Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024. More than 300 million people in the US & Canada face the growing possibility!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011


Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024

Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amid soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles.
More than 300 million people in the US and Canada face the growing possibility of electricity shortages beginning as early as 2024 and continuing to 2028.

So what did our truly ignorant President say about guaranteeing that 61% of electricity generating plants will be eliminated!
" I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

This means that 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants will be "Rid of"!
Then this truly dumb Biden " Outlines Target of 50% Electric Vehicle Sales Share in 2030 to Unleash Full Economic Benefits of Build Back Better Agenda and Advance Smart Fuel Efficiency and Emission Standards
Specifically, the President will sign an Executive Order that sets an ambitious new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles.

This means the average number of cars sold per year is :Total 2022 full-year sales of 13,903,429 units so by 2030 that would be 48,662,001new cars each using 4,992 kWh or 242,923,144,588 kWh ADDED to the reduced due to dummy's guarantee to " rid the 3,400 fossil fuels electric power plants"
So 242,923,144,588 kWh will her ADDED to the reduced 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants that will be "Rid of" by Biden!
Hence.. this headline!

Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024​



Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024

Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amid soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles.
More than 300 million people in the US and Canada face the growing possibility of electricity shortages beginning as early as 2024 and continuing to 2028.

So what did our truly ignorant President say about guaranteeing that 61% of electricity generating plants will be eliminated!
" I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

This means that 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants will be "Rid of"!
Then this truly dumb Biden " Outlines Target of 50% Electric Vehicle Sales Share in 2030 to Unleash Full Economic Benefits of Build Back Better Agenda and Advance Smart Fuel Efficiency and Emission Standards
Specifically, the President will sign an Executive Order that sets an ambitious new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles.

This means the average number of cars sold per year is :Total 2022 full-year sales of 13,903,429 units so by 2030 that would be 48,662,001new cars each using 4,992 kWh or 242,923,144,588 kWh ADDED to the reduced due to dummy's guarantee to " rid the 3,400 fossil fuels electric power plants"
So 242,923,144,588 kWh will her ADDED to the reduced 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants that will be "Rid of" by Biden!
Hence.. this headline!

Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024​

The US is now California.

This is what happens under democrats.

Soon there will only be one party like there is in California.

Really, will we notice the difference with such a sucky party as the GOP?
All the fault of those evil EVs no doubt.
Wow... what a retort! You attribute "evil" to a innate object like an EV? Thanks for proving once again how
DUMBER Biden supporters are than Biden!
Not only do you attribute "evil" to innate objects, BUT you ignore the FACTS.
You obviously don't believe 3,400 fossil fuel electricity plants supply 61% or 2.5 trillion kWh per year.
Your leader wants to "rid fossil fuels" power plants.
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,


Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024

Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amid soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles.
More than 300 million people in the US and Canada face the growing possibility of electricity shortages beginning as early as 2024 and continuing to 2028.

So what did our truly ignorant President say about guaranteeing that 61% of electricity generating plants will be eliminated!
" I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

This means that 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants will be "Rid of"!
Then this truly dumb Biden " Outlines Target of 50% Electric Vehicle Sales Share in 2030 to Unleash Full Economic Benefits of Build Back Better Agenda and Advance Smart Fuel Efficiency and Emission Standards
Specifically, the President will sign an Executive Order that sets an ambitious new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles.

This means the average number of cars sold per year is :Total 2022 full-year sales of 13,903,429 units so by 2030 that would be 48,662,001new cars each using 4,992 kWh or 242,923,144,588 kWh ADDED to the reduced due to dummy's guarantee to " rid the 3,400 fossil fuels electric power plants"
So 242,923,144,588 kWh will her ADDED to the reduced 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants that will be "Rid of" by Biden!
Hence.. this headline!

Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024​

Just in case you were asleep the NE has had brownouts and blackouts since the 1960s
Wow... what a retort! You attribute "evil" to a innate object like an EV? Thanks for proving once again how
DUMBER Biden supporters are than Biden!
Not only do you attribute "evil" to innate objects, BUT you ignore the FACTS.
You obviously don't believe 3,400 fossil fuel electricity plants supply 61% or 2.5 trillion kWh per year.
Your leader wants to "rid fossil fuels" power plants.
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

Is that why gas fired electric plant construction has increased?
Wow... what a retort! You attribute "evil" to a innate object like an EV? Thanks for proving once again how
DUMBER Biden supporters are than Biden!
Not only do you attribute "evil" to innate objects, BUT you ignore the FACTS.
You obviously don't believe 3,400 fossil fuel electricity plants supply 61% or 2.5 trillion kWh per year.
Your leader wants to "rid fossil fuels" power plants.
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

And only Donald John Trump can save us from ruin. :)

That a better one? Cause it's pretty much the jist of your OP.
Is that why the US is an energy exporter?
Is that why the US is energy independent?
Because Biden destroyed US petroleum production?

Who is this fucking Polichick clone and why does this obvious sock redundantly reiterate lies about Biden and the petroleum industry and the electric grid?
Just in case you were asleep the NE has had brownouts and blackouts since the 1960s
My grandmother was on a subway, making her way home from work, during the NYC black out in the later 1970's. She was scared! Especially since she spoke no English, only Italian, at the time! Thank the good Lord the subway was filled with Italian Americans, so she could find out what was going on, as much as anyone knew....
Extremes weather conditions have always put stress on the grid.

After all we are more energy independent than we've been since the end of Eisenhower terms.

More good news thanks to President Biden.

"This is a big year for power plant construction generally. The U.S. is slated to build 55% more power capacity than it did in 2023; the Energy Information Administration says the 62.8 gigawatts expected to be added in 2024 will be the most built in a year since 2003.

But it’s poised to be a huge year for clean energy specifically."

The latest federal forecast for power plant additions shows solar sweeping with 58% of all new utility-scale generating capacity this year. In an upset, battery storage will provide the second-most new capacity, with 23%. Wind delivers a modest 13%, while the long-delayed final nuclear reactor at Vogtle in Georgia will add 2% of new capacity, assuming it does in fact arrive this year. That leaves fossil gas with just 4% of new power plant capacity, a decidedly meager showing for the fuel that still produces the most electricity annually.

The EIA’s numbers punctuate the stunning rise of renewables and batteries over the last decade. As mass manufacturing soared, costs fell precipitously, and developers gained hands-on experience in how to deliver these projects cost-effectively. Then, the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act created a host of tax incentives for companies to install clean energy over the coming decade.


Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024

Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amid soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles.
More than 300 million people in the US and Canada face the growing possibility of electricity shortages beginning as early as 2024 and continuing to 2028.

So what did our truly ignorant President say about guaranteeing that 61% of electricity generating plants will be eliminated!
" I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

This means that 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants will be "Rid of"!
Then this truly dumb Biden " Outlines Target of 50% Electric Vehicle Sales Share in 2030 to Unleash Full Economic Benefits of Build Back Better Agenda and Advance Smart Fuel Efficiency and Emission Standards
Specifically, the President will sign an Executive Order that sets an ambitious new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles.

This means the average number of cars sold per year is :Total 2022 full-year sales of 13,903,429 units so by 2030 that would be 48,662,001new cars each using 4,992 kWh or 242,923,144,588 kWh ADDED to the reduced due to dummy's guarantee to " rid the 3,400 fossil fuels electric power plants"
So 242,923,144,588 kWh will her ADDED to the reduced 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year, from 3,400 fossil fuel plants that will be "Rid of" by Biden!
Hence.. this headline!

Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024​

Democrats never think anything through.
Add solar electricity to your house, if you can!
How many homes?
As of 2024, the United States has witnessed a notable advancement in solar energy adoption within the residential sector, with 4.2 million single-family homes equipped with solar installations out of 84.69 million eligible homes.
how many kWh per year per home
If your home has six hours of sunlight daily, you can expect to generate approximately 546 to 874 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity annually.
How many kWh per year per EV
This translates to about 353.3 kWh per month and 4,310.65 kWh per year.

The average U.S. household consumes about 10,500 kilowatthours(kWh) of electricity per year.

One EV uses 4,310 kWh per year BUT
One solar panel home generates at most 874 kWh.

HMMM... A solar panel home owner will need nearly 5 times MORE kWh from solar panels.
How many homes?
As of 2024, the United States has witnessed a notable advancement in solar energy adoption within the residential sector, with 4.2 million single-family homes equipped with solar installations out of 84.69 million eligible homes.
how many kWh per year per home
If your home has six hours of sunlight daily, you can expect to generate approximately 546 to 874 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity annually.
How many kWh per year per EV
This translates to about 353.3 kWh per month and 4,310.65 kWh per year.

The average U.S. household consumes about 10,500 kilowatthours(kWh) of electricity per year.

One EV uses 4,310 kWh per year BUT
One solar panel home generates at most 874 kWh.

HMMM... A solar panel home owner will need nearly 5 times MORE kWh from solar panels.
When you increase renewable energy with say 10% capacity, then you essentially have given a 10% increase to the grid...even if only adding 3% or 5% it is still an increase nationally.

There isn't predictable snowfall any more that have good steady outcomes in hydroelectric power either....
Does Texas still depend on wind power?

I thought after those people froze to death who did rely on wind power, they would have learned something.
Another Hoax and lies on Faux Not News. They lie on purpose you know.......

This week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott appeared on local TV in Dallas and blamed the state's power crisis on the devastating storm that disrupted power generation and froze natural gas pipelines.

He didn't single out one power source to blame. Then he went on Fox News and gave a different story.

"Wind and solar got shut down," he said. "They were collectively more than 10% of our power grid, and that thrust Texas into a situation where it was lacking power on a statewide basis."

In fact, significantly more natural gas and coal went offline than renewables. But that doesn't suggest fossil fuels were uniquely to blame either — they were responsible for more production, so it's no surprise they were the source of more failures.

Grid operators say it simply doesn't make sense to pinpoint any one generation source for criticism.

"It was across the board," says Bill Magness, the president and CEO of ERCOT, or the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. "We saw coal plants, gas plants, wind, solar, just all sorts of our resources trip off and not be able to perform."

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