Muhammed is most popular boy’s name in Britain.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Muhammed is most popular boy’s name in Britain.
Muhammed is most popular boy’s name in Britain. | White GeNOcide Project
The name Muhammed and all it’s derivations, such as “Mohammed” or “Muhammad”, combined make it the most popular boy’s name in Britain.

The data used was from the 2013 census, and has just been released on the 15th of August by the Office of National Statistics.

If you look at the statistics released by ONS, the name is in the top 15 boy’s names, however if all the different ways the name is spelled is added up, it becomes the number #1 boy’s name for 2013.

“Muhammad” came 15th with 3,499 boy’s named that, “Mohammed” came 23rd with 2,887, and “Mohammad” came 57th with 1059 given the name.

When these names alone are combined, it means at least 7,445 boys born in 2013 had the name, making it the 2nd most popular name in Britain, and if you take in to account less popular spellings of the name, it places it at the top boy’s name of 2013.

But it’s not just the UK where we see this phenomenon; the name Muhammed and all it’s derivations is also the most popular boy’s name in Oslo, Norway, Norska Statistisk Sentralbyrå discovered back in January 2014.

The reason this is happening is because the ruling class in the UK, along with many other White countries, have targeted its White citizens for genocide.

This genocide is not done with bullets, or bombs, or mustard gas – it’s done with open borders, mass non-White immigration, and forced “diversity” for only White areas.

In fact, the UK’s labour government from the last decade readily admits it wanted mass immigration to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, and as a result, White Britons are now predicted to be a minority by 2066.

“Diversity” is nothing more than a codeword for White genocide.
The website is a racist site and you know it.

I feel like we are putting an undue pressure on Matthew to not become a racist. Let the boy be himself :)

I am just surprised that he is just finding out now that Mohammed is the most popular boy's name in Britain. This news has been around for a while now and I think it is a good news.

Islam is a religion of peace and love. Furthermore, it promotes a strong family value which is quite lacking in Britain at the moment. So all in all, if anything, UK needs more Muslims not less.
I feel like we are putting an undue pressure on Matthew to not become a racist. Let the boy be himself :)

I am just surprised that he is just finding out now that Mohammed is the most popular boy's name in Britain. This news has been around for a while now and I think it is a good news.

Islam is a religion of peace and love. Furthermore, it promotes a strong family value which is quite lacking in Britain at the moment. So all in all, if anything, UK needs more Muslims not less.

Rather have 1 rationalist than any 10 religious people. :)
Rather have 1 rationalist than any 10 religious people. :)

Islam teaches you strong work ethic. The conviction you derive from Islam gives you courage. Islam places Islamic values way above material wealth. The end result is 1 Muslim = 10 Non-Muslims.
Well, Muhammed (Peanut Butter and Jelly Be Upon Him) did say: 'Goest thou and breed like rabbits so that thou canst win the Genitalia Jihad'.

If true, then, serves the Brits right, for being so stupid as to let so many in, in the first place.

Well, Muhammed (Peanut Butter and Jelly Be Upon Him) did say: 'Goest thou and breed like rabbits so that thou canst win the Genitalia Jihad'.

If true, then, serves the Brits right, for being so stupid as to let so many in, in the first place.


The British Empire encompassed quite a few nations with Muslim populations. It seems only reasonable, especially without any reasons to oppose the decision, to allow the "Moderate Muslims" to settle in the home country of England if they'd served the Crown faithfully.

The Brits didn't really understand the threat of Islam so they allowed hundreds of thousands of them to emigrate to England without anyone giving much thought to how that might prompt a Jihadist overflow some day.


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