MSNBC: guest Mike Pence would put gay people in concentration camps if he became President

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..

I agree with not conflating homosexuality with minor stuff like being overweight; it's a far more nasty mental disorder and a public health menace and a menace to children. If you're supposedly a 'counseler' and an example of the mentality of those treating these people, then we know you're a major part of the problem yourselves and enablers. You should be barred from being around children yourselves.


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