My Friend Lives in a Haunted House

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
I don't know if any of you have had real experience with a haunted house, but my friend (yes, I have one), deals with this almost every day.

She hears "people" having conversations in the "next room" almost daily. She's had "someone" call her out by name when no one is there.
She sent me a video of this "light" WALKING from her front porch into the house (she has cameras everywhere. She lives alone with her 6 year old grandson).

Then she sent me a video of a "light" coming on in the house all by itself. She doesn't know which light. She tried to reproduce the light on video by trying each light in the area. She was not able to reproduce it.

I've been through this decades ago. I don't believe in "ghosts" but the spirit world is as real as you and I.

She told me she bought the house after the last occupant "killed himself." That was the ruling, but she said her neighbors all believe it was a murder.

I don't know how to help her except to pray for her. That's what it took for me to be rid of them when they were haunting me
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I don't know if any of you have had real experience with a haunted house, but my friend (yes, I have one), deals with this almost every day.

She hears "people" having conversations in the "next room" almost daily. She's had "someone" call her out by name when no one is there.
She sent me a video of this "light" WALKING from her front porch into the house (she has cameras everywhere. She lives alone with her 6 year old grandson).

Then she sent me a video of a "light" coming on in the house all by itself. She doesn't know which light. She tried to reproduce the light on video by trying each light in the area. She was not able to reproduce it.

I've been through this decades ago. I don't believe in "ghosts" but the spirit world is as real as you and I.

She told me she bought the house after the last occupant "killed her myself." That was the ruling, but she said her neighbors all believe it was a murder.

I don't know how to help her except to pray for her. That's what it took for me to be rid of them when they were haunting me
There are no shortages of dark spirits on planet earth, I mean just look @ the D.istrict of C.orruption.
Hate to say this, but your friend needs therapy.
That's what people say who haven't experienced it.

Like I said, her grandson lives with her. The other night he was awakened to something pounding on the wall outside his bedroom

Another few days ago. Her daughter was talking too her over the phone (face time) when she herd that voice calling her mother's name. Her daughter came and spent that night because she didn't want her to be alone with "it."

These things are real. Consider yourself lucky you've never experienced it. I have. In my twenties
I'm not saying there aren't spirits, but those are manifestations of Satan.

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" Hebrews 9:27
I'm not saying there aren't spirits, but those are manifestations of Satan.

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" Hebrews 9:27
Yes. I said I don't believe in ghosts. But I know spirits are real. Most people want to believe they are the spirits of humans who have "passed"
I spent a night in a haunted hose in Manitou Springs, Colorado in the seventies.

The homeowner's advice was "don't mid her. She's harmless".
I spent a night in a haunted hose in Manitou Springs, Colorado in the seventies.

The homeowner's advice was "don't mid her. She's harmless".
I lived for awhile in a Haunted house in Ann Arbor in my twenties. EVERYBODY in the house had experiences there. Also when I lived in Toledo. These things are more common than most people know.
I don't know if any of you have had real experience with a haunted house, but my friend (yes, I have one), deals with this almost every day.

She hears "people" having conversations in the "next room" almost daily. She's had "someone" call her out by name when no one is there.
She sent me a video of this "light" WALKING from her front porch into the house (she has cameras everywhere. She lives alone with her 6 year old grandson).

Then she sent me a video of a "light" coming on in the house all by itself. She doesn't know which light. She tried to reproduce the light on video by trying each light in the area. She was not able to reproduce it.

I've been through this decades ago. I don't believe in "ghosts" but the spirit world is as real as you and I.

She told me she bought the house after the last occupant "killed himself." That was the ruling, but she said her neighbors all believe it was a murder.

I don't know how to help her except to pray for her. That's what it took for me to be rid of them when they were haunting me
My family lived in a haunted house down by the river a long time ago.

It's still there, but uninhabited and boarded up. When all the people in the house experience the things, it's not fake or mental illness.
There were some ghostly goings on in a deserted building on the site of an ancient abbey, in the region of England where l used to live.

It was taken so seriously they brought the psychic research people in to investigate
I don't know if any of you have had real experience with a haunted house, but my friend (yes, I have one), deals with this almost every day.

She hears "people" having conversations in the "next room" almost daily. She's had "someone" call her out by name when no one is there.
She sent me a video of this "light" WALKING from her front porch into the house (she has cameras everywhere. She lives alone with her 6 year old grandson).

Then she sent me a video of a "light" coming on in the house all by itself. She doesn't know which light. She tried to reproduce the light on video by trying each light in the area. She was not able to reproduce it.

I've been through this decades ago. I don't believe in "ghosts" but the spirit world is as real as you and I.

She told me she bought the house after the last occupant "killed himself." That was the ruling, but she said her neighbors all believe it was a murder.

I don't know how to help her except to pray for her. That's what it took for me to be rid of them when they were haunting me.
Some of my Wisconsin relatives have many stories of spirits, orbs, cloudy figures etc they've all seen. They wouldn't all be making it up, there would be no point in doing that.
I don't believe in "ghosts" but the spirit world is as real as you and I.
I hope that you are right.

It would give me so much consolation and comfort to know that the spirits of my two dearest relatives are still with me and (hopefully) have forgiven me for my fatal mistakes.
Do two or more people experience the same ghostly phenomenon at the same time? Two or more people will not have the same hallucination at the same time.
She hears "people" having conversations in the "next room" almost daily. She's had "someone" call her out by name when no one is there.
She sent me a video of this "light" WALKING from her front porch into the house (she has cameras everywhere. She lives alone with her 6 year old grandson).
Exactly as my home .
Trouble is that my family are all jokers and I am already mad as a hatter .

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