My Republican buddy and COVID


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
So I just found out that an old friend of mine (we were each other's best man many years ago) contracted COVID. Healthy, active guy, 62. Big Trump supporter, anti-vax, the whole nine yards, used to post all the regular stuff on Facebook. Hadn't seen him post in a while.

He just got home after a 64-day hospital stay, says he nearly checked out twice. Says he can't walk or talk much, will be on oxygen for six to eight weeks. It really fucked him up.

I know. Just one story. I have other stories like this, but for some reason this one really blew my mind. It will be interesting to see his opinion on this virus now. While we love to give each other shit on pretty much everything, I'm not gonna do so on this.

Anyway, I'm glad I didn't lose him. Aside from being a good friend, he's a serious scotch drinker and we often compare notes.
I would hazard a guess, that because he's a drinker, his immune system wasn't that great.

People have the mistaken concept that alcohol "kills it all", which is not true. In fact, according to the WHO, it makes you MORE susceptible to things like COVID.

I'm happy you did not lose your friend! Friends are awesome and we need them.
Hopefully he takes the plunge and goes "cold turkey" on the hooch.
One of my long time friends ran out and got the J&J Vax out of fear of losing her job and pension. She immediately got a Bell’s Palsy attack and her face is paralyzed, and her white blood cell count is all fucked up.

So you have definitive proof it was a result of the vacinne?
I'll bet you don't.
That didn't answer my question.
She had them prior to the jab. I won't fall for that old trick darling.
It did answer your question, you just didn’t like the answer.

Many hundreds of thousands of people have had adverse reactions to the poke. You can pretend the things aren’t related all you want. I mean if you are capable of pretending a male can be a woman, then anything is possible, right?
It did answer your question, you just didn’t like the answer.

Many hundreds of thousands of people have had adverse reactions to the poke. You can pretend the things aren’t related all you want. I mean if you are capable of pretending a male can be a woman, then anything is possible, right?

I asked for proof and all I got was your a opinion. Are you a doctor who saw the records? Of course not. You are a liar.

I don't care if they all have 3 dicks, it's none of my business and certainly none of yours. It's the Jesus junkies who want to dictate to everyone about their filthy bible. Are you one of them also?
Thought so.
So I just found out that an old friend of mine (we were each other's best man many years ago) contracted COVID. Healthy, active guy, 62. Big Trump supporter, anti-vax, the whole nine yards, used to post all the regular stuff on Facebook. Hadn't seen him post in a while.

He just got home after a 64-day hospital stay, says he nearly checked out twice. Says he can't walk or talk much, will be on oxygen for six to eight weeks. It really fucked him up.

I know. Just one story. I have other stories like this, but for some reason this one really blew my mind. It will be interesting to see his opinion on this virus now. While we love to give each other shit on pretty much everything, I'm not gonna do so on this.

Anyway, I'm glad I didn't lose him. Aside from being a good friend, he's a serious scotch drinker and we often compare notes.
My mother is the same way. Demands that she already got COVID but was never tested. Just got the sniffles one day and declared herself immune. Got her real bad, damn near killed her husband as he is diabetic. Still not sure he will recover.

Still refuses to even acknowledge that it was COVID. It is something to behold, the outright knowledge that is clear on her face that she knows and the absolute refusal to acknowledge that reality.
So I just found out that an old friend of mine (we were each other's best man many years ago) contracted COVID. Healthy, active guy, 62. Big Trump supporter, anti-vax, the whole nine yards, used to post all the regular stuff on Facebook. Hadn't seen him post in a while.

He just got home after a 64-day hospital stay, says he nearly checked out twice. Says he can't walk or talk much, will be on oxygen for six to eight weeks. It really fucked him up.

I know. Just one story. I have other stories like this, but for some reason this one really blew my mind. It will be interesting to see his opinion on this virus now. While we love to give each other shit on pretty much everything, I'm not gonna do so on this.

Anyway, I'm glad I didn't lose him. Aside from being a good friend, he's a serious scotch drinker and we often compare notes.

My old school country doctor. When I saw him last fall he was wearing a mask, but was somewhat dismissive if covid. He said things like "I've seen these things come and go, and I never get them, and besides is not so bad because even though I'm 60+years old I'm in good health... Blah blah blah...". I had occasion to see him this week (sprained my neck, but that's another story) and he had changed drastically. He looked shrunken is the best way to describe it. Weak, colorless, exhausted. Apparently he caught it last spring. Almost died. Weeks in the ICU. May never recover completely. Gave it to his wife, she had multiple strokes caused by the infection and will never be the same person. Lost his best friend to it. He's changed his tune completely.

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