Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

So 30% is your threshold for all or none?
No. I vote with minority and disadvantaged, through middle blue collar third CT college educated union minded working class.

It is very simple. when you go with the political party that black Americans including all those in the black church go with you’ll get policies that benefit the middle class the most.
No. I vote with minority and disadvantaged, through middle blue collar third CT college educated union minded working class.

It is very simple. when you go with the political party that black Americans including all those in the black church go with you’ll get policies that benefit the middle class the most.
i don’t vote because of race religion or political party, I read their stand on issues like fiscal responsibility and Republicans and Democrats have proven they are not fiscally responsible. I vote my conscience not some silly who do others vote for stupidity, that is what got us in trouble in the first place, that is why we are now going to decide on two old, mentally incapacitated candidates that are an embarrassment to our great country, yet you imbeciles are happy deciding between dumb and dumber.
DEMS don’t tell me what to do. I recognize that the Republican party on a STRICTLY unconstitutional religious basis want the government to force full term gestation on all women and they have no legitimate public interest reason to do so.. Plus the fact that Donald Trump led a criminal enterprise to try and steal the 2020 election that he lost from Joe Biden. . No one should want that man near the White House ever again..
Gee, why don’t you go even further off subject. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
i don’t vote because of race religion or political party, I read their stand on issues like fiscal responsibility and Republicans and Democrats have proven they are not fiscally responsible. I vote my conscience not some silly who do others vote for stupidity, that is what got us in trouble in the first place, that is why we are now going to decide on two old, mentally incapacitated candidates that are an embarrassment to our great country, yet you imbeciles are happy deciding between dumb and dumber.
You are talking to a cuckold male and a cultist democrat who fears my true progressive abortion proposal.
I don’t vote because of race religion or political party,
I don’t either.

I vote for one of the two political parties to benefit multicultural working class.

not a matter of race, religion, education, marital status, sexual preference.

It is a simple fact that non-whites happen to make up a large portion of the paycheck to paycheck laborer category of voters who consciously vote Democrat.

It is rational to sense the voters in the Democrat coalition are voting in their own self interest. I trust the worker party. I sure don’t trust the mono-culture that is sympathetic with a billionaire wannabe like Trump.

The Republican Party shows no remorse for the 20Jan6 attack on my National Coalition of Biden voters.
I don’t either.

I vote for one of the two political parties to benefit multicultural working class.

not a matter of race, religion, education, marital status, sexual preference.

It is a simple fact that non-whites happen to make up a large portion of the paycheck to paycheck laborer category of voters who consciously vote Democrat.

It is rational to sense the voters in the Democrat coalition are voting in their own self interest. I trust the worker party. I sure don’t trust the mono-culture that is sympathetic with a billionaire wannabe like Trump.

The Republican Party shows no remorse for the 20Jan6 attack on my National Coalition of Biden voters.
If you need to believe all that BS to have a great life more power to you. I disagree completely but you aren’t changing your opinion and I’m not changing mine. Thanks for the opinions.
I read their stand on issues like fiscal responsibility

However anybody stands on the fiscal responsibility issue will never be resolved in one four year term.

You need to pick between Republican and Democrats and choose the one that best represents the working class and still believes in Western liberal democracy.
However anybody stands on the fiscal responsibility issue will never be resolved in one four year term.

You need to pick between Republican and Democrats and choose the one that best represents the working class and still believes in Western liberal democracy.
Why do I need to choose only between Democrats or Republicans only, there are better parties that are not corrupt and work to benefit America better than the two parties that can come up with two terrible candidates. 325 million Americans and the best Democrats and Republicans can come up with is Biden and Trump and one will actually win, what an embarrassing moment in US history.
Because it is your opinion not based on any facts, I already stated this.
I stated a fact that Democrats represent a multiracial multicultural diverse working class population. The Republicans represent a white Christian wealthier class population. That is not an opinion it is a fact.
I stated a fact that Democrats represent a multiracial multicultural diverse working class population. The Republicans represent a white Christian wealthier class population. That is not an opinion it is a fact.
Actually the Democrats are now the party of the wealthy. So another fact you got wrong. lol! You are a hoot!

Actually the Democrats are now the party of the wealthy.

Joe says: “I don’t see red or blue states, I see the United States,” we need to be united in better addressing the real divide in this country: the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

Wealthy Americans who vote for Joe must be rejecting Reaganomics trickle down policies when they do.

Do you reject Reaganomics Saint Papageorgeo?

Trump tax policy is trickle down favorable to the wealthy - all wealthy including me because I am “wealthy enough” to leave my kids a 1000 times more wealth than I got got from the generation before me, but I do not vote for trickle down. Trickle down is the bane of the working class.

Will you take four minutes to read this Saint Papageorgeo?:

The wealthiest 10% of Americans own 84% of stocks. Nearly 100 of the Fortune 500 companies paid zero taxes in 2018. Whether it’s dressed up as Republican or Democrat, the increasing gap between rich and poor factors into virtually every political issue: perpetuating systemic racism, the rationale for health coverage, the basis of tax policy, the impetus for education reform, the list goes on and on.​

Trickle Down
political_economics Reaganomics wealth_gap

Let’s all remember al 2006, shall we? 240113 {post•360}. Papageorgio said: the rich, which is 99% of Congress is rich works for the rich, the power goes with the money. #360

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240126 {post•1]. wihosa said: Trump fancies himself a great leader and his cult followers agree, but where does he plan to lead them? They don't know...and neither does he. There is no GOP platform, they don't even have a couple planks! #1

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•90]. Papageorgio said: We haven’t had a leader in the WH for decades, Reagan and Kennedy were the last true leaders, not much else since. #90

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•901]. Dagosa said: Reagan spent his second term with dementia.#91

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•92]. Papageorgio said: And still a much better leader than anyone since then. #92

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•93]. Dagosa said: instituted trickle down. #93

Trump can't lead...He's a loser 240207 {post•94]. Papageorgio said: I’ll take him and Kennedy Over any of the last 5 presidents. #94

CNN — President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich to pay for their $3.5 trillion plan to expand the nation’s safety net, saying the wealthy should pay their fair share.​
The rich would be hit in a variety of ways under the proposal advanced by the House Ways & Means Committee.​
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