So you are a Army EV tank commander fighting in a foreign country, where do you get the electricity to charge the tank in the midst of a battle?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!
theres a place for small fast and quiet EVs in the military but to think tanks can be EVs is just stupid

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!
The military could issue a device similar to the hand cranked emergency radios that can also charge your smart phone. But to recharge an Abrams tank battery you would need a hand cranked radio that would only weigh 5730 pounds. You would only need 8 camels to carry the thing. C'mon man!!!
The military could issue a device similar to the hand cranked emergency radios that can also charge your smart phone. But to recharge an Abrams tank battery you would need a hand cranked radio that would only weigh 5730 pounds. You would only need 8 camels to carry the thing. C'mon man!!!
or they could just use one of the big ass generators they always have around,,

still going to take to long while under fire,,

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!
Tanks are targets now.
People here need to remember that "Facts" mean absolutely nothing to the lefty liberal Democrat nitwits that run our country.
Their make believe agenda is fueled by emotion and magical thinking. ... :cuckoo:
just dont let that blind you if they are right about something,,,

theres a lot of really good applications for EVs,, the left is just to stupid and thinks they can be a replacement,,

my guess is they know these flaws and are just so caught up in their master plan and use it to create divisions they can play off of,,

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!
Its simple man. From the 5K gallon diesel tank trailer they'are hauling to power the generator that will provide the electricity. You just have to think outside the box.
theres a lot of really good applications for EVs

Really? Not even cars have been proven yet a good choice. Just yesterday I watched a program on left-leaning PBS about EVs, and they had to admit they suck. A guy tried to drive several hundred miles from lower California up near SF and even in the most Super-EV-Friendly state of California, the guy had to make SEVEN stops, successfully filling up on electricity at five of the seven (the other two were a bomb), had to lay over for 1.5 hours at one place and go eat at a restaurant to kill time at one of them, just to finally get there.

It can only be worse anywhere else.
Its simple man. From the 5K gallon diesel tank trailer they'are hauling to power the generator that will provide the electricity. You just have to think outside the box.
The Abrams tank can be filled up with diesel from the fuel trailer in a matter of minutes.
While recharging the tank's battery with a generator could easily take an hour or two, maybe more.
Which would seem like an eternity in a combat zone.
Use your brain and think about it. .. :salute:

Worse, at a time of massive dept and historic military unpreparedness and shortages, this idiot wants the military to scrap virtually everything it has and spend a trillion dollars trying to reinvent it, test it then deal with the bugs and shortcomings with war looming in the east?

This bitch must be working for the Chinese.

How the hell do you fight a war in a war zone with military equipment that takes forever to recharge, has very limited operating time and NO FUCKING PLACE TO PLUG IN?

The woman should be fired just for the suggestion alone.
The maniacal push for EVs by our so-called leaders facilitates China's rise to the world number one superpower and us to be subservient to them. Everything about EVs favors China and hurts America. EVERYTHING. The technology and required infrastructure build-out is decades away from being practical for wide scale usage.
Worse, at a time of massive dept and historic military unpreparedness and shortages, this idiot wants the military to scrap virtually everything it has and spend a trillion dollars trying to reinvent it, test it then deal with the bugs and shortcomings with war looming in the east?

This bitch must be working for the Chinese.

How the hell do you fight a war in a war zone with military equipment that takes forever to recharge, has very limited operating time and NO FUCKING PLACE TO PLUG IN?

The woman should be fired just for the suggestion alone.

Leftist loonism
This is why women have no place in the military. Granholm should not be doing anything more than bringing coffee. Truly no one but someone who has thoroughly studied war should be making suggestions as to military anything.

An electric military makes as much sense as ghost shirts made to the Sioux.
Really? Not even cars have been proven yet a good choice. Just yesterday I watched a program on left-leaning PBS about EVs, and they had to admit they suck. A guy tried to drive several hundred miles from lower California up near SF and even in the most Super-EV-Friendly state of California, the guy had to make SEVEN stops, successfully filling up on electricity at five of the seven (the other two were a bomb), had to lay over for 1.5 hours at one place and go eat at a restaurant to kill time at one of them, just to finally get there.

It can only be worse anywhere else.
OMG!! you watched a program?? on PBS even,,

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