Most dog owners are disrespectful!

Wyld Kard

Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2012
Planet Crazy
What happened to respect nowadays? It seems as if alot of dog owners really have no respect when it comes to another persons lawn. They think that it is perfectly fine if their dog craps anywhere, and just leaves the mess for someone else to deal with it.

Alot of dog owners want a dog, but don't want to deal with the crap in their own yard.

What happened to respect nowadays? It seems as if alot of dog owners really have no respect when it comes to another persons lawn. They think that it is perfectly fine if their dog craps anywhere, and just leaves the mess for someone else to deal with it.

Alot of dog owners want a dog, but don't want to deal with the crap in their own yard.


That is one thing that pisses me off too...and because I know what it's like for some strangers dog to take a dump in my yard, I don't allow my dog to shit in theirs.
It's common courtesy.
The worst thing is when you take your dog for a walk in the park - which is perfectly legal - and you have the poop bags with you, and someone allows their mutt to have a shit right in the middle of the path, and they don't bother picking it up.

Its rude and disrespectful.
What happened to respect nowadays? It seems as if alot of dog owners really have no respect when it comes to another persons lawn. They think that it is perfectly fine if their dog craps anywhere, and just leaves the mess for someone else to deal with it.

Alot of dog owners want a dog, but don't want to deal with the crap in their own yard.


Put up a camera. Find out who is responsible. Collect the poop in a five gallon bucket.

When you get a good bit, pour it on their front porch with a note "You left this at my house, I am cordially returning need to thank me."
I am glad that for once we are blaming the owner and not the poor pet! :)
We always curb the mutt, and clean up after it.

I once forgot to pack a poo bag, so when we got home I hopped in the car and drove to the scene of the crime to retrieve evidence.
I lived in a condo some years back and had a Chihuahua. Someone alleged that I had let my little doggie poop on the curbside and did not clean it up. I was levied a fine, so I asked for a "trial" which was within the condo guidelines.

Come trial time I asked for evidence which that would prove that I allowed this to happen, photos etc. None was offered. It was my turn to convince the condo association I did not do it. I produced a bag of crap and placed on the table for all to see.

My little girl was acquitted of all charges, but the damage was done, she had emotional scars which never healed from the false arrest, booking and mug shot.


(not actual mugshot)
big deal

some dog poop.

I always pick it up even at the dog park.

I pick up others dog poop at the dog park all the time.

Be the person you seek to make of others.

lead by example and stop wallowing in hate
When I was a kid our neighbor used to throw his dog's sh*t over the fence and into our yard. My Dad saw him do it so from then on he just threw it back.

What's he gonna' say? Nuthin'.
I would have asked him to stop.

I would not have thrown it back over.

The dog deserves a clean yard
o man o man....i have 10 acres....i have a 100 lb doberman....for some reason decided he would just go over to my neighbors manicured lawn...and leave him horse size presents...i, being a smart ass....ask him if he had had the shit dna tested...(dont do that...seems the person with the shitty lawn is not amused) he flew mad....but said he would not harm my dog but wanted this to stop...period....took a few days but got thor to say on this side of the fence...i was glad we could work it out....and no harm was done to lawn or dog....but this whole poop bag issue is why i avoid taking my dogs to dog parks etc...

it is nasty to let your dog relieve itself and not pick it i keep my nasty mutts at home

and i would let my dobie bite the op lol
Some HOAs do require DNA testing of all dogs to be on file so the offending dog can be identified.

Dogs don't bother me. What makes me mad is when I pick up after my dog, and some homeless bum dumps in the park or alley and doesn't have to pick it up. There's a law saying I have to pick up after my dog, the bums have rights so they don't have to pick up theirs.
Some HOAs do require DNA testing of all dogs to be on file so the offending dog can be identified.

Dogs don't bother me. What makes me mad is when I pick up after my dog, and some homeless bum dumps in the park or alley and doesn't have to pick it up. There's a law saying I have to pick up after my dog, the bums have rights so they don't have to pick up theirs.

HOA's in my experience are a total nightmare, I have had to deal with many on a professional level and the micromanaging that goes on is unbelievable. I only had one experience and it was virtually painless except for the doggie doo episode and that was actually hilarious as I was friends or had business dealings with these folks and they knew me not to be a slob with my pooch. It was a matter of procedure and protocol in my situation. The true offending party was found out later, it was a woman who had a German Shepard and worked all day.
Not near as bad as the idiots who get a dog - tie it up in the backyard...and then only visit it once a day (if lucky) when they fed it...and pretty much ignore it after that.
I guess they look out their window every once in a while and enjoy seeing an animal being tortured.
They're not nearly as disrespectful as the human pigs who throw their empty McDonalds bags and beer cans and other assorted garbage out the window of their cars.

At least dog shit is gone after a few days.
I have zero tolerance for people who don't pick up after their dogs. None. I've have said something to several folks who have let their dog poop on my property and started walking away. If someone let their dog go and refused to pick it up and they still refused even after I said something? I'd bag it and put it on their driveway or front step with a note.

TM -- you're defending rude people?
I always carry baggies with me when I take the kids anywhere.

I would never leave dog poo on anyones lawn or in a public park or dog park.

Unfortunately there are plenty of assholes out there who will.
The worst thing is when you take your dog for a walk in the park - which is perfectly legal - and you have the poop bags with you, and someone allows their mutt to have a shit right in the middle of the path, and they don't bother picking it up.

Its rude and disrespectful.

dont forget disgusting!

What is worse is when they poo in the grass... and then your kid plays on top of it!

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