Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Over the past dozen years, the human rights bodies of the United Nations have adopted resolutions to condemn "defamation of religion" as a violation of human rights. The first of these resolutions, introduced in 1999 by Pakistan, specified the "defamation of Islam." More generic language was substituted, but everybody understands that only one religion is meant.

These resolutions are in no way legally binding on anybody. They allow persecution-minded governments and clerics to tell their citizens and adherents that they are not attacking human rights when they pronounce death in the name of religion. They are upholding Human Rights.

Don't blame the video; defend free speech -
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I almost choked on my coffee when I read the little bit of left wing hypocrisy. They murder US Navy Seals and a US diplomat because they are "protecting human rights"? American Christians were subject to far worse affronts to their religious beliefs a couple of years ago when liberals decided that religious bigotry was a form of art. The exhibit featured the Christian icon Virgin Mother smeared in feces and the Crucifix upside down in a vat of urine. The 1st Amendment protects free speech and although a Christmas Manger scene and a Christmas tree are no longer covered by the 1st Amendment and are outlawed on public property it seems religious bigotry is still authorized and protected by the Constitution. Christians voiced their displeasure at the bigotry but they don't kill anyone to try to make a political point.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:
Ignore Sunni Man. He has stated he wants the US to be a Muslim Country. he started 2 threads, one asking if anyone would move when it happened and a second asking which version of an Islamic flag we would use once we became Islamic.

Notice he only thinks that Islam should be protected. he stated in his opening OP that only Islam is protected. And he has been in numerous threads claiming that Christians are immoral and that our Country's Bill of Rights is a sin.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

SO we can sue the artists and the places that display Piss Christ and defecation Virgin Mary?

How about the UN get Busy and enforce that Human Right on the Islamic Countries that outlaw any religion except Islam?

Or are those different?
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

Rights can only be based on private property. Defamation of religion doesn't violate anybody's private property.
The OP is talking about defending the rights of all religions not to be defamed. :cool:

Wrong you specifically state that the UN passed a defamation against Islam is bad.

I REPEAT WHEN do we move into those Islamic Countries that outlaw every religion except Islam to protect the Human rights of the NON Muslims?
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

Is the reaction equal to the offense? What counts as a religion? What counts as defamation? Trashing your own neighborhood because of this video is just simple minded.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

i hate to laugh.... but damn that is funny and hell sunni man...

defamation of a religion is a violation of human rights???? :lmao: who knew.......
The OP is talking about defending the rights of all religions not to be defamed. :cool:

I am all for defaming, mocking, belittling, poking fun at and exposing as fodder for laughter and jokes... of ALL religions and cults...... its called free speech.
Over the past dozen years, the human rights bodies of the United Nations have adopted resolutions to condemn "defamation of religion" as a violation of human rights. The first of these resolutions, introduced in 1999 by Pakistan, specified the "defamation of Islam." More generic language was substituted, but everybody understands that only one religion is meant.

These resolutions are in no way legally binding on anybody. They allow persecution-minded governments and clerics to tell their citizens and adherents that they are not attacking human rights when they pronounce death in the name of religion. They are upholding Human Rights.

Don't blame the video; defend free speech -
Punishing Those Who Insult Islam is Free Speech.

War is Peace.

Freedom is Slavery.

Ignorance is Strength.

OP is stupider than fuck.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

The film protesters killed innocent people who did nothing to defame Islam,THAT is a heinous act and the most grievous violation of human rights, more so than defaming religion. If Allah is offended he can take care of himself. If Mohammad is offended why should he care? He's in paradise and those who offend him will be taken care of by allah in the end. So basically the films protesters are defending nobody and are looking for an excuse to act like animals.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

The film protesters killed innocent people who did nothing to defame Islam,THAT is a heinous act and the most grievous violation of human rights, more so than defaming religion. If Allah is offended he can take care of himself. If Mohammad is offended why should he care? He's in paradise and those who offend him will be taken care of by allah in the end. So basically the films protesters are defending nobody and are looking for an excuse to act like animals.

ppsstt.... its also against islam. Diplomatists are invited..... guests. They got rules about that shit.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

The film protesters killed innocent people who did nothing to defame Islam,THAT is a heinous act and the most grievous violation of human rights, more so than defaming religion. If Allah is offended he can take care of himself. If Mohammad is offended why should he care? He's in paradise and those who offend him will be taken care of by allah in the end. So basically the films protesters are defending nobody and are looking for an excuse to act like animals.

Film protesters did not kill innocent people. Militant extremists killed innocent people. And there are several Christians in places of power who believe it is God's will that America shit on every country we can get away with it. Don't act holier than thou, it's unbecoming.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

The film protesters killed innocent people who did nothing to defame Islam,THAT is a heinous act and the most grievous violation of human rights, more so than defaming religion. If Allah is offended he can take care of himself. If Mohammad is offended why should he care? He's in paradise and those who offend him will be taken care of by allah in the end. So basically the films protesters are defending nobody and are looking for an excuse to act like animals.

Film protesters did not kill innocent people. Militant extremists killed innocent people. And there are several Christians in places of power who believe it is God's will that America shit on every country we can get away with it. Don't act holier than thou, it's unbecoming.

Yeah I know it was "a small and savage group". OK so they weren't protesting the film, so why is the Libyan ambassador dead again? Why has there been rioting,why did I hear a cleric on TV say that if the USA doesn't ban the film there would be problems? Wow somebody's been drinking the liberal Kool aid.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

The film protesters killed innocent people who did nothing to defame Islam,THAT is a heinous act and the most grievous violation of human rights, more so than defaming religion. If Allah is offended he can take care of himself. If Mohammad is offended why should he care? He's in paradise and those who offend him will be taken care of by allah in the end. So basically the films protesters are defending nobody and are looking for an excuse to act like animals.

ppsstt.... its also against islam. Diplomatists are invited..... guests. They got rules about that shit.

So you're saying that the ambassador to Libya isn't dead? Because it's against Islam and they got rules about that shit? Your saying our embassy's haven't been getting attacked in multiple locations because it's against Islam and that got rules about that shit? Wow the MSM will do anything for ratings these days.:clap2::eusa_whistle:
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

No, it's not.

You don't have a basic human right to not have your prophet defamed.

You do have a right to worship as you please.

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