My Cousin Just Ran A MAGAT Out Of A Cafe Without Even Trying

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Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
My cousin, let's call him "Mikey", was in a diner where you can make chit chat with anyone.

He asked a guy near his table who he was rooting for in the Super Bowl.

The guy, let's call him "Dave", said he didn't care, but he quickly changed the subject to politics and to how bad a shape the country was in.

Cousin Mikey asked in what way? Dave said because of all the migrants that were coming in, for one.

Mikey then asked him why the GOP won't vote for Biden's border bill. "Dave" said it was a bad bill.

Mikey: "What's bad about it?"

Dave: It was too costly.

Mikey: Then why doesn't the GOP come up with its own bill?

Dave: Because the Dems will not let them.

Mikey: Then why didn't the GOP create and pass their own bill when they had control of all 3 branches?

Dave: The GOP had never controlled all three branches.

Mikey: They had, during the first 2 years of Trump's term, 2016 - 2018. "Do you agree?"

Dave: Absolutely not.

Mikey: Give me a moment to look up the info on my cell.

Dave then get's up, seemingly to the bathroom, but he'd fled the premises!

Why, if he was so sure??

This reminds me of what happens here when I start asking USMB's rightwingers simple questions...they flee!!!!

Again, why, if they're so sure?
  • Note: MAGAT stands for Make America Great Again Trumper
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