any other non-liberal outlet to be nothing but lies and disinformation.

So she honestly believes that disagreement with the dogma indicates a mental illness. This about a family member. It isn't the standard "you're delusional" insult we might hurl at each other here. It's actual concern. People can be convinced that disagreement with government is not normal, even if it is family and friends disagreeing.

The next step will be rounding dissenters up for "mental health care" in a facility of confinement until the person has completed their re-education.
Mental health issues can be serious.

I hope he gets whatever help he may need.
Are you able to copy and paste some of the posts in question? Right now it seems to be a she said he said argument. Without being able to see what’s going on it’s hard to make an informed decision on who is right and who is wrong.

But I do think family members bringing their concerns to your attention in general is a good thing, better than thinking something may be wrong and staying silent IMO
The ops post is strange. Talking in third person. Wifes Father 3rd wife. Lol

How about my Mother N Law is concerned my son is Mental because she is a brainwashed leftist who thinks those who disagree with her mentalllity should be locked up.

You either agree with how I think or you must be insane. Why Socialism leads to Tyrants throughout history. Obey me and my views or ill lock you up then have the nerve to claim you are a freedom loving American.

I support Trump and could care less if libs or TDS idiots dont like it. Government has led us to an economy from hell, and have turned the dollar into Toilet Paper.

They suck Hairy Balls. Dont like what I have to say?? Change the channel. The kid is right to question Govt. Who da hell cares a bunch of Karens who love The View dont like it.

Complaints about my opinion and post will be taken in the 3rd port o let on the rightbbasement section.

Yell your son to follow his own path and never go down the path of Appeasment to brain washed leftist.

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